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Posts posted by desi2007

  1. hello kwik, wow, I am really sorry to read your words of such hurt but you know what? My daughter (23 yrs old) has done the same thing to me with hurtful words to me, that i was dead to her, etc, just last year, thinking what the heck, and I know she gets so unhappy at times and she lashes out at me and yes i know its the enemy trying to make that divide in families and satan sure can make a mess in the moment but it doesnt stay that way very long. I think sometimes our kids just don't know how to channel their hurt and us being moms we usually get the most pain from it. But stay strong, remember your son is still young, he still has alot of growing up to do. praying for you. blessings.




  2. And He spoke to me in a calm voice, and the birds soared, the wind blew and the trees clapped in praise of God's Holy Blessed name. You're here, theres nothing to fear. I am safe in your arms...God how deep is your love? He is so good to us.

    Love you in Christ, we are a family here at worthy.


  3. hello fire heart,


    Yes, I feel it is being selfish because God once us to influence others here on earth about Christ. God gives us opportunities even if we aren't looking for them. Just like the good Samaritan, he didn't have a do-list. Or things that inconvenience us, dead lines, etc.  Make your life count. hope this helps. blessings,



  4. I have found with my own life that God has revealed Himself to me in my darkest times. I was such a late bloomer in my younger years (teens-to my 30s). I just went along with people, was always trying to be there for people good or bad, I had convictions but nobody cared to hear them (for at least I thought) and even I found myself bored to hear my own convictions and in time I became lost and would cry out to God and when the pain hits it was overwhelming I discovered my true character, the real priorities of my life, When such pain and pressure I felt with life. I truly believe the intensity of the pain you need a belief system in God cause troubles will come and deeper they will be, because God will not allow us to rely on things in life that take us away from Him. I am happy where I am at now and still learning in Him every day, it has been a beautiful journey, and everything you Believe will get tested. Troubles will always come and I have God to get me through them.



  5. This person has alot of troubles in her life with being dishonest, stealing and not to mention the money is more important to her than the people around her. This is a tough one but it is also a test within yourself. You can see clearly this friend is in need of love. I guess I see it differently as in what makes this person do such things maybe an act of kindness can make her see the error of her ways. A friendship gives one confidence and encourages them to be better people. It has to start somewhere if not with your sister than it will be a huge wake up call in this friends life. praying.





  6. I think sometimes when people write songs, its an experience they might be going thru or at times a fantasy, so trying to understand the artist is not always an easy thing to do. People in general will take their own spin of a song and question it with others. Easier to be direct and tell us what your really trying to say here. :) Blessings,


  7. such nonsense and really angers me reading it...but at the same time I know God wants to give us creative ideas and solutions not just to fix problems but also to create things to move us forward and when we tap into that our faith opens to God, sometimes I find myself tapping alot but have to step back and get still, I truly struggle for such things like this to understand why people do things, and yet for every problem we face we need wisdom. Sometimes having burdens are a gift.

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