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Posts posted by alucreates

  1. hi and a warm welcome to you, friend:)

    i am glad that you shared what you did...it is something i completely agree on...yet it sometimes a bit of a challenge to stand up and say it...so thanks! hope you enjoy worthy, i know that i have grown much in my Love walk while being here. i wish you the same!

    in Christ...shalom

  2. hello new friend:)

    i believe we have lots to talk about sometime. i checked your profile and learned of your wiccan background. i have had similar experiences. so much to say, but for now.. the topic at hand.

    the gift of discernment is what you are looking for as far as a title goes, to aid in the good or bad department ( read 1 Cor 12). it is truly seeking the Holy Spirit to distinguish/discern these spirits. discernment is one of my spiritual gifts, so if you want more detail let me know. i have been in tune to the spiritual realm my entire life, so as i said much to say at a later time. it is this fact that the enemy twisted in my life at a young age to make the wicca faith so intriguining. thank God that He removed this lie from my life. it is all Jesus!!!!

    i have witnessed many excorisms and thigs of that nature as well as being an active member of spiritual warfare for as long as i can remember, even as a small child. at the times of these events, my animals always reacted. animals know more than we think. chances are that if your pets are not digging the spirit present it is not one of God. i do not reccomend communication with any spirit other than the Holy Spirit!!!! this is a major point to be followed. for even "Satan can disguise himsdelf as an angel of light" (2Cor 11:14). so be cautious, sister and ever careful. " for we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12). always go to God for your guidance on this, and pray for Him to bring fellow believers into your world that will share His truth with you.

    this is a delicate subject in the church, but even Paul was preaching about it in his ministry following Christ. so i believe it to be a major role for the body of Christ.

    your becoming more sensitive since you became a believer makes complete sense for a couple of reasons.

    1- the gift of discernment and the ability to encounter spirits is a gift from God. Satan can distort this in many ways, especially in the case of fear or making you believe that it is human power alone. this gift was given so that we may fight on God's side in the constant spiritual battle that has been active since the fall of man. it is God's power and ability that He shares with His children.

    2- based on the above statement, the spirits that were in your life before you accepted Christ do not want to leave so easily. they have had rein in your life for some time and want to stay. they do NOT have power over you anymore b/c YOU HAVE THE BLOOD OF JESUS COPVERING YOUR ENTIRE BEING!!!!! TAKE PEACE AND CONFIDENCE IN THIS FACT ALWAYS!! even when you may doubt, speak this aloud. no spirit can stand against this power: the power of the blood shed for you and me and everyone who exists.

    i hope this aids and encourages you in your wonderful journey:)

    i am definitey praying for you! wisdom and understanding...

    i can reccomend some resources for you and would love to chat if you are interested

    be well my sister and full of peace....

    I would love to chat sometime :emot-questioned: pm me and I will give you my contact info. What resources?

    i'm a little new to this site......what is pm?

  3. hello new friend:)

    i believe we have lots to talk about sometime. i checked your profile and learned of your wiccan background. i have had similar experiences. so much to say, but for now.. the topic at hand.

    the gift of discernment is what you are looking for as far as a title goes, to aid in the good or bad department ( read 1 Cor 12). it is truly seeking the Holy Spirit to distinguish/discern these spirits. discernment is one of my spiritual gifts, so if you want more detail let me know. i have been in tune to the spiritual realm my entire life, so as i said much to say at a later time. it is this fact that the enemy twisted in my life at a young age to make the wicca faith so intriguining. thank God that He removed this lie from my life. it is all Jesus!!!!

    i have witnessed many excorisms and thigs of that nature as well as being an active member of spiritual warfare for as long as i can remember, even as a small child. at the times of these events, my animals always reacted. animals know more than we think. chances are that if your pets are not digging the spirit present it is not one of God. i do not reccomend communication with any spirit other than the Holy Spirit!!!! this is a major point to be followed. for even "Satan can disguise himsdelf as an angel of light" (2Cor 11:14). so be cautious, sister and ever careful. " for we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms." (Ephesians 6:12). always go to God for your guidance on this, and pray for Him to bring fellow believers into your world that will share His truth with you.

    this is a delicate subject in the church, but even Paul was preaching about it in his ministry following Christ. so i believe it to be a major role for the body of Christ.

    your becoming more sensitive since you became a believer makes complete sense for a couple of reasons.

    1- the gift of discernment and the ability to encounter spirits is a gift from God. Satan can distort this in many ways, especially in the case of fear or making you believe that it is human power alone. this gift was given so that we may fight on God's side in the constant spiritual battle that has been active since the fall of man. it is God's power and ability that He shares with His children.

    2- based on the above statement, the spirits that were in your life before you accepted Christ do not want to leave so easily. they have had rein in your life for some time and want to stay. they do NOT have power over you anymore b/c YOU HAVE THE BLOOD OF JESUS COPVERING YOUR ENTIRE BEING!!!!! TAKE PEACE AND CONFIDENCE IN THIS FACT ALWAYS!! even when you may doubt, speak this aloud. no spirit can stand against this power: the power of the blood shed for you and me and everyone who exists.

    i hope this aids and encourages you in your wonderful journey:)

    i am definitey praying for you! wisdom and understanding...

    i can reccomend some resources for you and would love to chat if you are interested

    be well my sister and full of peace....

  4. just wanted to shout out on the cyber roof tops that God is so awesome and faithful!!!! grateful am i that He truly works for the good of those who love him!!!

    a couple of weeks or so ago i posted a prayer request concerning my marriage. my husband and i were facing the most difficult time to date, and i felt led to go on a Sabatical to search out God's guidance on the subject and many other things i have been struggling with and repressing for quite some time. there is nothing like silence before the Creator of all things... i have been changed, once again able to focus on the things that matter, and to rebuke the nonsensical lies of the enemy!! my husband took this time of distance for his own alone time with God. it amazes me, even though it shouldn't, that we were revealed the same truths. before we took this time we were so lost in disagreement that we could barelky see straight. now we are on the same page again, God's page. we both saw things we need to work on things we need to do. sacrifice and service were a major melody played over and over agin in our hearts. so many amazing things.....

    we are being tranformed by the renewing of our minds in this...

    i wanted to thank all of you beautiful souls that prayed for us... m & i could never express the power we felt, the awesome Holy Spirit moving through the heavenly realms on our behalf...

    from the depth of our souls...thank you!

    in Christ...


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