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  1. How can man respond if he is dead, evil and GOD hating? Unless of course GOD first initially works and quickens first his heart? Burn As stated, God gives a measure of faith to all. Read the Parable of the Talents. The Holy Spirit convicts all of their sins. At this point, the choice is theirs to make. Most people choose to bury the talent (ignoring the call), and thus won't come to Christ.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_points_o...ts_of_Calvinism
  3. Suzanne, I'm not certain what you are getting at. Could you explain further? Thanks
  4. 50% Calvinist 50% Arminian - Both positions have merit. Redemption depends first and foremost upon God's mercy, and secondly on man's response. I believe God gives a measure of faith to all people, enabling all to believe. See the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.
  5. I believe justification/redemption is irreversible. In the 'P' of T.U.L.I.P., ("Perseverance of the Saints") it states that if a believer turns away from the faith, sooner or later they will return; and if an apostate does not return, they were never redeemed to begin with. Generally, I agree with this point of view. There is some scriptural support: 1 John 2:19, & John 6:37-40 for instance. It is certainly possible to be a 'carnal Christian' -- redeemed, but living in unbelief. On their way to heaven? Yes. And yet, missing out on all that God has for them them here on earth. There's so much more to being saved than going to heaven.
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