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Everything posted by Merin

  1. I have come across some people that have claimed to be able to "go up into the third heaven" pretty much when ever they wanted too. The first heaven being the atmosphere...second being Space stars the planets... third being where God is.... People going to the third heaven is very biblical" or i guess kind of..depending on how you take it ..I guess...lol" John the apostle and others did it!!! Have any of you experienced this and/or have any input?
  2. I did not mean to say honkey or whatever I said.. I was trying to repeat what someone else said... Sorry
  3. sorry I just don't see it like that... Oh well... I will say that biblically the impartaion of the holy spirit comes all by him self but usally it was by the laying on of hands... I think
  4. It's just like a promotion that a store might put on where they give away items to draw people into the store where they will spend money. So just because he's doing something for free doesn't mean he's not in it for the money. I agree but I don't think it means he's in it for the money also
  5. ok I guess I'm not getting the same thing out of the quote you had#20
  6. orry I just don't get that from what he is saying!!! Maybe you can quote him more specifically? He is praying for every single person in Florida for the next 9 days for free!!! Why would he do that if its for the money? There will be more than 6,000 each night that's alot of free prayer!!!
  7. I agree with the whole selling you a gift thing just don't think that's what's going on.... Gift of teaching is imparted by the laying on of hands also right? By God through a person!
  8. A very big Amen. Merin: Did you say you are Word of Faith? My sister is as well. So do you believe then, that if you have enough faith you'll be healed? If you want that diamond necklace badly enough, God will give it to you? Again, provided you have enough 'faith'? Please tell me no. I AM NOT WORD of FAITH!!! Never said that!!!!
  9. If anyone tries to sell you a gift from God, save your money and time. God will give it to you for free, if He wants you to have that certain gift. If not, find out which one He is giving you. In Him, OneLight not sure why you say he is selling gifts?
  10. Isn't it the same as having a teacher conference? Nobody but God can make you a teacher... But you can learn from someone how to be a better teacher.
  11. on what grounds are you guys saying He is not legit?
  12. Depends on how you understand revival....i guess. If this is for reals the rivival...it is maturing into something that eventually you will like i assume...remember you got weak people representing God. I think they prophesy that soon most believers will be healing in the parks, streets, walmarts and targets!!! and it will get away from just one guy on a stage...but i dont know...lol
  13. He said he must be missing something, and so we were explaining to him what he was missing. and I thank you all!! I am learning so much...
  14. You are propally over analizing.... but maybe God is moving you to go somewhere else..lot's of cool christian schools of ministry out there...
  15. Do you know they got rid of young boys because they'd be competition for the older men? Yuck. How do you condone this? I never condoned any of it...
  16. Hi Merin, I am appauled at your shallow view in looking at 15 yr olds marrying a man perhaps her own father I'm sure unwillingly and then those young girls have to share that man which is forbidden as it is sexual immorality which is also forbidden. OC I never said anything about 15yr olds marring their fathers!!!!!!!! i never said anything about 15yr olds marring unwilllinglly!!!! Thank so much
  17. MIke i know some of the people from Korea and experienced supernatural healings! People reaching into peoples bellies and ripping cancer out and throwing it on stage....ya grosss but pretty powerfull!!!!
  18. I know he gets alot of visitors....so it's possible.. is he boasting or testifing?
  19. ya todd! i agree about real God stuff has alot of devil stuff trying to sneak in!!!
  20. Well i hope it is!!!!!!!!!!! but how do you judge something like this? i could if i knew somebody that went and came back healed!!! He calls genaral things out and people come and say they are healed of the same things.....
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