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Posts posted by Merin

  1. the bible is Gods greatest tool

    for us to become closer to Him.

    I do not belive the Bible is God. Unless you want to go to the point where everything is God... Since he spoke everything in existence. Then yes it is God.

  2. You have nothing to fear and they know it too. Actually they also know you already belong to Jesus (if not they wouldn't do anything to you) so they will do their best to hold you back. I'll be praying!

    that's actually not true people that are not Christians are tormented by demons more than Christians... If not that is a very disheartening thing to be telling her as I brlivw she is a new beliver right?

  3. I think baby Christians read the bible to much!!!! Should they not read it at all? Of course not!!!! I meant was the most important thing is to have a revelation of how wide, how deep and how great is His love for you!!!! As a spiritual person already you need to fight this battle in the spirit realm... You connected your self to evil spirits now do the same with the Holy Spirit!!!!! You need to fellowship with the Holy Spirit!!!

    Trust me you will have plenty of time to read the bible and then be able to get into arguments on this site with other people who read the bible way to much!!!! You think Jesus read the scrolls when he was a baby?

    Listen to me!!!!! There is no time to mess around with these spirits!!!! You may have salvation but they can do alot of harm too you if you are only getting puffed up by your biblical knowledge...

    Compare reading a spell book and an actual witch taking you by the hand and saying hey grab that rabbits foot and a lock of hair and watch me as I cast this spell... Whitch way would you prefer? The bible is great!!!! The Holy spirit is God though and He will unlock the scriptures by taking you by the hand and showing you... Just like the witch in my little analogy...

  4. hey listen to me!!!!!

    Dont go around invoking the name of Jesus.... They know you dont know how much of a little dog they are... You need to have a revelation of God's love. You need to get closer to God! All you got right now is salvation... You have a baby relationship with Jesus... He is a real man in heaven even now sitting at the right hand of God!!! You need to fellowship with the holy spirit... Stop reading your bible for a week and get to know the real person of Jesus!!!!!! You can read His book later... Go somewhere alone and sit there and talk to Him like a real person. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. Tell him you need to know that you are His and the devil and his demons will know that you have been with Him and they will stay away!!!! Look in the bible how demon filled people reacted to Jesus... That's how they be with you when you build a real relationship with Jesus the man. He is alive

  5. well we all know that doesnt happen...we go that way then we go this way....so God's perfect plan would have to change every time for us also....

    But what if that was Gods plan for you?

    Some of us need those side trips in order to grow.

    I know I did.

    nah never God's plan for us to sin....but he does use all things for the good

  6. How's this for soulmates:

    My father-in-law and I have the same first name and birthday (month/day, not year). My grandparents on my dad's side were born the same day as her grandfather's birthday, again not year, just month/day. A little more to add to it as of recent, our newborn twins were born the same date as my dad and share that day along with my grandparents anniversary. Kinda cool how it all worked out. No way we met by chance, it was planned before either of us were born.

    God does that all the time ...gives us little windows into the supernatural.... That's just God saying I'm here...

  7. yes but you wont marry them probally....

    How so???

    well in life you go down the road say...and Gods perfect plan there is say your soul mate... and if you do everything in aperfect manner you go straight towards them and you get married!!!!!!!! well we all know that doesnt happen...we go that way then we go this way....so God's perfect plan would have to change every time for us also.... so in one sence i say you never end up with them but in another by God's grace the one you do end up with becomes..." your soul mate by default"...lol

  8. i belive there is always a black and white....we as fallen humans just do not know it sometimes...that's were grace comes in...and times when we do know and we dont do the right thing anyways and tha's were forgivness and grace come in also...

  9. We are also to teach them "here a little and there a little".

    I think one of the worst things a parent can do is put a tv in a child's bedroom. I may be stepping on toes here, but their bedroom should be for sleeping and reading good reading material, like the Bible as number one.

    This is also one of the best arguments for sitting down as a family and talking at meals, and not fast food. I'm older, but I look back and consider myself one of the lucky ones. We never had a tv at all, let alone in my room. We ate home-cooked meals together at the table (we hadn't heard of fast food back then), and after supper, we all did dishes, then read, played games, talked, or did something else constructive. My mom sometimes played the piano and we'd sing. Or we'd play old time records on our old upright victrola. We'd play with real toys, like dolls, and such, not computer games.

    We didn't have a phone either.

    Back in those days, we might have been ironing clothes in the evening that we'd sprinkled earlier. I learned how to do all that pretty young.

    IMO, kids don't need every new fad that comes along to take up more time they could use for spiritual things. Satan will make sure they have no time For God. He will turn these things into gods.

    no iphones?

  10. And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the ass; and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you. 6 And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering, and laid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and a knife; and they went both of them together. 7 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? 8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.

    Gen 22:5-8 (KJV)

    Praise is like having the wood (material elements) and the fire (man's emotion, devotion, submission, and obedience), but to have worship, you need the lamb that God provides for the offering.

    interesting very interesting....

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