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Everything posted by Reformed-Cat

  1. Interesting. I will check that, the ESV underwent some revisions in '07 after receiving much feedback from the Oct. '01 release. I am not sure if this verse was affected in any way. Thank you for pointing out that verse. Grace and Peace.
  2. I have used the NASB for a while now, but the ESV is the Pew Bible in my Church, and the English is well done (although when I want to read a Translation for sheer elegance I read my KJV )anyway! I know I will in term of word for word fidelity make a small sacrifice moving to the ESV from the NASB, it is pretty small, say if you were comparing the NASB to the NIV. So, has anyone made this "jump"?
  3. This is well stated, Christianity, has a God who does not "tolerate" worship not directed towards Him, it is His "due", His Universe! Yet, all He does is tempered with wisdom, and love. Christ became incarnate for the salvation of the people of God. In the Holy Incarnation, we see how we are to "truly" live, as salt and light, and as the prior post states tolerant, understanding, and selfless in this world. In a sense Christianity is tolerant in that it is loving, however it is not loving to call things that are wrong right, the irony being this, dishonesty before God and man is unloving.
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