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Found 2 results

  1. By: Marshall Ramsey II HEBRON, Israel -- At the city of Hebron, in the western and southern sections of Tel Hebron near Tel Rumeida, remains of an Israelite settlement from the Second Temple period have been found and opened to visitors. The remains were found outside a Middle Bronze Age wall that had been previously found. An olive oil press, cisterns, a workshop with a furnace and ponds are among the artifacts found in an industrial area. Also found was a road that leads to the city square and center of the town, however that section hasn't been excavated yet. What is even more amazing than that is an overlooked article from the First Temple period around roughly 1,000 B.C. A stamp with the words "King of Hebron" on it in the agricultural area. The only Israelite king ever to reign from Hebron is David. David was the second king of Israel, after Saul the son of Kish. After David was chosen by God to be king, David had to flee from Saul. For a period of seven and 1/2 years, David reigned over Hebron (2 Sam. 2:1). What appears to have happened is that while David was at Hebron, he was visiting this olive press site and lost his stamp that he used to seal official documents. It appears to have remained buried for more than 3,000 years until its find in 2014. The doubters of David's existence have a truly mighty stone of stumbling to contend with. Source article: http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/new-discoveries-in-ancient-jewish-settlement-uncovered-in-hebron/2014/06/06/
  2. By: Marshall Ramsey II, Worthy News U.S. Correspondent ABYDOS, Egypt (WorthyNews)- An amazing discovery has been made that will cause controversy for many years to come. As you may have heard, the tomb of a previously unknown Egyptian pharaoh, Woseribre Senebkay, was found at South Abydos in Sohag province about 300 miles south of Cairo, Egypt. Woseribre (also spelled Waseribre) is believed to be a king of a forgotten Abydos dynasty that ruled from about 1650-1600 B.C. According to an article at www.discovery.com, the tomb was found by people from the University of Pennsylvania working with Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities. 'It rested in a four-chambered tomb amidst the fragmented debris of his coffin, funerary mask and canopic chest. Such chests were used to contain the organs of an individual.' The evidence offered that Waseribre Sebenkay is Judah, son of Israel, is in the name. A was in ancient Egypt is often called a scepter. In Genesis 49, when the patriarch Israel was giving blessings to his children, he said this concerning Judah: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." As is common among ancient cultures, vowels are not used when spelling. This can give a wide variety of spellings of the same name. In this case, Woseribre could be spelled Waseribre, Waseriber, Wasreibre, and others. Another feature of ancient cultures, including some modern ones in northern Africa, is to worship ones ancestors. Occasionally, these ancestors would be deified, perhaps being referred to by other names. In the case of Israel, he was called Kronos by the Greeks.(3) According to the Phoenician historian Sanchuniathon, Kronos (called Israel by them) had a special son named Zhe-ut. Zhe-ut is a variation of the Greek word Zeus, both of which are variations of the word Yehudah, or Judah. This establishes a link that sometimes real-life people take on mythological names, whether the name was taken by themselves or given them by later generations. Judah also came to be known by other names, including Djehuty and Thoth. The father of Thoth was Re/Ra, the Egyptian sun god. As Thoth is Judah, and Thoth is the son of Ra, this would make Re Israel. Take a look back at the name of the newly discovered pharaoh, Woseribre. Woser, or Wasre would be rendered, given the information above, scepter of Re. Judah, when receiving his father's blessing was associated with the scepter. The scepter was a staff that signaled that the bearer of the staff was the new head of the tribe. Judah, who is Thoth, and identified with the scepter, thus takes on the name Woser, or Wasre. The next part of Waseribre Senebkay's first name is ibre. Ib is likened to the Muslim word ibn, which means son. With Re having previously being identified as Israel, ibre is thus rendered "son of Israel." Combined with the first part Waser, Waseribre, is rendered "scepter of Israel, the son of Israel." This is a clear identification of Waseribre as Judah ben Israel. The word Senebkay also points to Judah. Judah is identified Genesis with a lion. Lions are known for power and strength. Seneb in Egyptian is rendered power/strength. This would give the interpretation of Wasreibre Senebkay as "scepter of Israel, the son of Israel, the lion." I am unsure as to what the suffix 'kay' means, however, it appears that it would not affect the meaning of the name Woseribre Senebkay, and its identification as Judah the son of Israel. www.discovery.com contributed to this report.
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