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  1. JESUS,ascended up in "Heaven"from the "Mount of Olives",which over looks the Eastern Gates to the west............................It is the " Mount of Olives" that Jesus will return,In the LAST DAYS, Eze,44:1-3)- Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward Sanctuary which looketh toward the east,and it ( was shut). Then said the Lord unto me,( This Gate Shall be Shut). It shall not be opened, no man shall enter in by it,Because the lord ,the God of Israel,hath entered in by it,therefore it shall be shut. It is for the prince ,The Prince.... (What is the Symbol ,of the Gate being shut?.....................Your thoughts! Scripture indicates,that Jesus passed through this gate many times while he was in Jerusalem. Jewish religious tradition teaches that the Coming of the " Messiah " will enter Jerusalem through ( This gate )..............Rev 21:25)-And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day,for there shall be no nite there.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,With my understanding,these scriptures tells me (This is the Location of the "New City of Jerusalem)............................... (Whats your thoughts? Zec 14:4)-And His feet shall stand in that day upon the " Mount of Olives",which is before Jerusalem on the east,and the "Mount of Olives" shal cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and towards the west,and there shall be a very great valley,and half of the mountain shall remove toward the North,and half toward the South. Acts 1:10-12)-And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up,behold,(2) men stood by them in white appearal. which also said,Ye men of galilee,why ye stand gazing up to heaven? THIS SAME JESUS ,which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven.Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the " Mount of Olives". The "Messiah" will come through the "Golden Gate" or (Gate of Mercy),and bring about the resurrection of the dead in the Cemetery,on the "Mount of Olives",its a Mountain side of stone. (Your thoughts?) Blessings,With Gods Grace, 7Dove77
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