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SNL Star Victoria Jackson, Blasts Blasphemous Obama Calendar......


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Speechless. Trying to communicate with these DNC street vendors in Charlotte, men who were selling an Obama calendar where the August photo is Obama’s fake birth certificate next to the Bible verse about God sending his only Son, John

as they try to defend abortion…I…just…. where do you start?

Check the Box here to “Speak Your Mind”, yea right, they don’t want me to Speak MY MIND. The conversation might get a little heated.

And these are the types of lost souls that are voting for Obama. I hope to God there are NOT more of them then us. We have them, the dead, the Illegals and all the other Frauds to overcome.

They Vote for him because he is Black. It makes no difference that he is an ANTI CHRIST. They will reap their reword shortly.

Free stuff, that’s what Obama voters want!

If you Believe what the Bible says, you will see the World Loves it’s own. On another note, any of you Believers that read the Bible, will see that Obama exceeds the Biblical requirements of an Anti-Christ not the Anti Christ.

I guess Obama is the Messiah of the Uneducated, Mindless Masses. Heathens all of those who follow Obama. I even know White people who think Obama is the Savior of this country, and yet they are Completely BLIND to all he is and has done to destroy this country. Follow me.

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