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It looks like we're heading to WAR!

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<p>Shalom everyone,</p>

<p>A few weeks ago, I informed our community that I believed we would be heading to war before September 4th-5th, which happens to be Rosh HaShannah, the Jewish New year.  The reasoning for it was if Israel was going to do anything, it would have to happen before Winter began.</p>

<p>With the feasts going into late September, and shortly thereafter the rainy season would commence, it would limit Israel's ability to launch long range air strikes against Iran.  However, recently an IDF commander suggested the strikes to severely damage Iranian nuclear capability would only take 48 hours.  Apparently, the Israelis have put together a comprehensive attack strategy of shock and awe that we've not comprehended.  Much like the Blitzkrieg attacks of Germany in WW2 were not understood until they took place.  Israel probably has put together a  military plan which is multifaceted using conventional missile strikes, submarine cruise missile strikes, along with its highly sophisticated air force using bunker bombs to decapitate Iran's nuclear program.</p>

<p>However, events unfolded last week which seems to indicate that an attack on Syria is imminent.  As the West accuses Syria of launching chemical weapons against its own citizens, it appears the West has all the "reasons" to go to war with Syria.  However, hampering politicians from acting is the abysmal polling — the latest Washington Post poll, only found 9% of U.S. citizens backing a strike on Syria and it appears they will not get UN Security Council backing a strike with Russia and China strongly condemning any action in Syria.</p>

<p>However, reports are suggesting that Saudi Arabia is working out a deal with the Russians as the Saudis want to see Assad removed from power.  If we see a sudden change in policy by the Russians over the next few days, then apparently they accepted the conditions that the Saudis have laid out.  If not, then the situation in Syria has international ramifications as Russia doesn't want to lose its only Mediterranean base located in Tartus, Syria.  This base is vital for Russian interests in the Mediterranean and they will not willingly lose their only foothold in the region.  As Obama is playing chess with a former head of the KGB in Vladimir Putin, he may be completely underestimating the value Russia places on Syria as an ally — perhaps not as much as Assad, but Tartus' geographical significance to Russian interests.  The Russians may be forced to increase their support of Assad in the region and thus drawing the world into a deeper conflict as this civil war in Syria continues.</p>

<p>Syria has threatened to attack Israel, if the West attacks.  I believe Israel is looking at the possibility of Lebanon, and Hamas broadening the war instead of facing only Syria.  As Hezbollah has been sending Assad troops to fight against Al-Qaida backed rebels in Syria as a proxy for Iran, they would see an attack on Syria as an attack on them.  Is Lebanon willing to launch thousands of rockets against Israel?  I believe they may especially if Iran supports the action.  This may be why Israel has strategically placed another Iron Dome unit in the middle of Israel.  Recently, Hamas was aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood was against Assad, which placed Hamas (Sunni) also against the Shi'ah factions of Iran and Hezbollah.  However, a few weeks ago, the Muslim brotherhood was taken out of power in Egypt which lead Hamas to run back to the Shi'ah factions to be found in the good graces of Iran.  Iran may give a 'test of loyalty' to Hamas and compel them to attack Israel if the West should attack Syria.</p>

<p>The situation may become exasperated in Egypt. if Hamas, Hezbolloah, and Syria attack Israel while the Egyptians sit on the sidelines.  The army in Egypt is delicately maintaining power, but be sure that the Muslim Brotherhood will try and capitalize on the events in the Middle East to regain power.  However, I believe the Egyptians will be so busy with their own internal problems, that they will not come against Israel as a country.  But al-Qaida operatives operating in the Negev Desert will probably launch attacks against Israel.  As a week or so ago, Eilat had shot down a missile launched against the city.  Roughly a month or so ago, Israel placed a Iron Dome battery in Eilat for this very contingency.</p>

<p>While the politicians in the States try and find political cover for a Syrian attack, if the region erupts into war, expect every aspect of life being affected.  Gas prices will soar, the markets will continue to slide, and the world may be seeing the beginning stages of WW3.  Will this happen?  Who knows — but as a believer in Yeshua (Jesus) I know that my future is secured in Him!  Is yours?</p>

<p>Your brother in the Lord with much agape love,</p>


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