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6 Dead and 45 Wounded in Jerusalem!

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6 Dead and 45 Wounded in Jerusalem!

At least 6 dead and over 45 wounded in another Jerusalem suicide bombing. Israelis doing their last minute shopping for the Sabbath, when a Palestinian brainwashed Islamic devil blew herself up near the entrance to the open market in Jerusalem. The Al Asqa claimed responsibility for the killings, a group directly under Arafat's controls.

It seems that every time America sends an envoy to us, many of us die in the streets of our cities. This time we are hearing from the Secretary of State Colin Powell, who says we must stop this war against the Islamic Terrorist, that we must show restraint, that we must accept Yasser Arafat as a peace partner. That we must give our land to these devils that have already declared that Israel must be destroyed.

Today Powell has been close to an attack that has blown Jewish body parts over a wide area, killing at least 6 and wounding and destroying many other lives. He knows they were mostly housewives shopping for the Jewish Sabbath. Yet he will still to negotiate with Yasser Arafat the worlds number one terrorist, and give him what he wants, so the United States can get along with the rest of the Arab World for the sake of the coalition. When these suicide bombers come to America (and they will) will the US give them what they want to stop the suicide bombing?

This coming from a man who has made the following statement in his autobiography: "Use all the force necessary and do not apologize for going in big if that's what it takes." Or in the Boston Gobe Jan. 19, 2001, Powell was quoted as saying; "Overwhelming U.S. force assures success at minimum risk to Americans in uniform." Powell was quoted in Time April 19, 2001 as saying; "The biggest s.o.b. on the block' rule. America should enter fights with every bit of force available or not at all." Another favorite quote from Powell from the Slate Magazine, March 27, 1999 was; "Go in full force from the beginning rather than escalate yourself into a quagmire. Or don't go in at all."

Why is it that this man has one set of rules for the United States and another for Israel? It is going to be interesting to hear what he has to say after talking to the terrorist Yasser Arafat tomorrow in Ramallah. But one thing is certain, this double standard is now very obvious to the whole world, or at least it should be.

Yasser Arafat has not only destroyed the lives of his own people and their economy, he has spread his poison throughout Europe where anti-Semitism is close to what it was before the Holocaust. Synagogues are being burned, and Jewish homes bombed and burned, Jews being beaten up on the streets.

In Jenin today it is now becoming obvious that the end game was not to win a battle on the ground, but rather to win the media war. Hundreds of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others affiliated with Arafat's Fatah Organization were in fact on a suicide mission just the same as the ones who strap bombs around them are. I have heard from IDF connections that Palestinian bodies are being hidden, and will be brought out and laid in the streets for the media when it is open to them.

So it may be good to talk a little about that battle in Jenin, Israel could have chose to do it like Colin Powell would have done it, and just bombed them flat in an hour or two. But to save civilians as much as possible we sent our troops in, and in so doing lost more in that battle than in any other since the Arafat's Intifata began. The missiles shot from our choppers were of the kind that does not cause large amount of collateral damage. It should also be remembered that hiding behind women and children and shooting at IDF soldiers was also part of the plan to win the Media war.

Arafat has studied History and knows that in all five of the wars that the Arab nations forced upon us, they lost each one of them. This time around they have been rattling their sabers and talking war, but so far have not been able to get up their nerve. In fact if the EU and USA would stop supporting Arafat and his Terrorist Organization with hundreds of millions yearly none of this would be happening today. Everyone knows that the Arab world promises him money, but seldom if ever deliver it. As for the UN well over 70% of all their resolutions are directed against Israel, leading one to think that the formation of the UN was solely to destroy Israel.

Arafat does not want peace, the word does not even fit into his thoughts, he is a man of war and the devil has sent him for that one purpose. He is directly responsible for the death of over 2000 lives in the past 18 months. He has purchased million dollar homes in Iraq and other places as his escape, he has bank accounts all over the world while his people are starving, and everyone knows all his close associates are as corrupted as he is. Jordan knows him and King Hussein killed over 10,000 Palestinians in 1970 in what is called Black September. Lebanon has also expelled him from their land. So the question is, why does the United States and the EU keep trying to force this Jew hater and killer on us?

The Media always paints a picture as the Palestinians as the victims, and I should tell you that I do feel sorry for those who are decent people who just want a life without terror and violence,. But they are no more victims than we Israelis. We are both the victims of the same devil and he has a name, Yasser Arafat. And the sooner the Palestinians wake up to it, or get the courage to say it, the better off the whole world will be.

I should also tell you that as one who feels a need to minister to those God has sent me to, it has slowed down travel and ministry as well. But we will not give the devil any victory nor will I stop for there is but one purpose for one who is called for His name sake. I should also mention that support has fallen off as well, possibly many think we cannot receive their support, but we can and the Post Office is still working.

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