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Baptism of/from the HOLY SPIRIT


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Guest stegokitty
I read a great book called the Cross and the Switchblade by David Wilkerson. In it he writes about how gang members prayed to receive the Baptism of/from the HOLY SPIRIT. And that they were writhing on the floor and it felt like a very pleasant electrical shock running through their systems when they received this baptism. I have been praying :( for this Baptism every day for about the last 2 months. And nothing has happened. Am I doing something wrong? Or what? Do I have to go to a Pentacostal Church for the laying on of hands? I am planning to go to a Pentacostal Sevice on Sunday with a friend.

Any guidance would be great. I know that being a Christian is more than a feeling. Ever since I got saved I have been praying for that FEELING. Whatever it may be. Just to know and remove all doubt. I do not doubt my salvation on an intelectual level. But I expected their to be, either at the moment of Salvation or Water Baptism, a feeling. A crying jag, fist pumping joy, or something like that. My Pastor's son asked me how I felt...wet! I felt wet. Nothing else. No special peace beyond understanding. Just wet. I know that this is a journey and a process. And we are not supposed to rely on feelings. But yeesh. For the most significant decision of ones life. An emotional reaction to confirm things would be nice. I got a ton of pain from the past that I have prayed for JEsus to remove. And it is still here. Albeit to a lesser extent.

Dear Mikado,

If you're willing to look at this issue objectively, then I suggest you read this:


Isn't the truth worth the time of investigation?

Also please note that Jesus never promised to remove your pain but to bring you through it. Your pain and that which will come upon you for faith in Christ, shall be used by God for your Sanctification. Suffering is probably the most useful tool which God uses to conform us into the image of Christ. There is a difference between Justification, our right standing before God, and Sanctification, our actual righteousness, both of which are wrought in us by God.

Justification is an ACT of God's free grace wherein he pardons all of our sins, and accepts us as righteous in his sight, only for the righteousness of Christ imputed (account to) us, and received by faith alone.

Sanctification is the WORK of God's free grace, wherein we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God, and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness.

Justification is a one time act of God, never to be repeated because it never NEEDS repeating.

Sanctification is the life-long process of holiness being worked into our lives because of our Justification.

These two are not the same, but are always found together. Everyone who is Justified is being Sanctified. Everyone who is being Sanctified have been Justified.

God causes all things (both good and bad) to work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

Please do read the article I posted above, and as well, feel free to read the many very helpful articles on that website. The help found there will keep you from falling into many false doctrines that creep their way into churches and take captive the souls of men.

God's blessing upon you and yours.


Edited by stegokitty
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