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Marital Union in Heaven, and in Creation, Part 2 The Origin of Marriage

Marital Union in Heaven, and in Creation, Part 2 The Origin of Marriage Marriage is the union of a male and a female. The primordial pattern of the male-female union did not begin with Adam and Eve, but rather with the Creator and His Creation. That pattern originated with a separation out of primordial, limitless Divinity of a limited part thereof; because absolutely nothing else than Divinity existed before that separation. Since that event, the Creator’s sole work has been to perfec


WilliamL in Theology

The Shekhinah and the Manchild

The Shekhinah is the feminine manifestation of Deity, the original and continuing “visible manifestation of the Divine Presence.” She is the aspect of Deity that voluntarily limits itself, thereby providing a place and means by which the holiness of the Infinite Light is able to become tangibly expressed. (Because Infinite Light cannot be perceived by finite beings; rather, only a limited part of its radiance.) In Hebraic thought, the feminine is the outward form and vessel, being the recep


WilliamL in Theology

Turning Evil into Good

Turning Evil into Good      Our pasts are our teachers and guides.      Now, even though we have done foolish and evil things in the past, if, because of them, we have learned not to do such things, then God has brought the good of wisdom out of our past foolishness and evil. Thus, good fruits in our lives can be harvested out of our past evils, even as good fruits of a garden may be derived from composted dung.      Two prime examples of this principle are seen in the lives of Pe


WilliamL in Theology

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