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Seeking Communion - August 10, 2019

Albert Finch


If you are willing He takes you to a place to reposition you – to open your mind and open your eyes and open your ears and open your understanding; to take you out of the land of snares, and traps. He fills the graves of broken dreams, broken promises, broken relationships -- those who have been violated in their mind, their bodies and their spirit; to where they have felt shame, humiliation; to where they have had the pain of others for their grave clothes.

He does not want His own wrapped in death. For He wants His own to be wrapped in His"Robes of Righteousness" that bore life and that come with life, that present life; that represent life. For He wants His own to become a people fully alive and equipped. For He wants His people to be strong in body, mind, will and determination.


But first, you must turn around and turn back with choices. You must turn around with your eyes and say, 'I cannot look there.' You must turn around and plug your ears and say, 'I will not be a part of that, for it will grieve the Spirit of God in me. But declare -- "I will become a planting of life with the very mouth that I will use to worship."
He is going to put the seed of hope into your heart. So hope will rise up and take root. And in that will become branches, and they will become other 'hope seeds' that will plant in the hearts of other people.


As the King of Hope He asks you to come forth as children to let the King of Glory – breathe hope into the hopeless.

He holds the keys to brokenness, to the ending of pain. He wants to place you in a position of a receiver of His life, for He is looking for a people who are weak and yet are pure in heart. For in your weakness lies His strength.

He wants to lie upon you His robes of righteousness -- His vision for your life, His relationship. He is pulling you out of places that would cause death. And He is pulling you inside of Himself where you will live and move and have your being. As you learn this, you will come to know you are His beloved – created and dwelling in the hand of a mighty God.

"Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up, O everlasting doors that the King of Glory may come in! who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, The Lord mighty in battle." - Psalm 24:7,8




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