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2. Global Pattern.

Marilyn C



After World War 2 the Allies (UK & USA) got together and formed various international groups and institutions that overlooked the world`s financial system. Previously countries looked after their own finances; however after the war most countries were in debt except the USA who came late into the war.

Thus the USA dollar became the reserve currency of the world. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank were established to lend to countries to rebuild their war damaged nations.

Much effort was put into rebuilding Europe and over time the European Union was established. Trade barriers were broken down with ease of flow of goods and services, then a monetary union, with a single currency, till finally the President of the European Union.  

This process of bringing many countries together to form a single Union of Free Trade, then became the pattern for bringing all the countries of the world together under a one World Government. There would be common policies on production regulation and movement of goods and services, and finally a common currency.

Europe, the pattern for the process to Global Government.




Thus over the years we can see this emerging with various barriers being broken down between countries, forming trade blocs. Eventually these will all merge together.

This philosophy of `free trade` has been sold to the world as the answer to the countries problems. However it is the large banks and the multinational corporations that are benefiting.


So who is bringing all this together?






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never really gave it that much thought regarding each country and how they were self sufficient. interesting that the UK blocked the single currency and now brexit...

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Hi mabel,

Yes, the UK will not come under the upcoming President of the EU. The UK is a separate Political Group. Economically they will make treaties in various ways, but not Politically.

Those behind the scenes, (Political leaders come & go) they have been working towards a Global Government for years. There are many institutions that have been training people with their philosophy for many years - Fabians, One Worlders, Rockafellas, Illuminate, etc etc.

So knowing this `pattern` we can see their agenda across the world and how far they have come. Look at all the barriers that have been broken down.

Yet there is a small space at the moment where - Boris, Trump & Scott Morrison, (Australia) are holding our some what. But in the next elections when more young people come of age to vote they will people go for the `change,` the `new,` the philosophy they have been brainwashed with, - for those leaders who want to `save the planet,` etc. We`ll be looking at that philosophy in topic 8 `Global Motivation.`

regards, Marilyn. 

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