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The End Times and the Exodus, Part 1



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The End Times and the Exodus, Part 1


During the era of the Exodus, there were four times and levels of Godʼs judgment. These four judgments were types of four comparable, but much more extensive, judgments to come in the End Times. Briefly, they are symbolized in order by

1) The 7 Spirits of Revelation 4 - 5. Rev. 4:5; 5:6 This time covers Godʼs Judgment of the elohim/gods/angelic Powers of heaven. It is best described in Psalm 82, Isaiah 24:21, Enoch 58, Hebrews 12:26, and Revelation 12:7ff.

2) The 7 Seals of Revelation 6 - 8:1. This is the time of the Judgment of the Church.

3) The 7 Trumpets of Revelation 8:2 - 11:19. This is the time of the Judgment of Israel.

4) The 7 Bowls of Revelation 15 - 16 and 19:11-21. This is the time of the Judgment of the nations. Each period has wider effects, but these are their four primary areas of focus.

This four-part series of articles describes each judgment in order.

The Beginning of the Judgments

Exodus: The Exodus era began with God revealing himself to Moses in fire on “the mountain of God.” Ex. 3 End Times: The End Times begin in Revelation 4 with the appearance of God in radiant splendor, sitting upon his heavenly mountain-throne. Cf. Dan. 7:9-10.

Exodus: In Exodus 12 - 13, the slaying of the first Passover lambs brought redemption by their blood for Godʼs people. Ex. 12:3f; 13:12-15 End Times: In Revelation 5, the slain Lamb appears, whose blood brings redemption for His people. Rev. 5:6-12; cf. Dan. 7:13-14

7 Spirits: The Judgment of the Elohim, and the Beginning of Tribulation

Exodus: Shortly after the first Passover sacrifice under Mosaic law was made, there [was] a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as was not like it before, nor shall be like it again.” Ex. 11:6; 12:29-30 At that time, “against all the elohim/gods of Egypt [the LORD] executed judgment”: he killed their firstborn, thus defiling their temples. 12:12, 29; Num. 33:4 For example, Pharaohʼs son and the Apis bull-calf were both Egyptian gods and firstborns: both were killed in their temple-houses. End Times: Shortly after “the abomination of desolation [of Jerusalemʼs] holy place,” there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world…nor ever shall be [again].” Matt. 24:15, 21 At  that time, “God…judges among the elohim/gods.” Ps. 82:1 “…in that day, the LORD will punish the host of the heights in the heights.” Is. 24:21; cf Rev. 12:7ff.

Note: The “holy place” of Matthew 24:15 is not a building: it is a sacred place. Daniel spoke of “your miqdash/sanctuary, which is desolate” (Dan. 9:17), indicating that the site remained sacred even though it was physically desolated: so it is today. “The abomination of desolation” speaks of the defilement of that siteʼs sacredness, due to an idolatrous image or act there.

2 Thessalonians 2:4ʼs naos/sanctuary (not heiros/temple)* may be a shrine of some kind. However, we cannot presume that a physical structure must be present, because the defiling of the sanctified site alone may be sufficient to fulfill Paulʼs prophecy.

* 2 Thes. 2:3 …the Son of Perdition 4 …[shall] sit as a god in the naos [sanctuary or holy place] of God…




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