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Steps to the Mark. Step 5. The Sustainable Goals.

Marilyn C


Step 5. The Sustainable Development Goals.


The Great Reset, the radical transformation of life on planet earth, will enslave all alive at the time. The World Economic Forum, which is launching the Great Reset, makes no effort to hide the communist agenda behind it. 


Paul Koenig, a geopolitical analyst, lecturer, and previous Senior economist with the World Health Organisation, constantly warns people of the threat posed by The Great Reset championed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and of the dangers posed by ID2020 (see step 7) and COVID-19 vaccines.


According to James Delingpole of Breirbart News, “COVID-19 has provided the perfect pretext” to usher in “a globablist takeover” of virtually every aspect of human life. “Put simply,” he continues, The Great Reset ” is the blueprint for a complete transformation of the world economy. There will be no money, no private property, and no democracy. Instead every key decision - what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you take a vacation - will be decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of `experts.` “


Q. So how will The Great Reset mobilize governments, business, public and private organisations and the general public?


A.    By implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, (SDG).





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i cant see how an economy can grow if everyone is on a universal wage for instance different types of cars that are currently purchased will no longer exist as a manufacturer, least in the way that it is now.

as everyone will only have VERY limited money so the diversity of the market place will no longer exist. a Sterile one will take its place everyone will have the exact same items is what i wonder ...and that is just one example spread that across the whole spectrum of what it means to have what we have now :ph34r:

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So true mabel. However we need to remember that there will still be the rich, the very rich who are the multinationals and those in the Globalists circle of power. 

Also the SDG, sustainable development goals are just to get the population herded into one corral, and when that is accomplished then they will be done away with. The SDG`s are the `religion` of the UN, (over all the other religions) and being accepted by the general population - `Save the Planet,` etc. Eventually that `religion` will be done away with by Islam, when they come to power in the middle of the trib. (Rev. 17: 16)


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yes but the leading market trends will be a thing of the past as it takes volume i imagine to create a market base. just hope the collective likes grey

i am reminded of the Borg in Star Trek, 'resistance is futile'

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Peer pressure and guilt are the driving force. `Don`t you want to save the ...whales, frogs, planet etc.`

Do like that quote. Just as well we are on another `space ship` so to speak, if you know what I mean. 

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