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Babylon. Babylon being Rebuilt.

Marilyn C


Babylon Being Rebuilt.


The great city of Babylon passed through many Empires – Persian, Greek, Roman and later the Muslims. However, it became insignificant as a city with much being in ruins. Looting and zealous excavation caused significant damage to the area, till finally the site became officially protected and excavated by the Kingdom of Iraq, (1921)


In 1978 the Iraq government under Saddam Hussein began the `Archaeological Restoration of Babylon Project, ` reconstructing features of the ancient atop its ruins. These features included the Southern Palace of Nebuchadnezzar, with 250 rooms, five courtyards, and a 30-meter entrance arch. The Project also reinforced the Processional Way, the Lion of Babylon, and an amphitheater.





Saddam Hussein installed a portrait of himself and Nebuchadnezzar at the entrance to the ruins and inscribed his name on many bricks in imitation of Nebuchadnezzar.





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Thanks mabel, interesting information in those links.

The picture above of the Ishtar gate is in Babylon and the one in Germany will stay there, I think as it is part of a display.

As to `Satan`s seat,` in Pergamos, that would be when the Priest and laity separation was made. That is not scriptural as people are not to `lord it over `others. And we can see a lot of that today. 

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i understood that Satan's seat was Babylon aka pagan roots and yes we both know of a religious movement that has a lot of pagan and ritual and tradition but Satan's seat  was not incorporated.

the priest and laity are very much thriving today is my take on main stream church,  however not the evangelical church.

i have probably misunderstood what you meant

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Yes, that`s true (pagan roots) and also Satan`s authority comes through man`s organizations that try and `lord it over,` others. Even religious organizations for they have their requirements, credentials as proof of `lordship over others.` Jesus never had that. (Matt. 20: 25 & 26,  1 Peter 5: 3)

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