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The Chariots of God for Israel.

Marilyn C



`The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels…` (Ps. 68: 17 KJ)


God has myriads of angels who are often described as riding in chariots. A chariot is pulled by horses which symbolically speak of power and speed.

The prophet Elijah was taken into heaven in a fiery chariot. The word `fiery` speaks of God`s glory. Elijah and Elisha were walking together when –

`suddenly a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.` (2 Kings 2: 11)



Chariots are also associated with warfare. When the Syrian army had surrounded the city of Dothan, Elisha`s servant was fearful, but Elisha asked the Lord to open his eyes, and there before them –

`the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.` (2 Kings 6: 17)


Then when Joshua was about to go into battle at Jericho, he saw a man with a drawn sword. Joshua wanted to know if he was for them or against them. The man said,

`No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord.` (Joshua 5: 14)





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Loving the pictures Maz as usual you find some really great ones! Some bible scholars say that Elijah’s trip in a chariot was a rapture..that being the case then i can only imagine that Elisha still had work to do for the LORD


Makes me think if we had the ‘spiritual eyes to see’ just what would we see! Especially in these days!!!

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Thanks mabel. Yes, those pics are great and so helpful to give a visual of what is happening. 

As to Elijah, he still had his body and God has a job for him as one of the two witness. 

Enoch is the type of those to go straight to God, for he was taken just before the judgment of the flood. And the Body of Christ will be taken just before the tribulation starts. 

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bit of trivia ok so 365 days is a full year calendar for the Gentiles. the Jewish Calendar is different i understand but have not taken the time to study this

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Yes, the solar is 365 & 1/4, thus we have a leap year with an extra day added. 

Israel has a lunar cycle for there crops and feasts. Since this is less than the solar they need to have a leap month every three years or so to approximately catch up to the solar cycle.

Then we have God`s measurements which are 360 days of 30 day months. This overcomes the different measurements of the other two. In any year you can just place God`s measurement and get a certain date. 

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