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February 15, 2024 - Exhortation

Albert Finch



The Lord is inviting you to a new level of intimacy with Him that changes you at the very center of your being. And it starts by surrendering to His love more than ever before

Bless Him and offer Him what He longs for most – your heart -- See His love flowing into your heart as you go throughout the day. Bask in It! Give His love back to Him and then receive more love from Him.  Do this all day long.  Now see it flow into the lives of others.

And as you turn all your attention to Him, untangled by the cares of life because you trust Him, love will captivate you, and nothing else will take His place in your life. . Psalm 119:37. - "Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way" (NKJV).

Examples of worthless things are mindless internet scrolling, binging on movies or television, etc. Today, in light of the Lord asking, "Do I captivate your heart as you have captivated Mine?" Anything you obsess over that isn't drawing you closer to Him is a worthless thing.

Staring at the stresses, cares, and concerns does not help you. You're not making anything better by looking at the problems. But when you look at Jesus, He will lead you with His eye. He will captivate your heart, and you will never see things the same way again.


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