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ISLAM RISING - The Line in the Sand.

Marilyn C



Over a period of centuries the Western area of the Roman Empire was overrun by various groups. The Eastern region, around the Middle East held power till the 15th century when the Turks took control. Their empire was called the Ottoman Empire after its founder.

It was not a World Ruler, but ruled over a large area of the Mediterranean. The Ottoman rulers claimed caliphate authority, meaning that they were an Islamic steward over territory under their leadership. They came to be viewed as the de facto leaders and representatives of the Islamic world.    

In World War 1 (1914 - 1918) the Turks joined with Germany and eventually were defeated. The empire was then broken up into parts by the Allies. The British and the French made a secret agreement with each other, prior to the end of the war, to divide up the Middle East. The Arabs who fought on their side were promised an Arab homeland.

 However, once the war was ended, Britain took the land at the beginning of the rivers - Euphrates and Tigris, while the French had the upper region. They in effect had `drawn a line in the sand` and took control of their different regions - Iraq and Syria.

This agreement is seen by many as the turning point in Western and Arab relationships. The borders that were created are often termed `artificial` borders in the Middle East without any regard to ethnic or sectarian characteristics which has resulted in endless conflict.   


Turkey became a republic and constitutionally abolished the institution of the caliphate, (Islamic rule).

The Kurds, were not given a homeland but were included in the territories of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.


Then over the years the different regions gained independence.

Iraq and Egypt - 1920`s.

Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Cyprus and Israel - 1940`s.

Kuwait - 1950`s.

Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates and Oman - 1970`s.










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hello Marilyn

wow no wonder this trouble has never gone awa. i did wonder about the otterman empire. feels like the jigsaw pieces are coming together. ah so  this is why the situation can never be resolved by man, as it will keep escalating the train has left the station and the brakes are truly long gone.

the name marco polo is ringing in my mind lol dunno the first thing about him lol but anyway ...

it seems to me that independence has triggered a seismic shift in all these countries

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Hi mabel,

Yes all the ducks are starting to line up, as one of your famous sayings. Like, about the train having left the station. It seems we scratch enough we uncover all the deep dark secrets. Anyway the `Line in the Sand` does help to explain a lot about the Arab feeling towards the West.

Tomorrow`s post will be a dousie! (spell?) Amazed even me. (lol)

Thanks for the thoughts, Marilyn.

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