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Everything posted by Snowdoove

  1. Greetings~ re: Iran Declares War on U.S. My answer to your question Catsmeow is the Oil Cartel a long with the Bush Family wanted more of the oil profits. As far as Iran being at war with the US, we'd best start sending messages to our Senators and Congressmen. In fact, send your email to the President. Remember this is an election year. Two more cents, Please don't forget that President Bush in my opinion is not a Born Again Christian. Like all politicans they like to say things we like to hear and not tell the Truth,(even with his hand on a Bible.) Snowdoove
  2. Suzanne~ Your topic has it the nail on it's head. Unforunately, this has been going on since the beginning of the Christian Church. Pastors and Priests :oww: have chosen to include their own personal views about YHVH'S Words. Maybe it will take the Born=Again Believers to reach out and show these people where they are wrong. With the JW's out there knocking on doors, The time has come to set the general population straight. Thank you for the information. Snowdoove :hug:
  3. WISDOM~ Thank you for your post. It shows exactly how and what many churches are today. What I would like to know is how does someone share with this type of church, that they are not complying to YHVH'S word? To have this information is great, yet the ACTION of it would be GREATER. Snowdoove
  4. What exactly is suposed to happen on Thursday, April 8th? Snowdoove
  5. For Your Information~ Other countries including Britian are conducting drills for Chemical Terror attacks. Has anyone wondered when the United States of America, will instruct the states, to direct their cities, to start up some kind of a drill. Or are we going to be the last to find out what to do besides, Pray! What is your take on this? :t: :t: :sweating: Snowdoove
  6. Greeting~ I went shopping this afternoon up in Big Rapids, MI. About a 30 min drive from my house. I go there because the food is cheaper. As the price of gas goes up. so will the price of food. The richer will stay rich and the poorer, will have to change how they eat and what they eat. While I was there I purchased Tim LaHaybe/Jerry Jenkins," Glorious Appearing." The list price for the book is $24.99 however Wallmart sells it for $14.46. I now have the whole series. Just have to find the time to read it now. I know many of you don't agree with the writings. However, I like the series and will use discernment where necessary. :suspect: Snowdoove
  7. George~ I would like you to give some consideration to putting a game thread on WB forums. The Fellowship thread is almost a game room by itself. My understand of a Fellowship room is where you go to wish someone a Happy Birthday, or introduce yourself, chat with someone or share Special Good News to someone or maybe ask for assistance as I did. Please think my request over seriously. Thank you! :t: Snowdoove
  8. shiloh357~ When I was in Israel in '92, our group went to a Matazh bakery. There are certain things that have to be done at certain Times. This bread isn't made in a modern bakery. Plus we only saw men making it. It is placed in an open door oven, off of a wood paddle. It can only bake for a certain time. If it is baked longer, it is destroyed. Well this is what I remember of it. Shalom! Patricia
  9. Greetings~ This afternoon, my neighbour the JW - Pam, came over and we chatted for over 4.5 hours. We talked about GOD and His Son Yeshua. She and the JW observe on a special day a Memorial of the Death of Yeshua. This year it is on April 4th, Palms Sunday for us. As you well know, JW don't believe in the Trinity. They can't fadem the idea that YHVH would send His Son to die for our sins. per what Pam told me. She believes that paradise will be on this world someday. I did tell her about the GOD'S Kingdom. Pam told me how she sees things thru Jehovah's Witness ways, and I told her how great Yeshua is and how He can bring joy to her life. As I said the conversation went on for 4.5 hours. I hope the seeds I planted, are in deep, and someday I might see a NEW Pam. Snowdoove :hug: :t: :hug:
  10. My next door neighbour is a JW. One day I asked her if she was going to see The Passion of The Christ. She told me know because JW's do not worship Jesus Christ. During the Christmas season, I made a light fixture spelling the name JESUS, in Christmas lights and placed it in my East window, infact it is still there. This display faces her home. She tried in the beginning to sway me to her religion. I told her then that I was on line with Yeshua and YHVH, and that is where I wanted to stay. She hugged and cried with me this afternoon when we knew for sure that our neighbour friend Donna had died. Snowdoove
  11. re: Loving your neighbour as you love yourself. I am going to give you an example ~ Your neighbour has a fire in their house. All their clothes are burned up. You want to help them. Yes, you can donate some of your clothes to them. However, you want them to have something knew. So off to the store you go. Here is the KEY. You always buy yourself more expensive clothing because they last longer. So you go to the more expensive store and purchase one thing, knowing the fire victum will have it for a long time. This is an example of Loving your neighbour as you love yourself self. Most people will donate something new that they won't buy for themselves yet feel it is good enough for a donation. I hope I made my example talk to your hearts. :hug: :hug: :hug: Snowdoove
  12. Snowdoove

    Works vs. Grace

    re: Replying to Works vs. Grace Have you ever thought why YHVH sent His Son, Yeshua. YHVH knew ahead of time that for people to get along with each other, they would need a strong message and messanger. Yeshua's Works are found in Matthew 5, 1-11, His Sermon on the Mount: Beatitudes. Along with, Love your neighbour as you love yourself! Yeshua's Grace is shown in Mark 16, 1-19. Yeshua was crucified for our sins and it is by Him and Thru Him that we have Salvation. For me I believe that it takes a combination of Yeshua's Works and His Grace, for me to continue my life. This is my opinlon and I will take up this matter with Him, when He calls me home. Snowdoove
  13. I think that everyone would be happier if they would wait till YHVH inspired two to become one. My daughter hasn't waited. She has had two husbands who were far from knowing the Lord. Infact, if everyone had a Christ like heart to begin with, YHVH would direct these children to cross each other path, we would have less divorces. Snowdoove
  14. For Your Information~ I wrote an email to the Stewarton Bible School in Scotland. In the email I wrote how I had shared with you the Sermon #507 - Elijah. I told them your feelings and thoughts and how you advised me to keep my eyes focused on Yeshua. To share the "Good News" of Jesus Christ, a not the message of Elijah. Dying to self and choosing to live with Christ in my heart, is the best example one can give. When and if, I hear back from them, I will pass the information on to you.. Peace of Christ, Snowdoove :hug: :hug: :hug:
  15. hazel~ I understand what you are saying. For me to keep my eyes on Yeshua. Be an example to others with a Christ like Heart. I agree with this 100%. I don't believe you have answered my question though. "Who will talk to the sinners living an open life of fornication, adultery and homosexuality?" The people I am speaking about are within the church body! Snowdoove
  16. hazel~ Welcome back! If we are to keep are eyes on Yeshua, then who will talk to the sinners who are openly living in adultery, fornication and homosexuality? Also who will talk to the False prophets, teachers and churches? Or will it be the annointed ones, like Dad Ernie speaks of? :x: Thank you for praying for me! :hug: Snowdoove
  17. Colossians 2 "16 Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-- 17 things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ. Just thought I would point that out first. As for those who are in sin and claim Christ Savior... Let James speak to them (a faith that yeilds no works, is dead) I suppose this is a start... let me know if you have questions about that. mcm42~ My question to you is - "Does this mean you condone adultery, fornication and not keeping the Sabbath, (which by the way is not Sunday.) The Jewish disciples kept the Sabbath which has always been on Saturday. A Catholic Bishop changed it to Sunday. My second question is - If know one speaks to the people who are committing these sins, how will they be saved? I am not judging these people however I don't condone what they are doing either. This can be a little confusing, however I hope you understand where I am coming from and where I am going. You refer to letting James speak to them. However, if they are leading an open life of sin, do you actually believe that they are reading their Bibles? Snowdoove
  18. Blessings! There are Christians today that openly lead a life of sin. The sin that I am talking about is adultery, fornication and not observing Sabbath days. These people can be found in every congregations. The Pastors and Priests seem to codone it, rather then saying anything to these people. Preaching and teaching doesn't seem to get the sinners attention. Do you think that a new church of courageous and faithful Christians will come together, to fight what seems to be a normal way of living into day's world? Snowdoove
  19. Greetings~ I forgot to add this: The author of this article is David B. Loughran. I just compiled it. In answer to the question at the end of the topic. I always wondered why Elijah was chosen to come back. Now after reading up on this subject I can surely understand why. Snowdoove
  20. Greetings~ re: A Last-Day Servant of YHVH Should be Like Elijah the Tishbite! The Bible contains stories of many of the greatest men and women the world has ever known. They do not fall into any one category: but come from every section of human society: kings, governors, scholars, scribes,builders,farmers,shephers,fishermen,publicans and tent-makers. What was the secret of their greatness? What common factor did these individuals possess that set them apart from ordinary mortals? How is it that thry accomplished so much to qualify for a mention in the greatest book of all time - The Bible. In short, what was it that made the Bible greats-great? Was it their intellect, their education, their wealth,possessions,appearance,social status or talent? Or was it a definable something that is freely available to all mankind? It is impossible to analyse the lives of several people, so I haven chosen must one man for close scrutiny - Elijah the Tishbite. Why choose Elijah? The answer is because Elijah is like a spiritual icon who calls to mind everthinga last-day servant of YHVH should be. Elijah never wrote a single book in the Bible yet his message is what the Scriptures are all about. The Elijah message concerns every soul on earth,especially believers living in the closing days of this age. The first quality noticed about Elijah is that he had courage. Courage to openly practice the truth at a time when most feared to do so: courage to stand up to the hundreds of false prophets of his day; courage to rebuke any angry monarch to his face. Elijah had that kind of courage. 2 Kings 1:15: And the angel of the Lord said to Elijah, Go down with him: Be not afraid of him. Elijah overcame his fear and courageously went to meet king Ahaziah, to deliver a message concerning the kings's sins and subsequent punishment -death! Yes, courageis a mandatory requirement for every servant of the Lord in these last days.Every prophet,priest and disciple must have courage, courage to face,overcome and rebuke sin which is becoming increasingly fashionable all over the word. Elijah possessed a good measure of faith in YHVH. For your information his name 'Elijah' means 'my YHVH is Yah' is the short form for Yahweh, the GOD of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob. The Elijah Message~ The Elijah message calls people to obey the commandments of Yahweh the Almighty GOD of Israel:particulary those coomandments which relate to sexual conduct and pagan festivals. * The Physcial Plane - Yahweh's commandments relating to adultery,fornication and homosexuality. * The Spiritual Plane - Yahweh's commandments relating to weekly and annual Sabbath days. King Ahab accused Elijah as being a trouble maker, Elijah answered him, 1Kings 18:18: And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and they father's house,in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the LORD, and thous has followed Baalism. Elijah spoke out against the worship of Baal and Ashtorth. The world is fast approching a state that existed in the days of Elijah. Sexual perversion is now the norm. Fornication,Adultery and Homosexuality are openly advocated by many priests and pastors. Sin has become fashionable! But don't be deluded: these sinsa are simply a sophisticated 20 century version of Baal and Ashtoreth worship. What is even more tragic is that the collaspe of sexual standards is reflected in the church's rejection of Yahweh's weekly and annual Sabbath days which are the divinely appointed memorials of the Creation. The keeping of Easter and Christmas are high level examples of Astaroth and Baal worship. To those who proclain the Elijah message do not fight human beings. Oh no! our enemy is not men, but error! Our battle is against sin, not people. Like Elijah we must speak out against sin. Now do you have an idea why Elijah is expected back to earth? Snowdoove
  21. Thank you for the quick reply Icpguy. I write letters to her. So I will include your Bible suggestion in a caring, gentle and loving way. Snow
  22. Greetings~ My mother is a worrier, 100%. Plus she gets scared real easy. She attends a Lutheran church. I have tryed to tell her not to worry about me however, I might as well be talking to the wall. I have shared with her, that YHVH states no man/woman should worry but to put their trust Him, yet it just doesn't seem to work. It will be two years this coming March 31st that my Dad passed into the arms of Yeshua. Since He died on Easter Sunday of 2000, my mother gets hit twice, with recalling his passing. She lives alone in a Senior Citizen Apartment complex, in Windsor Ontario, Canada. She will be 80 yrs old this October. From where I live it is a 3.5 hour drive. I am very concerned about this. What can I do? I pray for her. Yet she remains the same. Will she go to heaven? Snowdoove
  23. Greetings~ I just finished reading a book titled, "The Third Milllennium," by Paul Meier. It was in this novel that I learned about Tisha B'Av. Tisha B'Av means the ninth day of Av. The Fast of the Ninth of Av, is a day of mourning to commemorate the many tragedies of the Jewish people, many of which happended to fall on the 9th of Av. Most notably the destruction of both Temples by the Babylonians in 586 BCE and the seond by the Romans in 70 CE. Many other tragedies happened on this day for the Jewish people. Tisha B'Av is the culmination of a three week period of increasing mourning, beginning on the 17th of Tammuz, which commemorates the first breach in the wall of Jerusalem that were destroyed. During this time the Jewish folk maintain the traditional mourning practices. Will tragedies be bestowed on Israel this year? We will just have to wait and see. Tisha B'Av will occur on the followings days on our yearly calendars: July 27th, 2004 (Jewish Year 5764) and August 14, 2005 (Jewish Year 5765) Snowdoove
  24. Sometimes, it takes a special place and a special time to witness to folks. At least you are planting seeds, YHVH will water and cultivate them. It seems like you have done all you can do at this time. Let YHVH take His Turn with them. Snowdoove
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