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    Hell, apparently.

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  1. What are you talking about? Faithfulness is completely irrelevant; what is at issue is broken logic and inflammatory hyperbole.
  2. Really? How exactly is genetic mutation acted upon by natural selection comparable to a 5 year old tinkering with various mechanical devices? I'd really like to see such analogies justified. You will likely never draw blood from this proverbial stone, Itinerant Lurker.
  3. I only wanted to comment on the mathematics.
  4. Understanding is why we discuss things, but we don't necessarily have to agree.
  5. Is agreement the objective of discussion?
  6. Why not? Given sufficient time, material, and knowledge, building an SUV out of a motor scooter should be relatively simple, even if the end product no longer bears resemblance to the original structure. Simple? How well do you understand engines, chassis, etc.? Very well. Then please explain the simple progression from one to the other, OK? Creating false dilemmas won't progress this discussion. Given sufficient material and time, modification of a given array of simple machines is obviously possible. An exhaustive technical description of the process is not necessary to support the concept.
  7. Why not? Given sufficient time, material, and knowledge, building an SUV out of a motor scooter should be relatively simple, even if the end product no longer bears resemblance to the original structure. Simple? How well do you understand engines, chassis, etc.? Very well. Then please explain the simple progression from one to the other, OK? Creating false dilemmas won't progress this discussion. Given sufficient material and time, modification of a given array of simple machines is obviously possible. An exhaustive technical description of the process is not necessary to support the concept.
  8. Why not? Given sufficient time, material, and knowledge, building an SUV out of a motor scooter should be relatively simple, even if the end product no longer bears resemblance to the original structure. Simple? How well do you understand engines, chassis, etc.? Very well.
  9. Aren't those essentially the same thing?
  10. Why not? Given sufficient time, material, and knowledge, building an SUV out of a motor scooter should be relatively simple, even if the end product no longer bears resemblance to the original structure.
  11. And that means . . . what? ... Essentially, it means that if you make a lot of little changes over a long time, you'll end up with what would appear as a larger change.
  12. Imperceptibly small changes made over any sufficient length of time cumulatively result in macroscopically significant changes.
  13. I have no interest in the evolution debate, however I will point out that mathematics is merely an artifact of human consciousness; it has no bearing on whether or not something was intelligently designed. Any sufficiently large set will contain apparent patterns. An artifact of human consciousness? Mathematics? So it's some slapdash holdover from....uh, what? In order to be an artifact it would need to be left over from a previous state. Would that be the amoebas we supposedly evolved from? I'm sorry but any accident that repeats, forms closed areas of repeatability and reproduces itself is NO accident. Even the most cement headed among us should recognize that. I'm not certain you're familiar with the use of "artifact" within this context. ar
  14. I have no interest in the evolution debate, however I will point out that mathematics is merely an artifact of human consciousness; it has no bearing on whether or not something was intelligently designed. Any sufficiently large set will contain apparent patterns.
  15. The Reason For The Season Of Grace Is Jesus Christ And Him Crucified And Now Is The Time To Seriously Discuss His Truth No Games The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: John 3:35-36(a) For Time Is Running Out and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. John 3:36(b) So Are You Up To It Seriously? Love, Joe What leads you to believe that I am not a "serious" believer in Christ?
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