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Everything posted by wtahfarr4

  1. I can't wait to hear about you predicament when the Holy Spirit allows it!
  2. My great "evangelical" plan goes like this... I allow GOD to use me whenever he sees fit. I keep my eyes and ears and heart open everyday. When I know the FATHER is leading me toward someone, I allow them to bring up a situation where I gently speak of what I do or did. Then in my secret place, I pray for them. I've noticed that usually gets better responses then what I used to do a "salesman" style of evangelism. Because I've found that people are not responsive unless our FATHER is drawing them. If they aren't being "drawn" I pray that YAHWEH (GOD) will draw them...
  3. Shilou- Be assured you are right where GOD wants you and YES he knows that you WILL give him your all. Because I am sure you know the alternative. (YOU controlling YOUR life). And if you don't already know, I'm sure he will show you that WE'RE not very good at running OUR own lives. I had to do this the past couple of years. I am basically my FATHER'S servant. ALL that I have are his. YES I was afraid to give some things to him. The HARDEST one was my husband and that took the longest. I LITERALLY felt like my HEART WAS BEING RIPPED OUT. you SEE.... GOD wants ALL of us and it is absolutely necessary in this time because we have to be at a point where we have nothing to lose. If we're afraid to give up money or things to follow him, we could lose our reward or maybe even worship the beast!! But, there are always hills and valleys like you said. BUT, I know that YOU KNOW that there is NO OTHER WAY than to keep on keeping on serving our GOD. He is gracious, he is loving, he IS.... a very good book I just got done reading is the Fire of delayed answers by Bob Soger (sp?) I suggest you get it. YAHWEH (GOD) bless you and make his face shine upon you.
  4. Here's another one for ya... Abraham and Sarah disobeyed GOD by him having intercourse with Hagar and making Ishmael. However, GOD says he will bless him and make him a great nation. But... when GOD speaks of himself, he says I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob... he doesn't say.. Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob.. Also, why does he "mark" Cain?
  5. What a "coincidence" I happened to be reading and pondering this same thing last night. Maybe we should look even closer at this. Perhaps our FATHER is trying to tell us something?
  6. That's an excellent idea. The WORD is an instruction booklet on what to do and how to know our FATHER better. Those who call themselves a beleiver should desire to know the WORD.
  7. This is a touch subject, but YES I am feeling alot like Noah these days. I get lectured by many (yes even VERY close family members) who have said that I have "lost it" pretty much crazy... For my beleifs that we are in the end times, God's wrath coming upon the earth, etc.. Even fellow christians! I can only IMAGINE how Noah felt! There are other reasons, the Nephilim and the "aliens" (demons in disquise) I've read abduction books before I became a Christian and many say they have been "taken" and were exposed to sexual relations.. similiar to Noah's time..
  8. Angel H- The best advice I can give you is to always seek GOD's face.(turn toward light). Sometimes when hard troubles come our way, we want to turn our back away from him. (turn toward darkness) When actually, when our FATHER puts us through trials (tough times) is when he is stretching us to see just how much we will trust him to take care of us. Therefore, in the long run, our love for our FATHER grows as we trust and come to the knowledge when we trust in him, we can NEVER go wrong. Just don't give up. Keep praying (even if all you can do is cry or tell GOD your upset) Sometimes, I try to hide that I'm mad at GOD. Silly me.... he KNOWS!!...and Keep reading that word.
  9. I can't beleive noone mentioned.... "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner.....awesome book!! I also just read- "Heaven, Close encounters of the God King" by Jesse Duplantis I have a ton of books, I can't put a good one down. Some others I liked: Prisoners of Hope .. Dayna Curry and Heather mercer In Light of Eternity.... Randy Alcorn Prepare for War... Rebecca Brown MD (not for the faint at heart) also Pigs in the Parlor... franks and ida hammond Prosperity and the coming apocalypse.... Jim Bakker I love Joyce Meyer and the Left Behind series (I've read all) I love all worship music, Hillsons, Third Day, and other select songs by various artists... I can only imagine by Mercy Me is one.. I don't like the real heavy rock sounding stuff. Third Day is about the "strongest" I get. Their music can lead me into worship though....
  11. here here angels4u! Good show! I like that one! :thumb:
  12. Yes, we have authority over evil spirits. When they are trying to harm us. Not when we voluntarily open our homes up to them! This is the way I see it, I have thrown away many toys, many movies, many books that I later learned were the 'satan's toys".. I would much rather lose 100.00 (pluck out my eye) then get to heaven and THE FATHER ask me, was it worth 100.00 to sacrifice your children's souls?? The WORD says it is better to enter heaven without an eye or a hand, etc.. then with all our pieces, go to hell. YAHWEH BLESS YOU for your obedience to HIS WORD.. YAHSHUA is COMING SOON!
  13. Twelve Things Satanists Pray for Daily 1. That the Antichrist will come before the church is ready. 2. That ministries, leaders, and missionaries will fall. 3. That ministries & works of the Lord will be destroyed. 4. That Christians become complacent, want peace above all, seek churches that do not preach the full gospel & pastors who will seek peace at all costs. 5. That Christians stop fasting and praying. 6. That Gifts of the Spirit shall be ignored. 7. That families & marriages break up. 8. That pastors, ministers, & leaders of The Body fall into dispute and turn on each other. 9. No unity of pastors & churches within cities. 10. That pastors & leaders fall into illness & disability so they can no longer carry on. 11. That the next generation will be murdered and not come into their generational destiny. 12. That the church will not loose & equip people to come into their destiny. They are speaking divisiveness and false unity (interfaith movement). Seeking to destroy faith. YourGoingToHell.com
  14. If you are not familiar with evil spirits, let me explain something to you.. whenever you open a DOOR for the enemy (Harrry Potter-which is witchcraft, sorcery which is strictly forbidden by the BIBLE), either for you OR your children, the enemy has a right to go right on through it. (Evil will enter your children's minds, heart, spirit..)....These evil spirits can lie dormant for a time. The enemy will convince you that it is HARMLESS the enemy will tell you that it's great because your children are reading!!! Great their getting good grades, but you ARE SACRIFICING THEIR SOULS!!!!! I will never allow my children to read the Harry Potter books or see the movies. I will not be responsible for exposing my children to witchraft and possible demonic possession.. Anyone who reads this, you are warned!! So, laugh if you want, listen to the enemy's voice, and when you find your children are casting spells on you and their friends, and entertaining evil spirits, it may be difficult to find someone to 1st, beleive you and 2nd to help you..... I pray that you will choose to listen to THE HEAVENLY FATHER and his WORD, and keep yourself and your children away from WITCHRAFT and evil spirits...
  15. Was Yahweh Sleeping When Terrorists Attacked America? Were The Holy Angels On Vacation? Anointed Message From Rev. Sherrie Elijah I will prove to you that GOD YHWH and YAHSHUA were very busy at that time! So were all of Heaven and the hosts of angels! Satan and his demons were working overtime on that day also! It was demons that filled the minds and souls of the terrorists and those that made these plans for many years. Satan rejoiced as he saw his plan come together, but YAHWEH still did hundreds of thousands of miracles that day! Maybe millions! Please keep Nov. 11, 2001 in prayer and any number that adds to an 11, also the weekends, and Jewish Holy Feast days. Satan would like to attack us on these days. I am in deep prayer especially on these days. Again because of the prayers of the people who pray to YAHWEH in the name of YAHSHUA America was spared anymore acts of terrorism. Please keep praying for MERCY on America, as well as other nations that suffer terrorism! Especially Israel! Sudan, Indonesia, Africa, India, Iran, Iraq. Pray our Christian brothers and Sisters will be set free! Their only crime is doing what I am doing now, preaching the gospel of JESUS CHRIST our Yahshua, and trying to bring others to this saving knowledge. Pray that Americans will NOT be willing to give UP anymore of their freedoms, and neither will England, accept this ID card a forerunner of the MARK OF THE BEAST! In my sleep I awoke with this knowledge from YHWH, what is an ID card? It is a MARK setting you apart from others! Where is the information going? Into a computer in Belgium called the "BEAST" beware the forerunner of what is in the book of revelations called the MARK of the BEAST! Pray that all who call upon the name of YAHSHUA will not be here when this comes to pass! For there will be NO buying or selling without this mark! Tony Blair, is trying hard to get this in England, People speak up or forever hold your peace! If the truth be known GOD ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH PROTECTS HIS CHILDREN THOSE THAT CRY OUT IN HIS NAME, AND HIS SON YAHSHUA'S NAME! In ALL wars including Israel, Sudan, list is endless even in Kosovo, which is a war I will never forget as I sat sobbing watching the TV as we bombed mothers and children, but said it was accidental when they got in the way of our bombs. This was a war not of our making either, and so few of US understand why we got involved? Does not the bible say, "we reap what we sow?" How quickly American's forgot the KOSOVO war was against CHRISTIANS and we defended the MOSLEMS! The blood of the innocent cried out for revenge, and GOD did not forget, that is why this is written in RED for the blood that is spilled in all terrorists acts. America has done their share of bloodshed, but it just hasn't come back to our shores for many years. "In America your a Ninevah in my eyes" prophecy given to me, GOD says He did more miracles on Sept. 11 2001, than there were deaths and casualties! It just seldom made FOX news or CNN news! When you read below you will see HOW BUSY OUR FATHER GOD YHWH WHO WE SERVE WAS WORKING OVERTIME, ALONG WITH MYRAIDS OF ANGELS! HOW MUCH WORSE IT WOULD HAVE BEEN IF GOD YHWH WAS NOT ON THE JOB THAT DAY! GOD was PROTECTING HIS CHILDREN WHO CALLED OUT TO HIM IN THE NAME OF YAHSHUA! JESUS CHRIST! OUR FATHER'S EAR WAS INCLINED THAT DAY TO HEAR EVERY WHISPER OF PRAYER FOR HELP! YHWH was BUSY MAKING SURE THAT ALARM CLOCKS DID NOT GO OFF! Giving orders to his angels to make sure the alarm was shut off or silenced! To those that overslept that day! YHWH was BUSY MAKING SURE SOME PEOPLE DID NOT FEEL LIKE GOING TO WORK! YAHWEH made sure the angels held up traffic that day! YHWH made sure the traffic lights took longer! Transportation had to be delayed! YAHWEH, made sure that those who seldom prayed and once gave their lives to JESUS our YAHSHUA, felt the urge to pray, repent, or sent someone to witness to them the night before or that day! So GOD would be in their thoughts when this tragedy happened! THE ANGELS OF YHWH WERE WORKING OVERTIME THAT DAY, AS WE WHO INTERCEDED in Prayer, watching TV or listening to the radio, We prayed EVERY STEP OF THE WAY ON SEPT.11 AND AFTERWARDS TO UNBURY THE LIVING AND PRAYED FOR FURTHER PROTECTION AND STILL DO FOR AMERICA. EVERY WEEKEND, EVERY DAY, THIS SHOULD BE IN EVERYONES PRAYERS! WE weep and ask FORGIVNESS FOR AMERICA WHEN WE DID ACTS OF TERRORISM AGAINST OTHER NATIONS, FOR America also hurt innocent people with our Bombings. Innocent Blood of the unborn, as well as Unholiness we have tolerated and NOT protested against, we REPENT and stand in the gap for America. We sing GOD BLESS AMERICA! But how has AMERICA blessed GOD? DO WE HAVE A RIGHT to ask our CREATOR that we have KICKED OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS! TORN DOWN THE TEN COMMANDMENTS! And in America, how few think KEEPING THE TEN COMMANDMENTS or even ATTEMPTING to keep the Ten Commandments is even important! Yet at a time of crisis America, called for MERCY and yet when GODS name is Damned on the TELEVISION and MOVIES, or by others, HOW FEW will even PROTEST! When alternative lifestyles are promoted as being the way of life, how few even speak out and stand on the HOLY WORD OF GOD which is the Bible! NO! America lets the minority of the people, speak up like the Majority! The pulpits of the churches don't want to offend the congregations! Kick out the apostles and prophets in the churches who are used by YAHWEH to speak forth the Messages from Heaven! I know how few churches have asked me to come and SPEAK FORTH WHAT YAHWEH wants the Churches to hear! Even the Messianic Jewish Temples, discard me and I was told recently NOT allowed to join in Yom Kippur services! For I am a woman spiritual leader, and also name the sacred name of GOD! These Elders will pay a price for this act of unlove for they were TESTED by YAHWEH and failed that test. One day they will remember and weep for the words they have said. One day every Pastor will answer to YAHWEH for rejecting Apostles such as myself who is sent to be a blessing to their churches speaking forth the TRUTH from Heaven! WOE be unto these pastors, who make their buildings larger, who have large incomes, and yet don't even give the people fresh Manna from Heaven! FORGIVE US DADDY GOD YHWH IN YAHSHUA'S NAME, HAVE MERCY ON AMERICA! KEEP WARS AWAY FROM AMERICA. GIVE OUR PRESIDENT BUSH, AND HIS CABINET THE GODLY WISDOM IN THE BIBLE TO KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW THIS WAR HAS COME TO OUR LAND, AND HOW TO AVOID WAR AND BE A NATION THAT REMAINS FREE AND AT PEACE! AT THE SAME TIME NOT GIVING UP OUR FREEDOM, INVASION OF THE LITTLE PRIVACY AMERICANS NOW ENJOYS! THIS WAS NOT AMERICANS THAT DID THIS ACT OF TERRORISM, SO WHY SHOULD AMERICANS BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS? Our President has read the Bible twice he says, then he of all people should NOT want the American People to give up their freedoms with ID CARDS, which is a further invasion of privacy! What the DNA cards contain is no one's buisness! These ID cards will include what religion you are? What is your blood DNA? It asks for your fingerprints! Since you and I are NOT criminals, most of US have never had a parking ticket, why would the innocent be treated like a threat of being a terrorist? People you better speak up! Or forever you will be forced to hold your peace! Don't expect your pastor to do this, for most have been bought and sold with that tax-exempt status, like a common whore! You must pray this ID CARD does NOT come to America! The POLLS are not asking the Christians what we want! The Polls are LYING! Every church should be in prayer about this, and beseeching the President NOT to do this! Beseeching the leaders around the world NOT to allow the ID cards! Need I remind you this is what HITLER did to the Jews!!! Please let us NOT repeat the lesson from that time! Or it will be done to the Born Again Holy Spirit filled Christians! Or anyone that does NOT worship the god that this world will decree is a ONE WORLD RELIGION and ONE WORLD god, of satan and mans own making! Read the book of Revelation and realize the ID card is the forerunner of the "Mark of the Beast", and NO ONE can buy or sell without it! Even Gasoline for your car, and you won't be able to escape on a plane. Please pray England will refuse this ID card! Tony Blair will NOT sell this idea to the people or other European countries. Freedom will be taken and NEVER returned it will set us up for the Anti Christ! Pray this ID card will NOT come to America! Pray we have time to live in freedom, and Peace, and this nation will stay protected with the hand of Father GOD YAHWEH! We will get back and call in one voice on the GOD of our Forefathers! In the name of YAHSHUA (Jesus) This nation wasn't set apart for ISALAM but for CHRISTIANITY! This nation was NOT set apart to worship Allah (moon god which the bible says plainly is satan!) but instead JEHOVAH our YAHWEH and JESUS our YAHSHUA and the HOLY SPIRIT! Let us get back and become ONE NATION UNDER THIS GOD! For there really is NO power in any other name but these! I am saying this with love in my heart for those that just don't know better. WAS GOD YAHWEH SLEEPING ON SEPT.11, 2001? Were all the angels on vacation on that day? You be the judge! Copy and send to others on your email lists. OUR FATHER GOD YAHWEH and YAHSHUA were working, protecting lives, saving souls, so everyone would know our GOD lives and rules and reigns! Mankind is given free choice, and on that day GOD YHWH gave men a free choice, to not listen to GODS warnings. In Heaven I am sure it was VERY busy that day! I for one sat there with tears in my eyes, interceding in prayers NON STOP! Weeping, and screaming out YAHSHUA spare your people! How many others did the same thing? Together we all cried out for MERCY! And MIRACLES in the name of YAHSHUA (Jesus). First of all, YHWH was trying to hinder, discourage anyone from taking the doomed airline flights! You should be praising GOD if your flight was delayed or cancelled because of this act of terrorism! The four flights together could have in excess of 1000 passengers! Only 266 were aboard that day! Praise Yahshua! Many more lives would have been killed and they live today to shout the praise, honor and Glory to know that they listened to that still small voice that said TAKE ANOTHER FLIGHT! I pray they are grateful for this second chance at life and use it for Yahshua's Glory to be a witness to others of the goodness of our Heavenly Father! For YHWH didn't do this, but he did lift his hedge of protection for less then a hour, to show Americans what it feels like in other countries like Israel that suffer this fear daily! And they don't have the pity on their nation as America does. Israel weeps and how few weep for her dead with her? Can you imagine the horror of living in nations where every day terrorism is a normal thing? Deaths are common, and tears never stop flowing! Please pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! And all of Israel! All nations where Terrorism and war is normal in the eyes of the children! Although we are being goaded by satan to declare war, PLEASE remember what we sow, we shall reap back! SPEAK UP and be counted declare we don't want WAR in America! Don't be so Puffed up with pride and declare we shall win, when was the last time America won a war? We just don't call them wars if we don't win! Stop waving the flag MORE than the Bible! YHWH made sure is HOLY SPIRIT the RUACH HAKODESH was on all 4 airlines giving fearful passengers the voices to stay calm. Remember the Peace that passes all understanding! Not one of the family members who were called by a their friends or family on the high-jacked planes, heard that the passengers were screaming in terror, and even facing death the doomed passengers spoke of their love for their families on the cell phones. On one of the doomed planes, YHWH was giving strength, boldness, courage, and a plan to passengers to overtake the hijackers! Despite the odds, they fought the terrorists! YHWH made sure that when the passengers raised up against the hijackers, they WON that battle though it meant the deaths of all! They are heroes and made their peace with GOD, I believe! I believe all chosen to defend that plane are in Heaven! The reason these hero's had this peace is because they made peace with YAHWEH and YAHSHUA (Jesus Christ). The bible says "Greater love hath no man then one that will lay down his life for another" This is what YAHSHUA our JESUS did for US and on that day this is what a handful of passengers did also on that day. They fought against the terrorists, or the death toll would have been so much higher! OUR GOD YHWH kept the plane where the hero's fought the terrorist, to crash NOT on a house! Or in a city, taking MORE lives, but instead in a wide-open space! WHAT A MIRACLE THAT WAS ALONE! Give PRAISE, HONOR and GLORY TO YAHWEH! For his HAND of mercy is extended not only today but in ALL these ways and MORE that we can't even know until we get to Heaven! YHWH was busy creating obstacles for multitudes of employees at the World Trade Center. After all only around 20,000 were at the towers when the first jet hit the towers. Since the towers can hold over 50,000 workers, this is a miracle in itself. How many of the people who were employed at the WTC told the news that they were late for work or they had traffic delays, praise the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YHWH for all the women that just had a bad hair day and took that extra time to groom herself! Or Praise YHWH for the extra time to say good bye to the wife or husband, one more kiss, or one more hug! That made them late! Praise GOD YHWH for the mother that just couldn't bare to leave her children or busy tending to them, or their sitter didn't show up, or got sick! PRAISE YHWH because people were hungry that day and stopped to eat breakfast! Or the cab was late, or bus, subway, train! The list goes on! How many were spared that day, simply because they were not there at that split second in history! YAHWEH had His angels hold up TWO -110 story buildings so that 2/3 of the workers could escape! What a miracle as we all sat and watched! GOD YHWH made sure that the top of the towers didn't topple. His hand held the towers up when the jets impacted full force into them! How many lived for that reason alone! I remember watching that cloud of asbestos and dust sweep like a tornado as the tower fell and I saw the ones that YAHWEH gave extra strength to run so fast it looked like a marathon! I wondered IF I could have escaped that day, for I don't run very well! Where was GOD YHWH and JESUS our YAHSHUA when all this was happening? Did you read about the other hero's in this tragedy? Did you see the strength, energy, commitment, love, the firemen, police, volunteers, gave to save people they didn't even know! Who do you think empowered them to keep digging! The priest that was giving the last rites, to a stranger dying, he gave his life to be able to comfort another human being! What better way for that priest to leave this earth, but praying! Surely the HOLY SPIRIT had him there to be a source of comfort for that dying person, that must be someone very special in the eyes of YAHWEH for GOD had a priest die for the sake of comforting that person as they left this world for Heaven! Even a dog, died trying to save lives! Policemen, Firemen! Again YHWH knows who was welcome home to Heaven on that day! It was a VERY busy day in Heaven, and Yes in hell also! Here is something so few think about that was given to me as a revelation. GOD YAHWEH made sure it was only 4 jets that day that was hijacked! For you see what if it had been every jet! Every nation! Don't you see this is what satan would have liked to do! Despite our pain and tears, we must Thank GOD YHWH he didn't allow this tragedy to become far worse! GOD YHWH kept the jet from hitting the White House, and harming our President, and Senators and Congressmen and women! The Jet killed many, but still it missed the heart of the Pentagon! We need to remember this and PRAISE YAHWEH and YAHSHUA for this America this could have been far worse! Please PRAY that this NEVER happen again! But PRAY also we will think twice before initiating WAR and using ALL our weapons of the military! We don't want to start something that satan finishes! For America must REPENT and not become a warmonger! WARN your SENATORS NOW while you still have a voice! Please don't leave it to others! Even Jay Secklow ACLJ is NOT acting in behalf of PEACE! And from what I read, is encouraging US losing our privacy, ID card, face scans, since when did this organization that was to protect the Christian rights, become part of the GOVERNMENT that was trying to take our CHRISTIAN RIGHTS AWAY! Even Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham, whom I expected to pray for wisdom that we would NOT retaliate in war against an invisible enemy, instead encouraged WAR and that we use ALL our military weapons! That includes Weapons like out of Star wars! And biological warfare! I thought to myself WHERE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT when they were speaking this atrocity! Do they NOT know the scriptures "BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS"? Now how did we repay OUR GOD YAHWEH for his MERCY that day? Our President held a prayer vigil. The first time I wept with JOY as the name of JESUS CHRIST was lifted up before the world unashamed our President Bush prayed and said the name! Even prayer was said in unison! This is what spared America, and GOD gave us MERCY! Then came the Day of Remembrance and Prayer, when we had the attention of ALL of Heaven and the world! Especially our Father GOD YAHWEH and SAVOUR YAHSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) What a SAD day that was! How many churches, pastors, protested for what happened in the White House that day? How many of our famous TV personalities that call themselves Evangelists PROTESTED and said REPENT! For we saw the "ONE WORLD RELIGION" take place before our eyes and all of Heaven! No longer was just the name of the GOD America was set apart to worship lifted up, the name of JEHOVAH YAHWEH, or JESUS CHRIST OUR YAHSHUA! NO I sat in horror and wept and prayed for mercy, for surely our President didn't know when he allowed the Moslem to go before the Jewish Rabbi! I wonder is this anyway to treat our Friends Israel? Why would we lift up the religion of ISALM before JUDISM, and why when this nation was set apart for CHRISTIANITY, did our CHRISTIAN Pastor who is the ONLY ONE that mentioned that JESUS CHRIST IS GOD go last on the agenda! The Jewish Rabbi definitely had the attention of YAHWEH and YHWH was NOT pleased at all to see this disrespect! I for one apologize to you Rabbi! Surely Heaven rejoiced at the precious Black Pastor, who I am sorry I don't know his name, but if anyone could please tell me how to get in touch with him, I have a prophetic word for this brave, anointed Man of GOD! He is the only one with the courage, and boldness to say there is but one GOD his name is JESUS CHRIST! I shouted with JOY! For this Black Pastor's Boldness! For when he said those words he said them under the anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT, and he knew that YHWH was NOT pleased, the HOLY SPIRIT grieving for NO ONE not even Billy Graham, nor his son Franklin Graham, warned the people all over the world as ALL were told to pray, to ALL the different religions! First the speakers were Catholic, Islam, Judaism, Christianity! We had Islam terrorists with a twisted idea of god who thought they would go to heaven by murdering and committing suicide! We all heard a ONE-WORLD PRAYER that said the name of JESUS CHRIST but also ended with praying in the name of father Mohammed! I cannot tell you how I wept that day, as a NEW babe in Christ President Bush, looked VERY uncomfortable in his chair, for he knew this was NOT right! I pitied him and prayed for him to speak up and mention the name of JESUS CHRIST when he spoke, and yet he just said the generic word GOD! I am sorry but if we worship a GOD then lets say the name of that GOD and remember what GOD it is that protects America and All his children who call upon the name of YAHWEH and JESUS CHRIST OUR YAHSHUA! The bible says if you confess YAHSHUA before men, he will confess you before the Father GOD YHWH and all the angels in Heaven, if you deny YAHSHUA before men he will deny you before the FATHER GOD YHWH and all the Holy angels in Heaven! If that happens then your soul is LOST to hell and the LAKE OF FIRE! President Bush, Please NEVER be ashamed to say the name that James Robinson prays with you and speaks! James Robinison says you want our Prayers, my prayer is President Bush, don't compromise for the sake of being a people pleaser! PLEASE JESUS CHRIST! What is the price of your soul? When JESUS (Yahshua) is on your side, the battle is NOT yours, but HIS! Stay out of Mosques, for the GOD you gave your heart to that hung on a cross for your sins, President Bush, is NOT welcome in a MOSQUE! His name is NOT Allah but JESUS CHRIST our YAHSHUA! Don't be ashamed to mention the name that our Forefathers like Lincoln, was not ashamed to speak. Lincoln was never seen without his bible! Remember Mr. President, the freedoms you force Americans to give up now, with that ID card, is only one way, is freedoms that will NEVER be given back to US again, you are setting us up for the book of revelations to come to pass quickly! Please Mr. President George W. Bush, don't do this! Don't be the President who brings in the antichrist! If you do this I was given a new word that awoke me in tears; the words are this ID card will be like the "SHEEP BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER". Remember well the lesson we learned from the Nazis! Please don't let it happen again! Americans want a leader that is GODLY in all ways and NOT one who just READS the Bible, BUT LIVES IT! Please lead this nation back to GOD YHWH and JESUS CHRIST (Yahshua), not to foreign gods! My young son listened to President Bush when he would quote scripture; he ran to get his bible excited to look up the scriptures! He said see Mom the President is a Christian! You led by example President Bush! But when you allowed the Islam religion to be also on the airwaves, and they spoke in the name of Allah, especially this day of Prayer, my son said Mom what is wrong with him, doesn't the President know there is NO other GOD but ONE and its not Allah? Doesn't the President know the Moslem should Not have been put before the JEWISH RABBI, and the CHRISTIAN should not have been put last? Would any other nation do this? Would they NOT put the GOD of their forefathers BEFORE any other foreign god? That is NO god at all! Where was FATHER GOD YAHWEH on Sept. 11 2001? I have told you only what we know, until Glory will we find out the rest. Who is this GOD that did all of this? I tell you this, it is NOT Mohammed, nor Allah, nor Buddha, nor satan! No witch's spell nor voodoo priest nor shaman nor Miss Cleo saved these souls this day! American's know the name of this GOD, although many don't call upon him except in the time of trouble, know the name as JEHOVAH, (YAHWEH) YAHSHUA (JESUS CHRIST) I know on that day our GOD did so many miracles that we cannot begin to name them all! The biggest miracle of all is one that is NOT mentioned on the news, and so few think about this miracle. Do you know what it is? YAHWEH had his angels open up the gates to Heaven on Sept. 11, 2001 and welcomed Multitudes of souls home to Heaven! Because of the miracle of what JESUS CHRIST our YAHSHUA did at CALVARY in Jerusalem! (Is it any wonder satan hates Israel! Look at where the saving blood of JESUS our YAHSHUA WAS SPILLED!) I will always love Israel, (Jerusalem) so should we all love Israel, and America must NEVER turn her back on Israel, for that is where 1 john 3:16 took place in Israel! When satanic nations attack Israel, they attack all who Love YAHSHUA AND YAHWEH! That is US! Don't you see the greatest miracle that day was the SALVATION of SOULS! Because those who had time to REPENT and PRAY and call upon the name of JESUS CHRIST OUR YAHSHUA! Some of their lives were spared to be a witness, but others went HOME to HEAVEN! Oh the angels of Heaven were busy on Sept. 11, 2001. Sad to say, NOT all cried out and REPENTED for not all KNEW, nor wanted to call out upon the ONLY name that could have saved their soul, or lives! Some cried out to Buddha, or Mohammed, or Allah, some I am sure were satanists and cried out to satan to save them! Some tried to work their spells and magic to no avail! Some as this tragedy hit CURSED GOD with vile language on their lips as their final words! Damning the ONLY GOD that could have saved their life and soul! How many died with four-letter curse words on their lips as hell came up and claimed their souls! Satan, came to leave his mark on all of this, we have posted the pictures that YAHWEH left for all to see. YAHWEH allowed that camera to take that picture of satan, so ALL would KNOW this was NOT GOD YHWH'S fault! YES he allowed this to happen, for YAHWEH HE is not a cruel GOD he wanted people to see what happens when he lifts his hedge of protection, like he did in the bible in the book of JOB! YAHWEH wanted to get America's attention as well as the worlds attention, All the eyes of the world are on America, we must REPENT of the pride of thinking we don't need a GOD anymore! Even the heathen nations serve a god, though it be a FALSE GOD! Again and again GOD YHWH has given me prophecies warning America to REPENT! And yet American's didn't think they needed GOD YAHWEH anymore! In less then an hour how many found out, YES WE DO NEED TO SERVE THE BIBLICAL GOD our FATHER OF ALL CREATION YAHWEH IS HIS NAME! YAHSHUA (JESUS) IS THE ONLY NAME THAT ONE CAN BE SAVED from THE TORMENTS OF hell! Sad to say on Sept. 11, 2001 more souls went to hell then to Heaven! People I plead with you, live each day as though it is your last on this earth! Keep prayed up, turn away from sin, and all that is UNHOLY, and always remember on that last day when you breathe your last breath, there will be no Pastor, nor prophet, apostle, evangelist, or believer in YAHSHUA, to speak for you! It will be a ONE on ONE with GOD YAHWEH who created you! YAHWEH will have the books opened, revealing every sin you ever commited! I praise YAHSHUA because of his blood that I accepted as remission for my sins, MY book of sins is EMPTY! How about yours? Do you want it to be empty and only RED covering the pages standing for the HOLY BLOOD SHED FOR US AT CALVARY? Email me if you don't know how to get saved, or if you want to return to JESUS our YAHSHUA! Remember All the people who died either went to Heaven or hell, The way they lived their lives, up to that moment, is the GOD they cried out too in the final moments. How many even had a chance to call out? Don't just assume you will have time at the last moment to make things right with JESUS our YAHSHUA! GOD YAHWEH punished even his own angels for rebellion against YAHWEH in Heaven! Threw them out on earth! And others were chained to the bottomless pit! Satan has reservations made for the LAKE OF FIRE and all the demons, and the souls in hell will be thrown in also. It will be like hell being a smaller building put into bigger building, but hell will join with the lake of fire, and all the souls in hell! The horror of that is more then I can comprehend, since I saw a vision of the first level of hell, and warn of it in a UGLY song, which holds no beauty, as a citizen in hell had appeared to me in a vision, and I heard the song being sung in hell right now! Please listen to it, and ask yourself if she is right, do I really want to end up a citizen in hell? YAHWEH cannot look on anything other then perfection! Since ALL HAVE SINNED AND FELL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF YAHWEH! NONE ARE PERFECT! EVEN EVIL THOUGHTS ARE SIN IN HIS EYES! THAT IS WHY WE MUST HAVE A SAVIOUR A MESSIAH! HIS NAME IS YAHSHUA! (JESUS CHRIST) HE WAS CRUCIFIED FOR OUR SINS! AND DIED IN OUR PLACES, AND AROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD, AND ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN, JUST LIKE WE WILL ONE DAY! When YAHWEH looks upon US who are washed in that HOLY BLOOD YAHSHUA shed for US at Calvary, he doesn't see a sinful human, instead he sees his SONS blood that covers US! Isn't this the GREATEST MIRACLE OF ALL ETERNITY? SALVATION! Please don't wait any longer, for in these times we live in we face biological warfare, as well as physical warfare, so many ways to die, but only ONE SAVIOUR! Do you know who to call upon on the day you want to be saved? If this were your last day on earth, where did you make your reservations? IF you think you will remember to call upon the name of YAHSHUA when you face death, there will be time, let me tell you this, IF YOUR NOT THINKING OF YAHSHUA (JESUS) everyday NOW then you won't be thinking of ALMIGHTY GOD Then! IF you don't think you
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