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About das_grosse_schwein

  • Birthday 07/07/1957

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  1. So, you're not a Christian? Hi Morning, I am not a Christian. I have attended church in the past but not so much anymore.
  2. Horizon wrote: David - we are glad you are here to discuss. Again, what is in the Bible has been there along. The Bible does not make the claim of being a science textbook
  3. But "it was in the Bible all along" wasn't it? Are you an anti-theist? Do you make the absurd claim that you *know* God does not exist? That is why I am here to discuss. I want to know whether it REALLY is in the Bible afterall. More to the point I want to see if the interpretation of the passages are correct. It just seems interesting though since Christians claim it was really in the Bible all along then why do Christians not know about it first until SCIENCE makes the great "discovery"? I even admit there are some of these quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures that seem right on. However just because I may be unable to have an answer for all of them doesn't mean there are NO answers for all of them. I am not educated in Science sufficiently well enough. No, I am not an atheist. I am a believer in intelligent design. I am more of a deist than an atheist. As far as Christianity is concerned I am more like a Skeptic. I like to watch TV shows about nature and although the shows always give evolution credit for the marvelous designs in creatures and nature I see only more evidence for an Intelligent Designer. I just cannot see how a blind, unemotional, mindless force can account for all the amazing designs in the world of animals. Regards, ---David
  4. It always amazes me why it took scientists so long to figure out what the bible had said all along! It always amazes me why it took Christians so long to figure out what the bible "had said" all along. It seems that whenever science makes a discovery that seems to "confirm" a passage in the Bible then and only then do Christians argue the Bible had taught that all along. Not a peep about it before the scientific discovery but once the discovery was made then the old refrain "it was in the Bible all along" becomes the song and dance of Biblical inerrantists worldwide.
  5. Hi Gareth, Thanks for the reply, Job 26:6-8 reads: Hell is naked before him, and destruction has no covering. He stretches out the north over the empty place, and HANGETH THE EARTH UPON NOTHING. He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. There is nothing in this verse that requires scientific knowledge. Anyone who could see could walk outside and see there were no cables or something else attaching the earth to the heavens. Many people who traveled to Egypt and Babylonia in ancient times would see no matter where they went there would always be no cables or anything else on which the earth was hanged. So it would not be unusual for an ancient person to conclude the earth hung upon nothing. Instead, in Job 9:6 we see Job refer to the earth's pillars (indicated elsewhere in the Hebrew Scriptures as well). I will deal with others but first I wanted to discuss this one with you before I proceed.
  6. Here is the text for the Jewish Bible. http://books.google.com/books?id=aDuy3p5Qv...;q=&f=false
  7. Sorry about all the deletions. When I first started, I needed to edit a post I had made. However, the edited copy was a second post. So I had two to delete instead of one. However, they duplicated and I had four posts with the word "delete" on them. I think I finally got it right. Thanks for your patience. Regards, ---David M
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