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  1. well i asked because i am not sure if i have it or not plus there seems to be two opinions here. i guess i would know if i had it since it seems to be an experience which stands out. memory
  2. whats the baptism in the holy spirit? is it our spirits are baptized? and why? and what happens to our soul? when we are baptized in this way? is it after you get saved? memorykeeper
  3. I agree to what has been stated. What I believed was a sign for me was the acceptance of some denominations on accepting Homosexuality which is a very telling sign. And for someone like me who is coming out of that lifestyle, it is very disheartening to see that. It is also confusing to others who are wanting the light of the word of God to light their way to freedom. As I read that passage I wondered about if that meant that people were starting to fall away from the truth. As it seems to be a domino affect with the churches. As as the churches go, its really the people in them. memorykeeper
  4. Oh I just read a post where someone already wrote about this. It was very interesting so I guess its already been done. memory
  5. I do believe they were christians too. The only thing is that I think is that church denominations are falling away from the truth, well, they are filled with people so its really people. How can a denomination start to believe something that is contrary to the bible now, when years ago, it was wrong? I just wonder if it is a part of this falling away from the truth. Truth 50 years ago, is still truth now. It seems like a cancer, this apostacy, that spreads from one to another. Does it mean these people are not christians anymore, or are they against the truth or just caught up in the tide of the way the world is now? Its kind of scary to me that people right before Jesus returns are falling away. Is it the pressure of the environment since things are getting worse? How can a person be kept from falling away? memory
  6. memorykeeper


    What does it mean in the bible when it refers to the "falling away" or apostasy before the 'son of perdition is revealed'? Is that referring to christians that are not christians any more or who have given up the Lord? were these christians ever christians in the first place or did something happen to them at this time to make them leave from following the Lord? memorykeeper
  7. OC, thanks for the references that you gave me. and i read that story alot. so i understand that there is some thing to what stories are in the bible regardless of whether or not they happen in real life now. i wonder what happen to legionman to make him become so possessed? was it like before jesus came that people were like open to all kinds of evil spirits? they just had to suffer before he came on the scene. and it seemed like he was saying(Jesus), that he was going only to the Jews to deliver and teach them and heal them. so, i figure the non jews must have been in worse condition than the ones he performed exorcisms on. so i guess its good to follow the scriptures. memory
  8. i think i definitely believe in this as looking through the new testament there seems to be countless examples of demons being thrown out or cast out. i dont know why people would be against this as it is plainly seen over and over again with Jesus doing the casting out of evil that is not supposed to be in man and that causes all kinds of suffering. I m not sure this is a doctrinal question or not, but I am sure it is apart of doctrine but I assume it is because at the end of the gospel of Matthew Jesus says the signs that occupy belief or believers. I think this deliverance ministry must be people who are casting out demons out of people but since Jesus said the signs would follow them that believe, then, isnt it for all believers or are there degrees of this? You mentioned the man , Openly Curious, in the gospel of Mar, who was delivered, was that an extreme case? memory
  9. okay i dont want to argue either about it. i just wondered if it was something that is directly for christians or non christians. its just that i ve wondered since i read that mostly deliverance is for those who are christs because a non christian has no protection against the devil being unregenerated. memorykeeper
  10. what is this deliverance stuff about? what i want to know is if it is legitimate because didnt Jesus deliver us from not being saved already? so, what are we being delivered from unless it is non christians who are getting delivered. memorykeeper
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