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Posts posted by time-keeper

  1. So i have heard many times before that if someone is christian why do they do bad things too? It gets me sooo upset. I mean christians are people too. If i am christian and i may be in a depression or simply sad, people ask why. like this: why? I want to explain that we are all humans. That we will all make mistakes, get sad, be unhappy and loose it from time to time. :taped: We have temptations, we have anger, and are impatient. People expect us to be different, and don't get me wrong, we are, but we are not perfect either. they say things like "goody-two-shoes" to me many times. :foot-stomp: one time i had bought a sandwhich, but it had ham. I don't eat ham. I have a ham phobia. and I offered it to everyone near me since i hadn't tuched it. Nobody wanted it so i threw it away. It was a small sandwhich so i didn't see the big deal. (I don't ususally throw food away. please don't get the wrong idea of me) But people were flabberghasted. in shock. They mocked: kids in africa!! 1) that is such a stereotype 2) It would take weeks for 1 sandwhich to get there, and i would probably go bad in it's journey. So what do you answer to teasing? What do you say? Do? act? feel? I get upset.

    I try to be the person God wants me to be, but it takes time, and i won't always get it perfect.

    Do you guys go through this? or is it just me?



  2. wow, I never realized how big this really is until you posted. This must be really exiting for you!! I'm exited for you!!! :emot-bounce: Congrats, keep it going, and you''ll see the great love of the lord even more great. (If that's possible)



  3. Sure. 13-17.

    A friend actually told me she didn't want to got to church anymore because her parents were forcing her to go while all she wanted was a break. She's catholic, and it isn't necessarily filling that whole she has, only because her realtionship with God has not fully matured yet.

    So i guess there was a backstory, but very minimal. ;)

    Your answeres won't be used againts anyone. I am mearly curious. :)

  4. Recently i have asked this on the chat several times, but they suggested i post it here too for suggestions. So my question: would you force your kid, or any child in general, to go to church?

    To specify; What if that child is not so small anymore? Not so inoccent? Yet, still underage. And they know or would like to know what their options are in life. But their certain that church is not for them. At least not yet.

    There is no back-story. Not a personal experience. I just want to know what you guys think.

    I personally wouldn't, but it's not a final decision. I would like to hear from both sides. That is all. :)



  5. I finally found this topic that i started!!! yay!!! Been searching since i posted it...lol

    Thanks guys for the replys, i see now what i am asking for. And yes, asking for it from the lord is defenaitly the best way to go, although i don't see how eslse you could possibly get wisdom.

  6. I finally found this topic that i started!!! yay!!! Been searching since i posted it...lol

    Thanks guys for the replys, i see now what i am asking for. And yes, asking for it from the lord is defenaitly the best way to go, although i don't see how eslse you could possibly get wisdom.

  7. I'm not much on Evanescence, but I'll check out Fireflight.

    If you've never heard it, listen to All Around Me by Flyleaf.


    Red Sam


    Fully Alive

    Yep, but like i said, all their songs are awesome.

    For fireflight, i like 'forever', 'serenity' ( :laugh: ) and especialy: you decide.

    All around me is my ring tone, and i like I'm so sick. Try "believe in dreams" it's a good song, and i have to agree, "fully alive" is good too.

  8. aww, i'll miss you!!! Still, i hope you have a great time with your hubby and Beanie . Praying for you guys!! :noidea:

    and should you have some free time on that long flight, please pray for me. THis whole "avoiding him" thing is really hard for me, as i am weak.

    Have fun!!! Hope to see you back soon, and yes, post pictures!!!

    Lilly, I will certainly keep you in my prayers.

    But you know the will of God concerning this matter now, so it is a case of trusting Him to give you the strength when you need it, and faithfully being obedient to Him.

    Remember what brought Solomon's downfall :blink: .

    Thank You!!! Willl pray for you to have fun, and enjoy your time with your hubby and beanie.

  9. I have this problem, but with a non-christian, and trust me: it's not good. Are you being unequally yoked? no. But i do think you should fix all the little things that could affect you in the future, or cause fights.

    Thing is, for me, i have had this follow me for a while. I wonder if some of you guys remember me commenting about this guy that was a non-beliver, and everyone bringing up this very excact thing about being "unequally yoked" with him...Well, unexplainebly been spending time with him. ANd i am in serious need of prayer, but i'll explain in the prayer section. :blink:

  10. Voted for humilty cause i've seen it happen. With my family. My dad asked for humility, and the family came as the whole package.

    I think by dangerous, you mean, the one that will come with the most risks at hand, but also the most rewarding..no? Not dangerous in the sense of the meaning, but in the sense that it will come with tests thrown at you, and even brake you, but when you pass, your one step closer to God.

  11. aww, i'll miss you!!! Still, i hope you have a great time with your hubby and Beanie . Praying for you guys!! :blink:

    and should you have some free time on that long flight, please pray for me. THis whole "avoiding him" thing is really hard for me, as i am weak.

    Have fun!!! Hope to see you back soon, and yes, post pictures!!!

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