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Posts posted by DaniJ87

  1. It sounded like the original poster wanted to find out why people read the versions they do... not necessarily start a whole debate in which everyone tells everyone else why we should all CHANGE what we read...

    I read from several versions, and I have used the KJV, NIV, NKJV, ESV, and occasionally, for a reference, the Message bible, as well. My primary bibles are the NIV and ESV. ESV is very similar to NKJV, and strikes me as sounding like a blend between NIV and NKJV.

    There are some ludicrous claims about why certain bible versions are better than others, and I would advise anyone here who is curious about them, to do your research, rather than believe any certain reasons given on this message board- if truth is shared here, it will be found elsewhere as well.

    I don't want to get into a lot of mess about "KJV is better/worse/good/bad"... because that road has already been taken, and it won't probably change anyone's minds to say anything about it now.

    However, I will say, that I like the NIV personally, because it was translated from the oldest manuscripts- the Alexandrian manuscripts-, and when I did my research on bible versions, it seemed that the NIV translators had worked very hard to make the NIV as accurate as possible. I just purchased an ESV bible, but I haven't used it a tremendous much yet, so I won't comment much on it.

    I grew up going to a bible-camp where they used only KJV... and at home my family memorized things from the NKJV and occasionally NIV... this made it quite annoying to be at camp and have to re-memorize a verse in KJV, because I already knew it in NIV, but that wasn't good enough for the camp people, because NIV was substandard somehow.

    About the "omitted verses"... My NIV does include those Mark verses... it just places a note next to them, stating that there are such and such manuscripts that do not include them, and that these other ones do, and that they are debated... I believe that there are no verses in any of the version disputes however, that if deleted would eradicate any doctrine in the Bible- just a repetition of it.

  2. Republished from my blog: korismos.blogspot.com

    Oh wow.

    Yesterday and today I made a couple of major blunders... and God was far, far too merciful to me, in keeping them from affecting me.

    First of all, yesterday I forgot to move my car from its spot in the resident lots (where I could have it during the weekend, but not during the week, since I don't have the right permit) to a student lot on lower-campus.. I realized this at 1:30 in the morning... and seriously contemplated moving it... but then I decided that if I were to move it, I wouldn't have had enough sleep last night, and then I would feel dead during my finals today- so I decided that I would just deal with getting a ticket on my car- it would only be five dollars, after all... (never mind that I only have $4.50 to my name...)

    My alarm went off at 6:55 in the morning, and I switched it off, and lay back to wake up... I didn't. I fell asleep. But in my switching off of the alarm clock, I somehow managed to switch the SECOND alarm on- which buzzed promptly at 7:45... 15 minutes until my first final of the day.

    I did not grab my backpack, or anything... and I didn't shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, etc... I used some mouthwash, brushed my hair, got dressed.. and ran outside... to my car, which just because of my stupidity the day before... was in the parking lot outside of my dorm... WITHOUT a ticket!

    I was nearly two hours past the ending of the "permit-free" parking... (Friday 3pm, through Monday 6AM) and my car did not have a ticket. I climbed in, and drove the path that brought me past the top of the hill... and it was open??

    Open? It is NEVER open at 7:50AM... but it was. So I got to take the short-cut route, of driving down the hill, rather than having to get on Clairemont and driving around the campus and down.

    Furthermore, at this time of the morning, it was nigh impossible that I would find a parking place in the Phillips parking lot, because it's the most convenient parking lot on lower-campus... but with everything else God was doing for me... I decided to check it out. So I did... and then I was amazed again- as I found a parking place right away.

    Then, I realized I didn't have a pen with me- and for finals, I definitely needed a pen! But there, on the floor of my car, was a pen- actually a nice one, that works, and I liked!

    When I got to the building my final was in, one of my classmates was standing outside- the class hadn't started yet... and so I went climbing up the stairs, to my ENGL 225 class... and to make everything even better- my teacher brought breakfast to class- bagels and donuts and juice and cream cheese. :-D

    My final went wonderfully, too. There was one question that I didn't know.... but most of them were easy- and my essay topic was something that I was familiar with discussing- free speech on college campuses- and my teacher even let us use our books! I had left my book (and my whole backpack, for that matter) in my dorm- but my teacher had an extra copy of the book sitting out :thumbsup: So I had one to use.

    So to recapture: God gave me way more grace than I deserved for all of my stupidity this morning... and I am so thankful!

  3. The thought of time, and God being in the future, and knowing everything is amazing. Mind boggling. I know that free-will and God's omniscience go together.. but my poor brain is too lowly to comprehend it. Thank you Lord, for doing such amazing things for us!

  4. What's a little loss of privacy for the sake of security? http://commentary-by-kim.blogspot.com/

    I must ask then... Since we know that persecution of Christians is BOUND to happen- in fact, we are to rejoice in it, because it builds stronger faith- why do we care about the law? God didn't promise us a rosy life as a Christian- He promised suffering, and sacrifice. He didn't promise privacy, or "american" privileges... he promised persecution and humiliation.

    If I start being persecuted as a result of the laws, (which have been blown out of proportion- I understood that the government was only listening to known/suspected terrorists and the people they talk to- not the entire population... for one thing, that would be extremely costly and ineffective) it will be God's will, and I will try to rejoice in it, and thank Him for the opportunity to suffer for His sake.

    Persecution builds faith. America is full of weak pathetic people who call themselves Christians- but never had to stand for their faith, or do anything near like the things that Christians in other parts of the world must do- we meet here in relative peace, in the open, and don't have to be wary of police breaking in to our church services and arresting us. We don't risk being killed for our faith.

    I read that Christians in China are actually praying for our persecution- to revive our faith! After all- what good is our testimony to be a Christian in good times, when everything is going easy for us? It's when the persecution comes, and you stand for your faith in the face of death or torture, that your testimony is strongest.

    We are WAY too concerned about our silly rights and liberties- when God gave up all of HIS deserved honors and glory, to die on a cross for us. How much farther can you get from the selfish concept of "but this is my RIGHT!"... your only right, is to worship God with all of your heart, mind, and soul- for that is what you were made for.

  5. You have to find a church thats right for you. If you like old style hymns go to a church like that. If you like bands on stage and upbeat music go to a non-denominational or an assembly of God church. Truely, it is up to you and what you like. Try a bunch, it never hurts. In the mean time though, make your home your church, read, pray, rejoice in His name.

    I hope that I helped. God bless you.

    Southern Baptist churches also have the bands-on-stage things sometimes... and very upbeat contemporary music :-)


    Whatever church you go to- find one where the pastor actually asks people to turn to a passage in their Bibles when he preaches, (and where he preaches God's word) and find one where the people are friendly, welcoming, and willing to get to know new people.

  6. You raise interesting thoughts, Copper Scroll....

    I have never been in a position where I have had to choose whether to follow a rebellion or not in that way... but I do know that God tells us to obey authorities- even those we consider unjust- as 1 Peter 3:13-17 says...

    Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. It is better, if it is God's will, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

    and if God brings me to that place where I need to choose... I am confident that He will make it clear to me what to do... until then, I am struggling to obey authorities- they are not going to be anti-biblical very often, anyway.....

    And technically- where does the Bible condemn slavery? Not that I think we should be doing it, or that certain people are better than others... but... as a thought- what verses do we have that condemn it? Any? I can't think of any off the top of my head that mention anything about slavery other than in the context of "be good servants to your masters" and "treat your slaves well"......

  7. Heresy!!! The movie I mean and the book. I have lost my respect for Tom Hanks.

    Wish Mel Gibson would do more movies about Jesus. Like the Gospel of Mark or John.

    How could you stand to even watch the DaVinci movie? I think I would get physically ill.

    Please do not make comments on this movie, since some people ( like me) do not agree with some stuff in it :thumbsup: .

    Second about the Da Vinci code, it's a blasphemy, lie's, and a lack of understanding.

    This movie is just here to try to divide the church and give comfussion to new believer's in Jesus Christ.

    So my advice, don't see this movie.

    It will say things not even in The Bible. And rather what the devil wants you to hear/

    I must ask.... why on earth should we refrain from commenting on a movie at all, because you don't like the movie? We don't like the DaVinci code movie, and we're commenting on THAT.......

  8. My Pastor was preaching on the DaVinci code the last two weeks in church, showing us how all of Dan Brown's claims are completely unsupported by ANY data....

    just about everything that he says is ficticious, (going along with the "FICTION" genre) or else, unsupported...

    According to my pastor, Dan Brown's three main claims, (though he makes many, many more) are:

    1. The Jesus we have in the Bible wasn't who He said He was...

    2. Christianity as we have it today is a lie;

    3. The Bible contains just the gospels that were "liked", and that there are around 80 other "gospels" around, that are equally valid..

    OK. My pastor went on to smash all of these points....

    1. Dan Brown proposes NO data to back up this point; a supposed likeness in a picture that DaVinci painted, ("The Last Supper") - the allusion to which has gotten secular and Christian art historians moaning; (They have the record of the notes DaVinci made on his painting, defining who each character was,) and he bases most everything on a few documents, that are newly discovered, and unreliable- the Judas papers, for one... OK- info about this: there is only ONE copy... and it has holes ALL OVER it... We saw a photo of it- holes in the middle of sentences, etc... (the sentences, by the way, that Brown had to add things to in order to make his "proof" work....) and a few others.... All, we saw pictures of; all, there is ONE copy of, all are in horrible shape; (most of them are only about 70% there... and it's the gaps that Brown used for his book....)

    2. He mispresents the Council of Nicene, (claiming that it was to determine whether or not Jesus was God, rather than to discuss Jesus' relationship with the Father, which resulted in the defining of the doctrine of the trinity) claiming that there was a "close vote" in the matter of Jesus deity..... (reality check- the vote for the trinity, which was the vote that Brown is warping; was 300 to 2....) Brown claims that Jesus didn't call himself God; claims that none of that came about until the early church decided to write things down differently... (hmm.. I wonder why the disciples would ever be willing to die for anything that wasn't true?? um... this doesn't figure properly, sorry...)

    3. There are about 20 other "books" that could be termed "gospels"... however, they are not true biographical accounts in the sense that our Gospels are(rather, a compiliation of sayings and quotes, supposedly said by Jesus, etc.); neither do we have a lot of copies of them like we have of all of the Bible books; they are not applicable to life; (my pastor says he did read them in seminary... the gnostic gospels, for instance... gnosticism didn't sound like it held any comfort for life, he says,) and, the giant proof... DO you know WHY we don't have a lot of copies of them? Brown claims it was a conspiracy do get rid of them; rather, it was that people were not willing to die for them. Early Christians chose what they believed to be Truth, and preserved it; the Truth that they were willing to give their lives for, they copied, and risked being found with it, while Christianity was against the law.... some of the "other" books that we have discovered, were actually found in a garbage dump! (meaning.. no, not that you guys just found something awesome, but- hey- you dug up someone's trash!)

    So.. That's a brief bit of what I learned from my Pastor about the DaVinci codes..... I wouldn't believe on bit of his book, if I were you.... Get one of those research books that systematically smashes Dan Brown's book..... you will learn a lot...

  9. I don't know anything about yoga. My question is, can you still do the excersizes without engaging in the seperation of mind, body, and soul? Or must you actually engage in the eastern philosophy in order to perform the excersizes? To me, if you can't seperate the action from the philosophy, then it shouldn't be done.

    Based on the program I watched, the "Christian yoga" simply uses the physical techniques and disposes of the Hindu philosophy. Here's an article on the thing I saw on tv:

    Christian Yoga

    Again, I don't necessarily agree with calling it "Christian Yoga", unless it's just to explain the techniques. But from what I can tell (at least with this particular teacher), she recognizes the Hindu philosophy involved in the chanting, so she replaces this aspect with something biblical.

    What little I know of yoga is actually the opposite of this. I think they encourage and teach an alignment between body, mind, and soul--a certain physical state facilitates a certain conscious mental state that is able to reach past the unconscious mind to the soul. All of that, at least in a superficial way, sounds great to me--I must admit. It sounds like reducing and ultimately removing the motivations of the flesh in for the sake of the spirit.

    Now if this is the focus, I would completely disagree with it. Our phyical body should not be equated with "flesh", and our spirit should not be elevated above it.

    Hello sister,

    I have to point out something here irrespective of yoga or any exericise or philisophy. You mention the following...

    Now if this is the focus, I would completely disagree with it. Our phyical body should not be equated with "flesh", and our spirit should not be elevated above it.

    Why would you say this? Our physical body IS the "flesh" and our spirit SHOULD (or IS) above our flesh.

    Romans 7:23 (Amplified Bible)

    23But I discern in my bodily members [[d]in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh] a different law (rule of action) at war against the law of my mind (my reason) and making me a prisoner to the law of sin that dwells in my bodily organs [[e]in the sensitive appetites and wills of the flesh].

    Romans 8:8-10,13

    8So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

    9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    10And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

    13For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

    Please do not take this as a personal attack or become defensive. It is just correction. I see that many people speak out against things that do not have much affect on the building of God yet the things that do are ignored or missed. This is one such example. Let us discern the false doctrines within the church more eagerly. These are the things that destroy.

    The Church is Satan's greatest enemy. Satan is not blatant in attacking the church through false doctrine but subtle. He does not come as a guy with a tail and a pitchfork...He comes appearing as an angel of light.

    Appears I'm not the one who needs correction :wub:

    Paul would never have advocated dualism (which is what you're doing here). In fact, he quite adamantly opposed it. Using his letters to elevate spirit over body completely violates their intent. Gnosticism was the most prevalent enemy of the early church. Gnostics taught, among other things, that the body (and all matter) was evil. They taught that in order to obtain a more "spiritual" state (or set the spirit free), one had to deny their body of it's physical appetites. But if we interpret these verses the way you present them (equating body with "flesh") then we end up making the same error the gnostics made.

    We have to remember that God created our spirits and our bodies. We shouldn't consider our bodies sinful or evil and shouldn't consider our spirit more important than our body. God created both, and both are equally important. This is why we should take care of our bodies, they are a temple, and we should use our members as a living sacrifice to God. So what does the word "flesh" mean? In context, when Paul uses the word "flesh" here, he is not speaking of our physical bodies. He's not speaking ontologically, but ethically. "Flesh" refers to our sin nature, or desires that are in rebellion against God. It cannot mean what you are trying to say because this would pose a problem with verses like John 1:14 which tells us the "Word became flesh" (meaning Christ).

    Tess, comparing the english word "flesh" in different passages isn't enough to derive this doctrine.... is the hebrew/greek word the same in all of these instances? A lot of the time, translators seemed to have been at a loss for differing words to define the differences between different concepts....

    I think that we could think about this "Christian Yoga" as something different... The word "Yoga" was put on there, I believe, in part, to attract people, and to draw a connection to what it is, and perhaps to bring popularity to it.

    The Hindus did not create the body, nor do they hold a monopoly over certain ways to exercise... if you can separate the hindu beliefs from the exercise, (which I believe you CAN, as apart from the beliefs, what is yoga but stretches and exercises?) why not incorporate certain types of stretching and exercise into part of your day to meditate on God's word, AND strengthen your body, at the same time?

    I believe firmly that if they did not give the program the name "Christian Yoga".... nobody would have objections to it, (like, they could have called it, "Meditation and Stretching".... and there would be no protesting to this extent...)

    This seems to be a weak/strong Christian thing... if you can separate the beliefs from the actions that are not sinful, then go ahead- the same as stronger Christians were perfectly able to eat meat offered to idols, without being sinful... but the weaker Christians who just recently came from worshiping the idols, may struggle with the issue a lot more.

  10. Sometimes I think it depends mostly on the motivation of the anger...

    (I'm talking before any actions take place)..

    If you are angry because YOU didn't get something that YOU thought YOU deserved... it's sinful... it's selfishness.

    If you are angry because something is being said about God that isn't true, or because glory is being taken from Him; that's righteous...

    that's how I understand it... though this is a pretty simplistic example.

  11. I think sometimes people take "waiting" too far... it's not like you have to hide on a deserted island to wait for God to miraculously plop a spouse there for you... A lot of things that God gives us require work... but He will give you the opportunities, as well as discernment, if you are open to them. If your biggest desire and goal is to do God's will FIRST, all else will follow. Be sociable; but this doesn't mean you have to go "spouse hunting"... Join a singles group at your church, (if you're in high school, you really don't need to date, because you are not ready for marriage- either legally (unless you're in Vegas...) or maturity... you just... aren't.

    So at the same time as some people take "waiting" too far... it is also true that it is NOT God's will for everyone to be married right away... and God won't bring His perfect choice to you until it's His perfect time, as well. As long as you keep God in front of your desires, I have no doubt that you will make wise choices... it's when we put God behind ourselves and our selfish wants, that we trip up and make mistakes.

    I am in the boat of waiting; but my waiting has only just begun. and I pray that it will not last an exceptionally long time... but if it does, it's God's timing, or my foolishness in missing the opportunities He gives me.... and either way, He knows what will happen, and He is using it ALL for His glory somehow.

  12. im fatter today than i have ever been in my life! this is getting depressing. oh well, this summer I am going to hit the gym for 2 hours a day or so and i will hopefully lose 5-20 pounds. i weigh 89 pounds today,

    That is SO unhealthy, cutiepie.

    You have a physical and psychological problem that is NOT being fat- it is being too thin! You will end up killing yourself if you keep starving your body! According to nutrition standards, you NEEEEEDDDD at least 1600 calories every day, to be healthy. If you eat all of this, (which isn't all that much) you will NOT be fat, and especially not if you exercise!

    My sister was a size zero once... when she was a little kid! I wear size 16-18.... and now, *I* DO have some weight to part with.... the weight you have, is mostly water, muscle, and organs! The little fat you must have is necessary for your body- it cushons your internal organs, and protects them from damage. The absolute healthy minimum for a woman to have, is 10% body-fat... and it's also normal, up to 25% body fat..... Women NEED fat. it's healthy.

    If you can see your rib-cage and you look stick-thin, yuck- do you think that will attract anybody? You most likely look so unhealthily thin, that if anything, you will just get attention because people are worried you are going to have physical problems!

    It is SO important that you ask God to get your mind off of skinniness- Not only are you more than slender enough, but it's not important- if you put size and shape before God, you have an idol, and it's sin. It's also wrong to harm your body, so that you look better in your view- it's not healthy, and the Bible says we are to take care of our bodies, because God made them for us.

    If your parents and/or doctors or counselors are saying you need to weigh MORE... don't think you know better- you don't. They know the serious medical issues that abound when you starve yourself... Did you know you could go blind from vitamin A deficiency? And you will get osteoporosis, if you starve yourself? And you will wreck your organs, and be permanently damaged?

    It's not worth it, Cutiepie. Really. Go eat some fruit and a glass of milk. You need it.

  13. Hello everybody. I am 18 and I call myself a christian. I do pray every night but I feel like im not even really a christian because I sin a lot. I drink at least once a week and constantly give into temptation. I am very thankful for everything that I have but i have seem to of recently been "slacking" and falling further from the Lord. I know I should just surrendor my life completely but it seems impossible...I am also depressed that i havent had a girlfriend in so long and my brother, who led me to the lord is now sinning very often as well. I am a sinner who calls himself a christian and I need some kind of guidance. Because im leading such a hypocritical life, is the lord answering my prayers? need some advice and help guys and I know your all very rich in spirit. Thank you.

    oh wow...

    You sound just like.... me. Not the specifics, exactly.... but you just struggle with sin, just like me, just like every other person on this forum.

    1. Don't be depressed about not having a girlfriend. I am 18, and never in my life had a boyfriend. You don't have to be dating to be happy. Just get that into your head, and stop thinking of needing a girlfriend as being a decent reason to be unhappy. (and yes, I have wanted a boyfriend before- but I realize that if I don't have one, it's because it's not in God's timing for me right now. Perhaps I am not ready for it, or the person God has for me is not ready for me... Being completely single can be a blessing, if you use it properly!)

    2. as a song I know says, "Nothing is impossible, when you put your trust in God; Nothing is impossible, when you're trusting in His Word; Hearken to the voice of God to thee, "Is there anything too hard for Me?"....

    You are right- you SHOULD surrender your life to God completely. it is not impossible, but I too have felt that way sometimes. At one time I was hiding a penpal of mine from my parents, and I just felt like I was stuck- not wanting to get into trouble, and not wanting to keep on sinning... but I felt like I couldn't get loose, and that it was impossible to surrender to God. I finally did tell them, and was so relieved afterwards- sure, I got in trouble, but it was worth it, to be at peace with them, and God.

    3. About drinking..... First of all, besides drinking not being good for you, (no health benefits have been found for alcohol before age 50, according to my nutrition class,) it is against the law in our country, to drink when you are underage. If you are caught, the fines and consequences will be huge. In WI, in fact, I believe the fine for underage drinking is about $900.... So not only are you harming your body by drinking, but you are breaking the law... and you already know it's wrong in God's eyes... but it's wrong as well, because it's violating the laws set down by our earthly authorities. If you can't stop, get help. Go find a group of good Christian guys that can help keep you accountable- for that, as well as the other things you are struggling with.

    4. About your brother: All Christians may fall sometimes. This does not make it ok. Pray for your brother, and as you work through the issues you have in your own life, you will be a light to him, so that he sees what God is doing in your life.

    5. God does answer prayers. Regardless of how many times you stumble and fall over the same exact thing, if you confess your sins to God, he is faithful and just to forgive you your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. This means that you can ask him for forgiveness, and be in fellowship with him- even if you mess up tomorrow, TODAY, you can be clean and forgiven.

    6. Keep in your Bible, and fellowship with other believers! I know how easy it is to put off your bible- reading.. I have been doing that a lot, lately- but then I get back into the Word, and I am utterly and completely refreshed. God's word is alive, and is a comfort. Get a newer version of the Bible, if you like, (such as NIV, NASB, or the MESSAGE, (a paraphrase version, really good for getting the "gist" of the verses' meaning, also for light study) and be refreshed by God's word!

    7. I really, REALLY mean it when I say FELLOWSHIP. Find a guy, or group of guys, who desire to grow in their spiritual lives, and keep each other accountable. It's biblical; find some people who are willing to ask you how you are doing in a particular area, and who you will ask the same questions... it will really help to have other Christians to talk with, study your bible with, and pray with and for.

    Remember- a lot of Christians doubt their salvation... I have... It doesn't mean that you're not a Christian, though. It means that the devil is using your failings to make you doubt- because if you're doubting, you're not doing anything for God!

    Praying for you, John;


  14. He ignores the fact that in Western Europe during the fourth century, women wore pants that they adapted from the Persian women. Men would not wear such things because they considered them unmanly. I mean, it wasn't even until after the French Revolution that men began to stop wearing their heals and stockings (something exclusively made for women today)....but, Butero is an extremist, so facts will have no bearing on him.

    I provided facts A.K. through several links. I will post them again. They may contradict your so-called facts but so what? You will always claim your sources to be superior.





    You can also get a good booklet on feminine attire from the web-site for Paw Creek Church in Charlotte. There is also a tract available from Baptist evangelist Dr. Hal Webb. That is likely available as well on-line. If not, the good people at Guillions Christian Supply can order one for anyone interested. They are independent Baptists that hold to my viewpoint on this matter as well. You would be surprised how many "extremists" there are among Independent Baptists that believe it is a sin for women to wear pants? If I could reconcile with their OSAS doctrine and their beliefs on the Holy Ghost it would be easy to find a good church to attend. They even hold to the Authorized King James Bible.

    Sites that are setting out to PROVE that pants are wrong for women, don't count as decent proof to me. The historical things other people have brought forth, in many cases are merely presenting facts; Wikepedia encyclopedia, for instance, has no agenda to prove that pants are good or bad; not being a "christian" organization, they have no need to justify or condemn them.

    baptist fanatics are a disgrace to me, as a Baptist who is NOT legalistic or stuck on KJV. Not all of us do. Many many of us do not. However, because it is sometimes hard to find a decent Baptist church that doesn't get stuck on the KJV issue, (in fact, not very many at all demand dresses, that's kind of a minority thing,) I am now going to an wonderful Southern Baptist church... (www.jacobswellonline.com)

    It is futile to debate with you, because your mind is closed to anything that could possibly enlighten you. I do not know why I continue to respond to you, other than that you continue to be wrong....

    A link for you, following your "Christian perspective" selection....


  15. HELLO DANIJ87, I had hoped to be able to avoid further confrontation tonight, but feel I have no choice but to respond to some of your comments.

    By the way, I believe I remember having a similar converstation with you in an earlier thread that was eventually removed. At the time you said I sounded a lot like your Grandfather. Now you are saying that it is your Grandfather's church that had many people leave rather than accept change. Was he one that left or did he conform? I was just wondering.

    Have a nice night. :emot-hug:

    My grandfather is still there, and he now agrees with what is happening in his church. He is a very Godly man.... just very stubborn sometimes. But he is excited about the growth and development of their church members. You are wrong about it being about numbers- the people are involved in small group bible-studies, and are growing in their Christian lives, and reaching out to the world. The people who left weren't willing to do that, weren't connected to small groups, and really just wanted to have an impregnable fortress for a church, rather than fellowship where those who desire to know God are welcomed in, just as they are, and shown Christ' love, that they may be won for him. They have a couple of homosexual women that have started coming... No, they don't accept homosexuality as anything but sin- but these are still people whom Christ loves and wants to come to Him.....

    The people that left were primarily one family who was a major influence in the teen-group, and then a lot of the remaining families with teenagers, because their kids' "friends" were gone.... Some of these people were actually disciplined out of the church, and they're now trying to start their own church.... all the while, sewing discord among people as they can, and trying to undermine my grandparents' church. Several other families left, who once again were not plugged in and growing- the couple that took care of the coffee and donuts after the morning service; they were spending the service times in the kitchen- so they weren't getting the teaching at all.

    It sounds like you have this fallacious idea that in no possible way, could a church have growth, because you personally disagree with something they do... You are right that IF what they were doing was sin, they would not be growing. I believe this demonstrates clearly that women wearing pants IS NOT sin.... growth in the church (SOME numbers, but more maturity). Growth in my personal spiritual life. Growth in others....

    I still maintain that you are stunting your own growth by staying out of church.

  16. The thread is about modesty , pants used to be modest but now the womens pants of today esspecially the hip huggers they are not modest and i wouldnt allow it if it was up to me to much skin.

    *Some* of the women's pants are modest. I have some. Most of my pants have come from the second-hand store, because they are modest there. I also have some "mid-rise" pants- which I wear with shirts that are longer, and cover the top of the pants. Those ones are sometimes more comfortable- and when my shirt covers me the same as when I have higher pants on, they are just fine. Mine are not the "ultra-low-low-rise" pants though- some of those are just... disgusting- I don't even think they look ATTRACTIVE>... besides being immodest, as you can see most of the girls' behinds, and their pants look like they might fall down.....

  17. Butero;

    You may be convinced that pants are evil for women...

    I am a woman who is convinced firmly that they are not. I have a very clear conscience about this. I have a clear conscience that it wouldn't be wrong for me to go to church in my bare feet, in jeans, or shorts and a T-shirt. I generally choose to dress nicely when I go to church at home with my family, because that's the way the church does things. I choose, with just as much clarity of conscience, to wear nice jeans and a blouse to church here at college, because that is how the church people dress. My church is great. My pastor preaches real sermons that have depth and lots of things I can learn from them, that help me to grow. Paul said he was "all things to all people". He didn't go around with the gentiles demanding the Jewish laws be followed. Paul also wrote whole chapters on freedom in Christ, to make decisions on certain issues- one of those issues, I believe to be dress. We are to be modest, but nowhere in the entire Bible, do I see a verse IN CONTEXT which tells me that I am to buy special clothes to go to my church, nor do I see anywhere that tells me that PANTS are bad.

    The verses referring to mens and womens clothing, as I understand them, (and I do not want a correction on this) are ONLY speaking against men trying to look like women, and women trying to look like men. Wearing something that is similar, will NOT make a woman look like a man, in an area such as pants- Women still have a much different figure than men, and there is no doubt that we have a different shape. You have also yet to have disproven the fact that mens and womens clothing when these verses were given, were very similar, much in the same way that mens and womens jeans are similar today.

    You have used a lot of examples from secular books and situations, claiming (logical fallacies here) that because these people say such and such, then it must be true. Just because you can find something that remotely supports your point, does not prove that your point is correct. Those who oppose you have brought up many more pieces of "evidence" that equal what you have shown, which outnumber yours. You are not the only person who reads the Bible, and you are not the only one who can be right. Then, you also refuse to take archaological evidence and historical facts, saying, "well, that wasn't a CHRISTIAN society...." Sorry to break it to you, but the laws that say "don't wear men's clothes", weren't given to a CHRISTIAN society, either. The children of Israel were Jewish. Not Christian. If you throw out all societies that are not "christian"... we have none, because OUR "society" is not Christian, either.

    I believe that if I remember correctly, a lot of these "freedom" issues have you all tripped up; See what you can learn from what Jesus taught about the pharisees. You're stuck in "tradition" and "letter-of-the-law-expanded-and-interpreted-and-expounded-and-disseminated" type teaching, much like that which the pharisees were spewing- What you claim, is not much different in essence, than the claims by the pharisees that Jesus shouldn't heal on the sabbath because that was work, and work wasn't permitted ever, because it was a day of rest....

    Learn the PRINCIPLES in the verses of law in the OT, and let the freedom we have in Christ come alive to you.

    I am very sad to hear you'd rather be in the group of five stubborn people refusing to grow or minister to others, because of your disobedience to the Word of God. You are to accept those you don't agree with in the Body of Christ, who choose to do things in their God-given freedom, because it is what they believe is right.- Romans 14. Setting yourself apart from them and condemning what they do, is exactly what Paul instructs us NOT to do- "don't condemn he that eats... or does not eat"... (paraphrased, as quoted from memory)

  18. Did you look AT the site? That was the front page.

    It is about trying to raise awareness of the warring going on in Uganda; the rebel army cannot get any "volunteers"- so they kidnap the children, and brainwash them into being child soldiers. We're talking children between 5 and 14.... Little kids! To keep from being kidnaped, (child soldiers are desensitized by being forced to watch their brothers/sisters/peers be killed in front of them, and are killed for crying, or showing any sort of fear,) the children walk miles every night to sleep in the big city where there are guards, so that they are safe. They sleep in parking garages, basements, and bus depots, and in the morning, they walk those miles home again. No children should live like that.....

    Three college guys went to Uganda with a video camera, and made a documentary. Now they started the "Invisible Children" foundation, raising awareness, and selling bracelets which are made by the people of Uganda, to provide them a living wage, so that they have money for food, (mass unemployment because of the war) and so that their children can go to school.

    Really look at the site. Watch the trailers. Don't just look at the first page.

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