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Sola Scriptora

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Everything posted by Sola Scriptora

  1. GBG said: I am afraid you are quite wrong. I was raised a strict Catholic. I almost went into the priesthood. Thank God that never happened! I recently had a Papal apologist over here who conceded that I understood Catholcism quite well, and he admitted he was not able to answer the Sciptural arguments against Rome, and he admitted that our explanations of the typical catholic prooftexts he could not answer. In other words, not only did he concede I knew catholicism, but he also conceded that he had no answers to my answers to Rome twistings of the Scriptures. It was obvious he saw the light that night, he just refused to come to it. Perhaps you shoud study church history, you would see the Pope believes he is Christ on earth, the head of the church, the Holy father. These are all the names, titles and offices of Diety which this kook takes for himself. There's a good reason why real Bible believing Christians have referred to the Pope as the antichrist for the 1500 years the papal idea has existed.
  2. Ta Biblia is getting this from the DAKES ANNOTATED REFERENCE BIBLE. The idea of a preadamite race, the earth being billions of years old, the antichrist's reign being limited is from that ref Bible. The problem here is that Ta Biblia is qouting Dake verbatim and not crediting the source. You need to do this. Just come clean and tell us that you are getting this directly from Dake.
  3. Do you have a juicer? Juicing carrots and apples, beets, celery,etc is VERY GOOD for your immune system. Also, I would suggest detoxing to help your body better absorb nutrients. I can give your more info, if you like, and my prayer is that you will be healed, in Jesus mighty Name!
  4. What we have here is APOSTASY being demonstrated. The catholics, and almost ALL of the traditional Protestant churches have departed from the faith of their founders, and from belief in God's Word. They are APOSTATE, that is the problem. It doesn't matter what they "believe" as they are unregenerate infidels deceiving others. The Bible has no errors. At least not the one I read. Sure, some of the newer versions are based on faulty Greek and Hebrew texts that have all the problems described by the one who started this thread, but the Authorized Version has none of these problems, neither does the Masoretic Hebrew Text, nor the Textus Receptus Greek Text. The problems are found in the new versions based on a handful or apostate texts that the churches never used, but that is another story. Our Lord warned "if they believe not Moses neither will they believe if one returns from the dead to tell them"
  5. I used to go to an Orthodox church prior to my conversion, and I can tell you that there was never a more cantankorous bunch of Judaizers! Orthodoxy is a system, just like Catholicism, of salvation BY WORKS. They taught we were to TRY to ATTAIN to be saints, whereas the NT teaches all born again believers ARE saints. They worship Mary, despite their pitiful denials, as I watched them kneel before statues(excuse me "icons"!) of her and kiss her. Also, there is NO SUCH OFFICE in the NT as "priest", some ritualistic, sacerdotal thing. All believers are "priests" and our "rituals" are praise and worship unto Him. They call these bogus ministers "father" so and so, in DIRECT DISOBEDIENCE to our Lord Jesus Christ, who said not to call religious leaders by that title. They also pray to "saints" another idolatrous practice that is a lie and pointless. The outfits their leaders wear fit right in this time of year. They certainly don't dress like NT believers, but like Rabbis and priests of Baal. Jesus said to beware of those that walk in long robes and desire religious titles. They are known to persecute born again Christians in Europe and Russia, and were in cahoots with the evil Soviet Union while they wre trying to exterminate born again Christians. They don't know the Lord, for you cannot know the Lord if you are trusting in your own righteousness to save you. They do. They stumble, just like the Jews did. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but it isn't, ITS THE TRUTH. Orthodoxy is simply pagan rituals and beliefs clothed in Christian terms. It is a cult, like Catholicism is.
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