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John Robinson

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Posts posted by John Robinson

  1. Maybe this is getting off track (not unheard-of from me!) but I think we have to allow each believer in Jesus to be nudged--or not--by the Holy Ghost on an individual basis.

    In other words, we're all different. What convicts one person may or may not convict another. For example, my oldest son is a youth pastor in Northern California, doing a mighty work there with some very hard people, and he has tats. Not a lot, but they're visible. Me, I don't have any, but that's not to say I haven't considered it. On the other hand I have a good friend who thinks they're terrible (not a salvation issue, he says, but esthetic), and he wouldn't have one if you paid him a thousand dollars.

    My son? Not convicted. My friend? Convicted. Yet both men love the Lord as Christian brothers.

    All that to say, the Holy Ghost is working in each one of our lives. Let Him.

    And while we do, let's allow one another to be led by Him as He wills.

    We now return you to your Halloween thread, already in progress. :D

  2. 4 minutes ago, frienduff thaylorde said:

    Didn't have time to read everyones responses.  However if memory serves me correct . Both WANDA and ABBY JOYS answers too , Have passed the HOLY GHOST test.

    Now if your name was not mentioned, it don't mean you failed.  But a hint is answers like..................I bet ya look so cute with them yoda ears.......

    THAT fails the SPIRITUAL TEST of truth.    No need to mention names. 

    Pride goes before a fall, friend. You might want to take your attitude down a peg or three.

  3. Back in early 2014 the company I work for sent a team of six of us to Saudi Arabia on a ten-day trade junket that had been partly set up by the US State Department. Even though our guides there tried to hide the worst influences from Islam from us, there was simply too much of it going on. Most of the offenses I saw were against women who fell afoul of the Morality Police. These were cops in traveled the streets of Riyadh in search of women who were uppity (my term).

    One of their favorite things was to stop a woman to make sure the burkah she had on was sufficiently opaque. One event that's stuck with me was when I saw them stop a husband and wife, who was obediently walking three steps behind him. One of the cops pulled out a ruler and measured the distance from the hem of her garment to the sidewalk. It must not have passed muster, because without warning the cop pulled out a baton and started beating the snot out of her. A second later he was joined by his two fellow thugs, and even the husband joined in shaking his fist and screaming at his wife--who knows, maybe to save himself a beating from them as well. It only lasted a few seconds, then the cops climbed back in their car and drove off.

    Two things I still remember: the crowd on the sidewalk utterly ignored her screams, and as it was going on our guide muttered to our group not to get involved.

    Islam is an absolutely filthy religion straight from hell.

  4. The thing is, Bonky, adults go there of their own accord; God doesn't "send" them, they're drawn there like a magnet because they won't do the one thing that will change their polarity. Babies, on the other hand--and the feeble-minded for that matter--don't know any better, and I believe God takes that into account.

    Or as Mark Twain (an atheist, as I used to be) put it, "It ain't those parts of the Bible that I can't understand that bother me, it's the parts that I do."

  5. To make it clear, I wasn't "flaunting" anything, just simply making an observation about a site function I was unaware of.

    See folks, here's the thing: last April I attempted suicide. The reasons are personal, but since then I've been making a conscious effort to remove as much stress as I can from my life. I was enjoying the political forum here, right up until the President took office on 20 January. I thought things were going to calm down then (naive, I know), only to find a small handful of posters doubling down on their slamming. So, as I said, with the ignore button I can silence those who are causing me to stumble. If that makes me a bad Christian, so be it.

    And, apropos of nothing, my wife (who's my co-writer) and I are putting the finishing touches on our new novel before sending it off to our agent. Prayers appreciated. Thanks! :)

  6. 18 minutes ago, OneLight said:

    You can ignore their posts, but be advised, if someone quotes one of their posts, and that person is not on ignore, you will see their reply along with the quoted post.  The ignore button is not perfect.

    True, but it's probably as close as we're gonna get. What sold me is I won't have to see any anti-Trump screeds de jour coming from them. That's a win!

  7. The thing legalists cannot seem to understand is the Holy Spirit convicts each of us in different ways.  Giller, if He's telling you to go full-tilt Judaism (unlikely, but who am I to say?), then obey that. The rest of us haven't gotten those orders.

    I guess what drives me battiest about legalists is they insist that God makes each and everyone of us toe the same line, and they don't get why we push back against that thinking.

    Oh well, not my circus, not my monkeys.

    Enjoy the thread, ya'll! :D

  8. Every time we get legalists here pushing their topic de jour (this time it's calendars, which is a new one; other topics are Easter, Christmas, pork, clothing ... the list is vast) there's always an unspoken subtext of superiority ("I can't convince you of my higher way, so obviously you're unteachable. Pity."). That's why I pay little attention to them. After a while they move on to presumably greener fields.

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