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John Robinson

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Posts posted by John Robinson

  1. Good gravy, this is the earliest "celebrating Christmas is satanic" thread I've ever seen on Worthy. Must be a new record. :D

    And yes, just for the record my family loves celebrating Jesus' birth. Always have, always will!

  2. All this world-without-end argle-bargle boils down to one painful fact: most of the Sabbath-keepers on this site believe we who go to church on Sunday are bound for hell.


    They can dance around it like a Broadway chorus line, hide it like a three-card monte dealer, or bore us into a coma with big walls-o'-text that no one--save themselves--will ever read, but at the end of the day they believe we're doomed.

    And THAT, ladies and gents, is the elephant in the parlor.

  3. Legalism kills, and does it slowly.  As time winds up here I think we're going to see an increasing boldness from cults like SDA,  Mormons, JWs, Oneness Pentecostals, and others. The SDAs in particular have targeted Worthy of late: I have no idea why.

    What I do know is since Satan realizes his time is short, and he wants to ensnare as many of the unaware has he can, it's up to we Christians to point people to Jesus, and the freedom He gives.


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  4. Short answer: no, I don't think it makes one whit of difference what day of the week I attend church. But to the SDA and other Sabbatarian cultists it makes all the difference in the world. If you can ever pin them down and make them admit they think we go to church on Sunday AREN'T damned--and good luck with that--you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din! :D

  5. What grieves me the most about Mven and other "if you go to church on Sunday you're damned" posters here on Worthy is the fact they may snag new believers in their web.

    And once a baby Christian boards that legalism train--with all the heartache, and the "if I can just do MORE works, then God will accept me" junk that entails--it's very hard for them to get off.

  6. And here's the other thing: copying and pasting big slabs'o'text from other people's sites accomplishes nothing ... except make my eyes glaze over. What she's continually failed to do is explain, in straight terms, what she believes about the basic tenets of Christianity: who Jesus is, why He came, how to go to heaven, how to avoid hell. All the rest is chimera, and tiresome chimera at that.

    I'm far from the world's best Christian (even though I've been walking this path for over forty-five years), but if someone asks me what I believe about Jesus Christ and how to get to heaven, I think I could tell them in short words and simple sentences. Why can't she?

    It really is one of the oddest things I've seen on Worthy, and I've been here a while.

  7. It could be she's a Muslim practicing taqiyyah (the practice of telling whatever lies are necessary to snare people). That would suddenly make things are VERY clear with her.

    All the "lols" though I can't explain ... unless she's laughing at Worthy for giving her a free platform to spread her junk.

  8. Give it up, Shiloh. She will NEVER answer you.

    Cultists like her come to this site for one thing, and one thing only: to snare the weak. 

    Why the mods don't ban her is above my pay grade.

  9. Of course she's afraid. If she shows her true colors (and given her slipperiness so far, that's a really big if) and says "yes", then her time on this site can be measured in minutes.

  10. 3 minutes ago, mven222 said:


     I cannot stop being a teacher..cuz i am. I cannot stop being a preacher cuz i am. And i send million lols to ur friend a military officer.


    Okay, enough of the craziness. Putting her on ignore.

  11. 42 minutes ago, mven222 said:

    Honey, I came to you to teach you what your American churches do not teach. lol






    Wow, pride much? And FYI, I'm a 66-year-old, grizzled MALE Army vet. Which means your "honey" poke falls a bit flat.

    And by the way, you can end your posts with as many "lol's" as you wish; it doesn't make your daft theology any more palatable. Or right.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, mven222 said:

    If we STOP committing sins, we are forgiven. If we live in sins and sexual immorality being Christians we are pigs and swine in the mud pit and our God Jesus promised to vomit us. lol

    No, if we accept Christ, we are forgiven.  If we stop sinning (which in these bodies is impossible), it simply means we've stopped. The sins we committed prior to that ceasing are still there, and we're still under condemnation.

    I have no idea, none, of where you're getting some of the stuff you're presenting.

  13. 19 minutes ago, MorningGlory said:

    The purpose is to divide, disrupt and cause confusion, at least among those new in their faith or those that are a little wobbly, IMO.

    Sounds about right ... sadly. I wonder if it's only going to get worse, both here and on other sites.

    Honest to Rudy, I'd almost rather deal with atheists; at least you know what you're getting. But these legalists are so darn slippery.  :(

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  14. 5 minutes ago, Cobalt1959 said:

    Misrepresentation.  You can try and re-define it into more user-friendly terms, or try the whole "You have to meet Jesus outside the box" logical fallacy, but the fact remains that anyone that goes around telling others they have to observe the Mosaic Sabbath, or not have a Christmas tree, or tell a woman she can't wear pants, or has to use nothing but a KJV Bible is a legalist.  You can deny the term because it makes you sound icky and then try and re-define it into something that sounds not-so-bad, but that does nothing to change the fact that anyone pushing that kind of junk is a legalist.  Legalism gets one nowhere.  It makes you no more "holy," or no better a Christian, or no closer to Jesus than anyone else.  It just gives you a false sense of security "knowing" you are somehow better because of what you either "are" or, especially "are not" doing.  Since you push the Sabbath, you are a legalist.  You can reject the term because you don't like it, but what you push makes you a legalist.

    Exactly. And why so many of them seem to be flocking to this site in ever-increasing numbers remains an utter mystery to me.

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