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Posts posted by ENOCH2010

  1. 1 hour ago, Jake999 said:

      The prophecies about Christ were not declarations about a man of the past but a man of the End Times who can do what no other man has been able to do. The story of Jesus was written in symbolism but most if not all take it literally which changes the meaning and the value of what will be done to turn earth into paradise. If you believe that such a man will exist and heed the advice that was written in the Bible then you should listen to me. I have already fulfilled at least 300 prophecies about Christ which is impossible for anyone other than the real Christ to do. I suggest you look in my wake and listen to what I have to say about the story that was prophesized about me and choose wisely who you want to follow.

    Really!!! Do tell us all things so we can choose wisely 

  2. 1 hour ago, fixerupper said:

    No doubt Wuest put his pre-trib slant to it.  And what a bad interpretation!  I'm glad I burned his three books, Word Studies in the New Testament.  That's as fabricated an interpretation I've ever seen and an outright preversion of the word!  It's NOT a departure of the church that's preventing him from being disclosed, it's an APOSTASY that must come first! 

    And you talk about 'spoonfeeding.'

    2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 

    The 'parousia and the gathering'!  All in one verse AND NOT 7 years apart!

    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;  

    Wuest is way off the mark by saying that the phrase, "for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed," indicates a that the departure of the church and the saints being assembled together to the Lord is preventing the anti-Christ being disclosed.  That's a flagrant fabrication AND PERVERSION because the text is absoltely clear that what's WITHHOLDING' the man of sin is an APOSTASY NOT a rapture.  READ IT AT FACE VALUE!

    According to Wuest, the word AND...
    Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 
    ...would  mean the parousia or coming of the Lord is also withholding him!  OH!  I fordot!  He puts a sevn year space between the two.  That means one thing, he doesn't know or disregards the definition of the word AND.  .Apostasia is a noun and an event!  The noun 'apostasia' is twice in the NT.  Here in 2 Thes. 2 and in Acts 21:21.

    Now let me show you just how bad Mr. Wuest interpretation is...

    "for that day shall not come,"

    What day? ......................................... The coming of Christ and our gathering.


    Means UNLESS.  It also denies something, whether it's an object or an opinion.  In this verse, it denies everything other than the Lord's return and the gathering.

    The coming of Christ and our gathering doesn't happen UNLESS/UNTIL........

     .....there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, 

    How difficult is that?  An apostasy and revelation of the man of sin come FIRST, AND THEN the Lord's return and gathering occur!

    Paul is simply saying that a 'falling away' and revelation of the 'man of sin' come FIRST OR BEFORE the coming of the Lord and the gathering!  It's plain and simple but pre-tribbers have to change this because the true meaning of the text clearly debunks pre-trib.

    According to Mr. Wuest, he is saying that...
    "the departure of the Church, the saints being assembled together to the Lord]
    is preventing his being disclosed [as to his true identity]"




    Pre-tribbers pervert the words of Jesus in Mathew 24, and they pervert the words of Paul in 2 Thes. 2.  

    Correct fixerupper !!!!!

  3. Where is the faith of those in the pre-trib camp? Do you not think the Lord can protect you during the tribulation? Why does it even matter, if I die today, I go to be with the Lord, if I die during the tribulation I go to be with the Lord, if I live through the tribulation, I go to be with the Lord. What are you all so afraid of?!!!!!!

  4. 4 hours ago, wingnut- said:


    No, I see John saying that he is the friend of the Bridegroom.  The voice calling out in the wilderness, and the fulfillment of that prophecy.  That's why he says "this joy of mine is fulfilled."  Because the Messiah has arrived.  There is only one body, and John the Baptist is part of it.

    The only separation with Jesus is those who believe, and those who do not.

    God bless

    Correct again wingnut !!!!

  5. 2 hours ago, Daniel 11:36 said:

    The pre-tribulation resurrection, and two given with respect to the tribulation period .... the two prophets and the martyrs

    Let's not argue about this .... it is fairly plain to see

    Only in the minds of the pre-trib crowd

  6. 10 hours ago, Retrobyter said:

    Shalom, missmuffet.

    You've been MOST unfair with me, holding me up as some kind of example, and now you will be unfair with Enoch2010, too?! He is saying that those who were WITH the Messiah 2000 years ago didn't recognize Him then; so, how can we be sure that we will recognize Him when He returns in the near future (perhaps today)?

    Punctuation can be a real nuisance, but he probably should have changed it like this:

    And, I AGREE with Enoch2010. For instance, you pre-tribbers think we'll be gone in the Rapture when the Antichrist comes on the scene. WHAT IF we DON'T go up to "Heaven" in a Rapture? When the Lord Yeshua` comes back, and you aren't taken away, would you call Him the "Antichrist" that you fear so much? How will you know the difference, since you believe that this "Antichrist" character is such an imitator of the real Christ, the real Messiah? Furthermore, if the Messiah does things you don't expect the real Messiah to do and doesn't do other things you do expect the real Messiah to do, what will keep you from making the mistake of saying, "This couldn't possibly be the real Christ"?

    Correct Roy!! Many times I can't put my thoughts into words correctly. You seem to understand this old hillbilly.

  7. 3 hours ago, missmuffet said:

    That is right. We do not know when Jesus will rapture the Church. The Bible tells us that we are not supposed to know. Dating setting is a huge no...no. But Christ's second coming could be predicted according to the Antichrist the MOB and the Seal, Trumpet and Bowl judgments.

    The question is will we recognize them, 2000 years ago, the most religious people on earth  didn't recognize the Messiah.

  8. 5 hours ago, Out of the Shadows said:

    So, 3 arrest a year on average from those countries.  I wonder if the White House would be so kind as to release a list of everyone else in the last 8 years that have been arrested by U.S. law enforcement officials on terrorism charges.  

    So this blows the fake news about no one from those 7 countries being terrorists out of the water

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