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Everything posted by DF_McLeod

  1. I agree entirely but I like to research the things that drive atheists/anti-Christians. I spend a lot of time researching the paranormal so I can get a feel for what's going on outside of the normal. I like to think I'm doing some good in the world by targeting things that are completely bogus and against the Word and exposing them for what they are. I've spent many nights in heated discussions with non-believers and maybe just maybe I've gotten through to more than a few.
  2. Didn't read the article, not going to. Lots of stuff going on in the world right now that's beginning to fulfill many prophesies. I'm content in knowing that it's leading to something good even though we will need to get through the bad (terrible, horrible, terrifying times ahead) first... The US is a major player in the scheme of things. I feel that the NWO/OWR has already started to become a reality and it's started in the US, Canada and the UK. It's not personal, it's not important. We just need to be prepared brothers and sisters.
  3. Really when it comes down to it, regardless of His reasons for allowing Lucifer to do what he wishes, it's about salvation. God allowed Satan to deceive Eve in the Garden. He allowed him to taint Adam and Eve in such a way that they could learn a valuable lesson, and with them every generation after learn that lesson too. If God had not allowed Satan to deceive Eve, if she had not eaten the fruit from the tree of knowledge and given some to Adam, they would have continued on as immortals oblivious to pain or hardship or sacrifice and more importantly they would never have sought out the Father for salvation. They simply would not have had any reason to need him after that but when they ate the fruit they gained knowledge. Knowledge of being naked, knowledge of right and wrong, etc.. This brings up another important issue. If Satan rebelled and took a third of the angels with him (those that became demons), why didn't God destroy them right then and there? The answer is simple and one a friend of mine has been giving me for a while now: If God had destroyed Satan and the third of the angels that fell, what kind of God would he be? Why would the two thirds of angels that remained stay faithful to a God that would simply snuff out His creations like that? They wouldn't. They'd have fallen as well and I am certain God would have wiped us all out entirely long ago if that was the case. The point is that regardless of what reason God created Lucifer and let him rebel and to this day cause trouble is because He needed him. He needed Satan as a tool to exact his beautiful and perfect plan. As someone mentioned, the story of Job is a great one to read up on. It really shows how little power Satan has and that he is NOT above God but a tool for Him to use to make a point, to teach a lesson.
  4. I have, myself, witnessed what appeared to be angelic "light forms" chasing dark shadowy things away from my previous home while sitting with a buddy who ALSO saw them after we prayed together for protection for myself and my home, so I know for a fact that I didn't hallucinate or was dreaming. Obviously I knew that the article was complete deception but of course like I said before I wasn't sure if lucid dreaming/astral projection and the like were tied to Satan. I'm well-versed with forums and the internet but I was impatient and just figured I'd post the article for review from some like-minded and awesome folks!
  5. What do you mean "if it doesn't end early"? Are you implying something will happen right before the new year begins? The rapture perhaps or the beginning of the Tribulation period? Regardless, happy new year to you too!
  6. Of course, my friend! Yahoo! is definitely a shadowy hotspot to be sure, but until today "lucid dreams" have been a rather underground theme. Whispered about in "dark alleys" such as 4chan's /x/ paranormal board. What I was unsure about though was if lucid dreaming is indeed a tool of the Deceiver. I asked an extremely well-versed and faithful Christian friend of mine and even she didn't seem sure. This is a woman who has seen miracles occur, heard God speak to her and seen many things. This is what I meant when I said consider the source! Ah right! My bad... Yep I agree.
  7. Of course, my friend! Yahoo! is definitely a shadowy hotspot to be sure, but until today "lucid dreams" have been a rather underground theme. Whispered about in "dark alleys" such as 4chan's /x/ paranormal board. What I was unsure about though was if lucid dreaming is indeed a tool of the Deceiver. I asked an extremely well-versed and faithful Christian friend of mine and even she didn't seem sure. This is a woman who has seen miracles occur, heard God speak to her and seen many things.
  8. I suspect the number is more in the billions or trillions.
  9. A rather disturbing article I just read posted on Yahoo! News which has me VERY angry: Looks like yet another ploy by the Deceiver himself to sway people from belief in God, angels and Jesus Himself... Original article and discussion here: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/visions-angels-described-bible-may-lucid-dreams-191004102.html
  10. We put on our whole complete suit of spiritual armour! We attack the enemy with the sword of the word! His truth---just as Jesus did when he was confronted with the devil himself! THE ARMOUR OF GOD Ephesians 6:10-18 10 A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. 12 are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. 14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness. 15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. 16 In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.17 Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Almost every morning I put on my armour--in my imagination as I get dressed, I add these pieces of armour: Helmet of Salvation--to guard my mind from evil thoughts. Breastplate of Righteousness--because Jesus' righteousness is imputed to me--it guards my heart. Belt of Truth--cinches me in with truth, that makes me stand tall and firm on the truth of God's Word to me and about me! Boots of Peace--take me into daily battle with peace --everywhere I go, peace is added and peace is in me. Shield of Faith--protects me from the hardball of Satan--accusations, falsehoods, etc, my faith remains firm in Jesus. Sword of the Spirit--I take the Word of God with me everywhere--in the book itself, and memorized in my mind, and I speak it out loud so the devil can hear it in the skirmish--it gives me leverage and victory. It is the only offensive weapon at our disposal! It's the Word of God that defeats Satan--just as Jesus defeated Satan at His temptation by the Word of God alone. I add another piece of armour, spoken of in Isaiah 59:17... For He put on righteousness as a breastplate, And a helmet of salvation on His head; He put on the garments of vengeance for clothing, And was clad with zeal as a cloak. Cloak of Zeal--the NLT calls it "cloak of divine passion". I put on the cloak of zeal so that the zeal of the Lord will propel me into battle, that I won't hang back in cowardice, knowing that my back is covered! As I go forward, the enemy retreats, and is never to be found at my back. A friend of mine actually spoke to me about this. I've never tried it, against my better judgement, and I guess I've been unprotected all this time. I try to fight the forces of darkness on my own, and I guess now it's time I let my faith fight for me.
  11. I've come to the personal conclusion that since I became a believer the enemy, demons, have been attempting to attack me and dampen my faith. Strangely enough, as I am writing this, moments ago I heard my mother scream from the next room. She had a nightmare of some sort. Not sure if that means anything, but I'm convinced the enemy is out for my very soul. When I feel the possible presence of demonic forces around me I often rebuke them in the name of Jesus and while this has helped to some degree, the enemy continues to attack. I often feel like my faith isn't strong enough to get rid of the evil lurking around me even with Jesus always near and in my heart. I need to know straight up how to combat the enemy. How do I get on even footing? Since I know they cannot manifest themselves physically I cannot fight them in the flesh. I feel helpless, hopeless, disarmed.
  12. Just wanted to point out, without scripture I'm afraid as I'm still new to all of this, that a law is being passed in the US that will allow the government to detain American citizens on US soil for any reason and hold them for life in prison. Also take a look at the FEMA camps being set up, the military transport vehicles being spotted around and other such things. Another thing that leads me to believe the end is indeed near is the prophecy of Saint Malachy which can be read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophecy_of_the_Popes By his prophecy, the Catholic Church is on the second last pope before "Peter the Roman". It would seem every one of his prophesied figures fits and I'm wondering since the current pope may resign next year that the timeframe of 2011-2018 as being the 7 years of tribulation may become a reality. There's some speculation and conspiracy theories floating around suggesting that Vladimir Putin, the Russian Prime Minister, is the antichrist. The theory seems to suggest that since he was, was not, and may be again, he would indeed fit the criteria of being the antichrist. It has also been suggested that he is of Roman descent which seems to coincide with antichrist prophesies and theories. Not sure if anyone has seen this stuff but it's definitely worth looking at.
  13. Even before I became a believer and a follower of Jesus Christ I had a strange and strong feeling that the end times are very near. I kept getting thoughts about how the end would play out, when it would come and what my part would be in all of it. After becoming a believer, this didn't change. The feeling of the end just got stronger and it became even clearer that I would be playing a very important role when the end came. I have had several prophetic dreams which a strong Christian friend of mine interpreted for me and according to him it would seem that my job will be to attempt to warn and save people during the 7 years of tribulation. Much to my dismay, I would probably be ignored until my death which I strongly feel will occur right after the mid point of the tribulation when the antichrist sits on God's throne and claims he is God. I often imagine myself being brutally slain with swords, though perhaps that is just my own imagination coming up with a "cool" way to perish. The past few months I have been seeing many signs of the end and have found myself searching for answers more than ever. It appears that many of the prophesies are coming true and yet people are just laughing them off, blaming them on more worldly and scientific causes. It actually incites anger in me when I think of all the people who ignore the signs and often I feel like shouting out at people, though I have refrained so I don't get called a mad-man and thrown away. I am convinced the end will begin either this month or some time early next year and will persist onward into 2018. I'd like to get some opinions on this from you guys. What are your thoughts on the end times, the second coming of Christ, the Rapture and all of that stuff?
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