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Micheal Westin

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Posts posted by Micheal Westin




    The problem I have with "what would Jesus do" type questions is that typically people just project their own biases onto what Jesus would hate so it doesn't do much for me. "Well Jesus wouldn't like that song so you shouldn't listen to it" type of thing. Unless it's obviously blasphemous or something it's not a very helpful consideration.


    I suppose what it comes down to for me is, a lot of people seem to conflate being a Christian with having certain popular culture tastes, and I just don't go that way. If it's a matter in which it is clearly sinful, someone should be able to show me that from scripture. Short of it being universally sinful such that it can be shown scripturally, perhaps God will convict me of certain things I enjoy. I can certainly see that happening.Otherwise, a lot of this sounds like a lot of 'holier than thou' type of language based in personal tastes and biases.



    I agree.


    I have objections to Christians smacking the hands of other Christians simply because they feel uncomfortble with what others do.


    Traipsing through the threads, I have come to expect that what one person may consider a great effront, another will observe as culture.


    THAT, is why I think scritpure is our best guideline along with a conscience kept alive through a personal realtionship with God our Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ

    through the Holy Spirit.


    As Paul observed, the law serves to point out sin and where there is the law, is is more easily broken and the temptation to do so, actually increases.  In fact, in Paul's own

    words, here is that observation:


    The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,  Romans 5:20


    Pointing out every sin in the world does nothing more than increase the temptation.  Every day we sin...therefore, we realize the impossibility of pleasing God in our own flesh,

    that is, the observaton of the law and wearing it like a crown of thorns on our head.  It simply does not work.  There is freedom from the law only in Christ Jesus and while

    we are aware of our condition, we know that God's grace surpasses that condition and enables us to live in a fallen world...something that countless articles on how bad

    it all has gotten (and going to get worse folks) does not do.


    Yeah, I agree with you here.. and keeping in mind that what is okay for one person might not be for another, and vice versa. I have a real issue with the tendency to try to 'make law' stuff that isn't clearly delineated in the scripture. I don't think that gives enough credit to the wisdom of God or the guidance of the Spirit. I believe that if I am doing something that God does not want me doing, He will correct me. I am not against people giving me arguments for why they think an activity is wrong, but when they can't provide any solid scriptural reasons for it, why would I feel myself bound to their tastes or own personal convictions?


    Well here's some scripture :)


    Psalm 101:3  I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.


    1Chor 15:33  Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”


    Matthew 5:29  If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell


    Galations 5:19-21  Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.


    Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.


    Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light,


    Romans 1:32 Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them


    Phillippians 4:8  Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.


    And as far as being holier than thou...no I dont think anyone here who is against TV means it that way...they are sharing thier thoughts.


    Good post! I can only say if what comes on TV today would of came on when it was first sold to the public, TV would not have even existed, the public would have dismantled broadcasting towers and burnt TV's in piles.

    but were like frogs in a slowly heated pot


    I know that's about as clear as mud but it's a starting point. Understanding what the old and new covenants are will give you a better understanding of the old and new testament laws. They are the same laws, but the way they are put into practice is different.



    I see that the laws are not the same, because "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" is not the same as turning the other cheek to those who hurt us.


    Some religions say that God gave to men different covenants in different times, but I do not see Jesus say that, because when Jesus gives us the Law, we read:


    "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you , do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." ( Matthew 7:12 )


    I think this is the Law that God gave to men from the beginning. And this is the law forever.   God does not contradict.


    Thanks, my friend.


    If you look at the words of the Prophets whom you hold dearly, you will see all the prophets spoke of a future day when God would make a new covenant, and it would be different from the old covenant, God never changes but when He makes something new, It very well may be different.

    we are told He will make a new heaven and a new earth, will He be required to make them just like the old earth and old heaven, or will He be allowed to make them different in a better way

  3. Mark 12

    28 Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, "Which is the first commandment of all?"



    29 Jesus answered him, "The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. 

    30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. 


    31 And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these."

    good post! this is all the law one needs to keep under the new covenant, in another scripture it says ALL the law falls under these two laws

  4. well they took the "be not conformed to the world" verse to the highest level, I got to say I've never seen a group of Christians able keep themselves so disconnected from the rest of the world for so long, it is an amazing feat in itself

    I do have to hand it to them also for their ability to exclude themselves from much of the illegal taxation that we were subjected to, and still are

    and the final victory for the Amish will be when America hits the inevitable economic wall, and falls to ruin, will the Amish be the only Christian group that was actually prepared? 

    and followed the biblical mandates for being self sufficient and not indebted

    I don't think I could wear black wool clothes in the summer and adhere to their standards of living but they just might be the only ones kept from the hour of trial, as spoken in Revelations.

    imagine the whole United States without electric or gas, in complete chaos and the little Amish family sitting quietly in their little house none the wiser

  5. One thing for sure is you shouldn't be doing this all alone.  I'd highly recommend seeking the help of a local Bible based Church.  There's strength in numbers and you need the support and guidance.

    good advice!


    from scripture we see that its not needed for anyone to receive Christ as their Savior before an evil spirit is removed, the biblical evidence is right there in the pages of the new testament, along with Jesus's own description of the empty house being swept clean, this refers to a person being emptied of evil spirits and the need for the Holy Spirit to fill the void after the house has been emptied.

    Paul didn't ask the girl with the spirit of divination if she wanted Jesus as her Savior, he just told the demon to come out of her

    every time evil spirits are cast out in the bible there is no biblical evidence that the person is required to come to the knowledge of Christ as their Savior, but I will say having a demon or evil spirit removed is reason for anyone to believe and accept Christ as their Savior and Lord because they know exactly what has just happened to them, and will cling to Christ because He was the only one to set them free


    It seems here you are equating normal Christian who have the typical struggles in their walk with what God calls reprobates...people who have not had a regenerate spirit in them. It seems too you also are equating the Gospel with the way God dealt with people under the Law... Which is not the same in my opinion.





    God's word is what it is.  I believe the scriptures apply to people who claim they are saved.  There is really nothing to debate in the above texts as scripture speaks for itself, and interprets itself,  but some have a hard time understanding and will always find something somewhere to change what the scriptures says.


    Some it seems would rather try to "win a debate" when there is no debate,  than to take scripture to mean what it says. 



    absolutely! I believe living in sin unrepentantly is conclusive evidence you are not abiding in Christ


  7. so now we are judging people's salvation by who they marry.......

    I would say it would be the strangest thing for a Christian to marry an unchristian person as it goes against so many biblical principles, and huge amounts of biblical teaching against such a thing, most undoubtedly who ever would do such a thing either has not read the bible, or they actually don't care what it says and are in rebellion against what it teaches, and are not submitting to God at all 

  8. Bill O'Reilly was on 60 Minutes this evening mostly because of his "Holy Spirit inspired" book "Killing Jesus" (in league with his other two books "Killing Lincoln" and "Killing Kennedy").

    The interviewer wanted to be specific about the Holy Spirit inspiring him and he affirmed it repeatedly. She asked why he never called Jesus the Son of God or even the Messiah... his answer... because this is not a religious book but a history book.

    He proceeded to say Jesus was an ordinary man who made mistakes and feared death on the cross very much. He also said Jesus was given to anger and violence (the overturning of the money tables).

    When asked his sources, O'Reilly said "Muslims, Romans, Jews..." Not the Bible? the interviewer asked.


    This is not a religious book.

    What about Jesus saying "Father forgive them they know not what they do" ...?

    O'Reilly said he didn't put it in the book because Jesus didn't say this from the cross.

    The Bible says he did, the interviewer replied.

    "Well, if you take the Bible literally... but what he really said from the cross could be very little since crucifixion suffocates its victims..."

    But the Bible says he said it from the cross.

    "If you want to take the Bible literally..."

    Herein lies the problem. O'Reilly who repeatedly stated he is a Catholic (enough to believe his inspiration is from the Holy Spirit) does not consider the Bible to be literal or therefore authoritative.

    In his research he consulted and cited everyone and everything EXCEPT the Bible... taking the word of Muslims who opposed the biblical Jesus, the Jews who oppose the biblical Jesus and I have no idea where the Romans he consulted came from now dead by at least 1600 years since the fall of Rome.

    Maybe he consulted a medium... calling all roman spirits who want to testify about Jesus...

    The problem is Roman Catholicism which places authority on the Roman Catholic Church established by the failing Roman Empire, papal decrees and bowls and the catechisms most of which contradicts each other... rather than the one TRUTH the Word of God.

    Don't Single out the Catholics, Protestants, Nondenominationals, and Messianics... for we all have the tendency to go back and forth as the Apostle Peter did in Matthew 16:13-23. The revelation of Jesus as the Christ is a central issue to the passage... but the purpose Jesus asked the question who does man say I am and who do you say I am was to point out the two paths.. the two ways... the two means... the two philosophies... the two wisdoms;

    God's way


    not God's way


    God's actual wisdom, and not God's wisdom (which many portray as wisdom and go to great lengths and much detail, libraries and schools of thought in fact, to show "how wise" it is. Case in point, evolution from nothing everything came on its own).

    God's way and not God's way headed up by Satan the devil. That's why Jesus called Peter Satan in verse 23.

    God's way or satanism is actually what's going on when you carry it to its logical conclusion.

    We don't think of ourselves as satanists or following or practicing satanism but that's what Jesus said:


    Matthew 16:23 (NKJV)

    23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”


    John 8:44 (NKJV)

    44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.


    Oh we don't do this...


    Do you ever sin?


    Do you ever hold to a tradition of man rather than what the Bible says?


    The Church in every flavor of it subscribes to the traditions of man (which the Bible says actually nullifies the Word of God see Mark 7:7-13)... which is where the division in the Church comes from. 


    John 17 the Lord's high priestly prayer (or the true Lord's Prayer as opposed to the disciples' prayer) five times he prays for the Church to be one even as the Father and he are one.


    The Bible says while we were his enemies Christ died for us.


    My question to the Bill O'Reillys of this world and to the many thousands of divisions and fractures in the Body Christian... 


    When did we STOP being his enemies?


    Did we stop?


    Satan =  enemy / opposer


    God created us. Jesus died for us. He gave us the Bible as the TRUTH standard. Yet we treat it like a good luck charm to have in our homes... an unread decoration a thing to carry around to look holy... when it is the greatest treasure in this world and we should be in its pages gorging ourselves like no other thing in this world... it is authority in print.

    you can see exactly who Bill O'Reilly is on u-tube, with his many fruitless temper tantrums where his mouth is over running with f bombs and tyrannical ravings, personally I think the guy is a raving lunitic


    I don't believe it hampers my ability to differentiate between good and evil.

    I can watch a show that might portray adultery in a positive way and I still know that it is wrong.

    Is it possible that this article is focusing on people like yourself?



    wouldn't this be a good example in and of itself, "I can watch a show that might portray adultery in a positive way"


    why would someone want to?

  10. Actually according to the bible if this woman professes to be in Christ yet lives in sexual immorality and you know it, your not supposed to even eat with her

    1 Corinthians 5:9-11 but the church of today is so into toleration and acceptance that I don't think there even exist a sin that you couldn't live in and still be allowed to be apart of the church, its seeker friendly on steroids, its what the church thinks is a better way than what the apostle Paul taught in keeping the leaven out of the church



    The mark on the forehead is a sign of allegiance or worship toward the beast. It is a belief. The mark on the hand is demonstrating that allegiance through works. Or it could be a salute of some sort. Something works related.


    The battles we fight are spiritual. Our spiritual enemy today will be the same enemy the saints will face in the future. Only on a larger and more violent scale. 


    I believe the mark of the beast is a spiritual mark. 



    A salute or handshake for a nod's as good as a wink.


    Notice the symbol for Nth American Shriners. Remind you of something Islamic ?




    It should along with the red fez hat that was dipped in Christian blood.

  12. I don't think the Catholic church puts much stock in what is written in the bible, there's a lot of things that went wrong and continue to be wrong, after all this time I guess the best way to change in the churches eyes is to simply make what's wrong........not wrong!

    Its kinda been their mantra for some time now, they will simply rename the sin, and continue in it as if it were not sin

  13. I would not quite opine that it is stupid, I would offer that it is probably unwise for most people. Certainly, the way it is often done in modern America at least, it often end up getting the cart before the horse. Often a couple gets intimate physically, before getting intimate emotionally, mentally, and spirtually. They bond on the least important basic, and that tends to interfere with the more important intimacies.


    I don't think there is any good reason to get as intimate as a kiss, before marriage. If a couple cannot hold off on the physicalness intended for the latter parts of a relationship, it is probably more likely that will do other things outside of God's plan for them. The pre marriage time is an excellent time to test oneself, find out about the fruit of the Spirit (like self control). The fruit will go a long way in helping a marriage survive and thrive. it is also a good time for introspection, take the time to understand what love actually is, not seeking self pleasure, but seeking the well being of another. A person who can deny themselves and seek the welfare of their partner, has an excellent chance of being a good partner in marriage.


    People who 'need' to do what they think is fun or pleasurable and consider it more important than doing what is right, are getting off on the wrong foot. Dating in modern America, is often just that. Learn about your potential life partner on non physical levels before committing to marriage, and once committed to marriage, save for marriage, what is intended for marriage.


    Dating for some people, consists of things like going for a dance, going to a theater, or other entertaining distractions that are not conducive to communicating, it is no wonder that people who get married, often do not even know things as simple as the favorite color of their beloved. When that is the case, do we really know enough about the person to marry them? 


    Take the time to study your potential future spouse, and in this way, know best how to love them, be a giver not a taker, be a servant. Couples who can manage to have that attitude, placing God first and their spouse second, will rarely if ever divorce. Most divorces happen because one or both partners, are just plain selfish and have no compulsion to change. Am I wrong?

    I just like the use of "opine" thought it was a typo, but its a good post and I learned a new word to boot

  14. I'm surprised this isn't in the conspiracy section, personally I see the whole world moving to a cashless society long before the introduction of the mark, thus much like every time we are given a new number such as social security, credit card, banking and routing number, the masses hysterically call it the mark of the beast, I'm pretty sure microchip ID will come into the national market, and after no antichrist shows up, it will be forgotten.............but I don't plan to get one, as its more than likely a forerunner of the one that will be instituted by the antichrist

  15. I wish someone would find the previous letter from Paul where he spoke more on this subject, as the scripture clearly states

    from what is written we can only say the restrainer for sure is a "He" does anyone know if Paul used capital "H" when he spoke of "God" or the Holy Spirit"

  16. The angel Michael

    according to Daniel, It appears Michael is the best answer, and the false pretrib rapture theory has used this scripture as their blast off point, not sure how anyone left behind will come to believe, since without Him its impossible to know the Lord

  17. The Holy Spirit is the Restrainer for who is mightier than the God the Holy Spirit to restrain the lawless one? When struggling with Satan, Michael dared not rebuke him but said "the Lord rebuke you", and since Jesus is no longer here but He has sent the Holy Spirit, He is the only One who can be the Restrainer.

    considering a nameless angel will put a chain on him and bind him in the bottom less pit for a thousand years shows that it is hardly accurate to assume it takes the whole power of the Holy Spirit to restrain a fallen angel whom Jesus already gave us authority over, whom we are told a rebuke will send him fleeing

  18. Not sure if this is US news or world news. But in any event - is there a way to find confirmation on this?




    MEDIA BLACKOUT: Container Ship Carrying U.S. Weapons For Obama's Syrian Rebels Splits In Half/Sinks... Possible Russian Attack...


    UPDATE: September 9, 2013 -- This story never went anywhere with the American mainstream media. Very interesting considering the recent and fluid Syria developments with Obama right now...


    ‘A large fleet named “Mol Comfort” carrying Arms for FSA from the U.S. has crashed in the Indian Ocean as it made its way from Singapore to Jeddah, on board were 4,500 containers loaded with arms for the Syrian rebels’


    ‘MOL Comfort sank due to yet unclear reasons, sailing from Singapore to Jeddah and after that to North Europe, leaving behind hundreds of drifting containers and a huge aftershock hitting liner sector and all of the maritime industry.


    More here

    The Lord works in mysterious ways

  19. Paul spoke of his gospel! (Romans 2:16, 16:25, and 2 Timothy 2:8)


    Paul was not a part of Jesus' earthly ministry. He appears to have missed out some important fundemental concepts of Christianity preached by Jesus! As a pharisee, it looks like he brought in some OT concepts that do not conform to the Gospel we all know now.

    Paul preached the Gospel Jesus gave him to preach, He was confirmed by the other apostles, and prophets of that day. to say anything different in not biblical

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