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Micheal Westin

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Posts posted by Micheal Westin

  1. China unveiled this week a fleet of nuclear submarines that has been shrouded in mystery and hidden for 40-plus years -- a move seen by security experts as a show of force and confidence from a nation that's aggressively pursuing the top spot on the world stage.

    View the full article

    well considering China owns the United States as a soon foreclosing debtor, she might as well take the lead position, should start teaching you kids Chinese they will need it to work for their new masters

  2. This question came up in another thread... Let's discuss it here.


    What is the Church? Who is part of the Church?

    God bless,


    according to Revelations the church is a group of people in a certian area, or city, some will overcome and some will not

  3. 60,000,000 French phone calls in a month, the German Chancellors phone over ten years, Brazil and about 50 other world leaders, all having their phones tapped.


    When they start getting your own children to report you, we have the Stazi, and the Nazi's again.


    It is exactly what the Nazi's did with the Gestapo, and I am afraid of the parallels.  


    Take for instant my country. In order to buy a cellphone you have to have it registered, which includes your social security (ID number here), home and work address, etc, before the cell company can register it for use. Why? They say organized crime, I say the start of knee high black boots. The hat comes later. 


    And I am no follower of fashion.... :mgbowtie:

    well that's an interesting idea, as if organized crime will follow the laws, or they will simply be the only ones with illegal sim cards

    this is the same idea for taking away guns, then only the criminals will have them, wow that's smart!



    The German and Brazilian governments have both just announced that they will be setting up systems of servers that operate only inside their borders in an attempt to stop the NSA spying on them. I don't know how this will work but apparently they seem to think it will, and the Germans are no slouch's when it comes to technology.

    I applaud both the Germans and Brazilian governments, government has so over stepped the boundaries of freedom, and its only matter of time when these same powers will be used against people, if they are not all ready 



    You applaud censorship and restriction of what a citizen is allowed to see or read?  Seriously?


    you must not understand what the filter does, people can go anywhere on the web in Germany and Brazil the filter simply makes it impossible to follow your travel to your address, much the same way "Hide your IP" websites work 


    seems Hezekiah was able to lengthen his life by 15 yrs, through prayer and supplication, personally we see God never changes, but scripturally we see he has relented and changed his mind for the course of future for quite a few people both in both life and death


    Interesting point....Can prayer change GODs decision?


    I don't think so, but I'm open to some scriptual support to the contrary. Based on the verse above, it dosen;t seem like he changed his mind, he just pushed the end date out. Again from GODs perspective 15 yrs is not much, if GOD says a day is like a thousand years for him.


    Jeremiah 18:7-10 God most certainly will change His plans. this is all through the bible,

    1 Kings 21:28

    2 Kings 20:1-6

    Isaiah 38:5

    Amos 7:3-6

    Jonah 3:10

    Joel 2:13

    Exodus 32:14

    1 Samuel 2:30 even God's promise can be changed if people make it so detestable to keep them in a promised position such as the priesthood promised to Aaron and his descendent Eli



    America thinks God will overlook the great sins she commits but she is about to be judged

  6. The only concerns I have with the pre-trib belief is when things start getting really chaotic, many will become disillusioned and fall away.

    when your told endlessly Jesus comes before the antichrist, guess who most of the church will follow, the guy who comes first saying " I am God"

  7. On 10/17/2013 at 6:11 AM, Fez said:

    How do I accept God’s Love for me? Do I even know what His Love for me is?


    It’s a hard question to answer, because there is not just one answer.


    God’s Love is manifest in Him sending His Son to die on a Cross for my sins, and to give me the totally unwarranted gift of salvation through His Grace alone. We all (I think all), accept this as one of the precepts of God’s Love for us.


    I also know that God’s Love is constant, never changing and all encompassing, whether He is blessing me or disciplining me. Above all His Love is impartial, (some translations use the word impartial quite a bit), - His love takes no sides.


    I struggled for years to articulate, to fully understand His Love for me (I am a person who always feels uncomfortable receiving a blessing, gift or compliment, and I have always been that way). I did learn this. It’s much easier to accept the Love of someone intent on loving you if you are advancing toward them or resting in their presence. It’s almost impossible to accept the Love if you are walking away from the person intent on Loving you. (Even though they still love you)


    During really bad times of my life, before operations (on the operating table), in mentally depressed or downcast states, losing both my parents and my nephew, one thing I have always known. God Loves me, He does not stop Loving me, His Love never falters, and in bad times I rest in that (because my love for Him can falter, and be affected by my circumstance, I am human), but His does not. I just put my head down and I slog or plow along, sometimes in my own world, ignoring the world around me, I just move forward, sometimes at a snail’s pace. My wife has said to me I don’t know how you do it, you are sick as a dog, stressed and working to the bone, but you just carry on. I do this because through my pity party, and my woe is me, nobody loves me everybody hates me go in the garden and eat worms, unpleasant to be around state, I know one thing. God Loves me, and He will always be there.


    So, to answer some questions….


    God Loves me, I know He does, He has proved His constant, rock foundation love over and over again. And that Love never changes.

    But we are all different, and as believers we all accept that unchanging Love in different ways.


    And that’s why there is no stock one answer fits all to the question as to what does God’s Love means to you.


    This Love overrides, all, everything, it is as immense and endless as is our God.


    His Love is the core of my existence, and my love for Him (and I do with heart and soul), cannot match it.


    As my core, His Love for me drives me to want to please Him, (that’s working for Him) not my love for Him trying to prove myself to Him (that’s works).


    That’s what Gods Love means to me.

    If this was the case! and there really wasn't one pat answer and several people who answered in a similar fashion of what God's love meant to them,  then why in the world would you say something along the lines "up until this point nobody seems to be able to give the correct answer" (my paraphrase) leading the whole thread participation to believe you have some secret knowledge of what the love of God is and why this seemingly secret knowledge is almost crucial for ones salvation, and nobody on the thread GETS IT! except you!


    Its no wonder "Man" didn't want to give you an answer, who would ? and it really seemed like a tag team event of Christian badgering someone who didn't feel led to join a church

    Is this what the ministry of this site boils down to, badgering people, to the point they have to ask the moderators to "let it go"


    and God forbid anyone speak out against such behavior because we know the ramifications for that!


    thanks for posting a clear correct answer of what the love of God means to you and finally explaining that there was no ONE correct answer , its all water over the dam at this point.


    actually I find there are whole sections on this site that prove practically to be "speed traps" for the lack of better wording, why have threads that Moderators can't tolerate the things discussed in them, this makes absolutely no sense what's so ever. It would be the equivalent of having the Nazi's decide what Jews get to live and which ones must go.

    Why have them if they bother the moderators so bad!

    If some crazy alien conspiracy didn't exist then why in the world are they discussing such top secret contingency plans on the senate floor, for what seems to be some kind of invasion, and from what the speaker says it not a foreign army.

    And the secretary of defense in Canada is seeking full discloser in hopes that we will make peace with these "alien" (fallen angels)



  8.                       ** Sorry for the title typo should be this not is... cannot edit I reckon**


       With all the back and forth concerning church, I thought I would give pause to thank God and those that participate and maintain this site. I want to share some of the reasons for my preferring this vs. the average church in hope you will know my thanks is sincere and appreciated:



        These are some of the reasons I thank God for you all and this forum....

    I couldn't agree more with you, this is a fellowship of believers, and where two or more are gathered in His name Jesus is here with us








    I'm not sure what the beef is about, you know full well that the rules the Amish say will send them to hell are false, what's the big deal if they keep rules that will not make a difference, they still will go to heaven! isn't that what the whole race to the finish line is all about, receiving the prize, so they jumped a bunch of extra hurdles, maybe ran up and down a few unnecessary hills, I would conclude going the extra mile to be a safer bet than what the liberal Christianity tries to sell, and will find themselves being called workers of iniquity on the day of judgment

    for they were taught not to overcome sin but to simply live in it as if it were not sin, or that living in sin is covered by the blood 

    The big deal is that they are teaching false things about the gospel.


    gal 1:8

    But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.


    Jesus, His apostles, did not preach a gospel which included shunning the technology of the civilization around them or suggest that failing to adhere to complex rules leading to excommunication is tied up in the salvation of people.


    they have the correct gospel, Jesus the Son of God, dying on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, repenting and believing in Jesus Christ everything else will be tested by fire



    So that I had a better understanding of Christianity, I had a mentor/teacher, tell me to go to various church services to compare them and note the apparent differing beliefs. I went to a Lutheran service, a Roman Catholic service, a Congregational service, a Unitarian Universalist service, and a few others.  


    Lutherans teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.

    Romans Catholics teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.

    Congregationalists teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.


    Unitarian Universalists do not teach the Jesus is the Son of God who dies on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, etc. So, this is the only religious group which is not Christian at least in form.


    I did not go to a Mormon service, but according to the Mormon website, Mormons believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died as an atonement for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.


    Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is the Son of God, Who died for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.  


    yes that is the gospel the bible teaches Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth , Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.


    Is this not the gospel that is saving you?



    Yes, and no.


    If I confess with my mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who leads us into truth.


    Now, if I then believe the Jesus is not God, and argue that Jesus is not God, do I really have the indwelling Holy Spirit?


    If I was baptized as a baby, and believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, and that my baptism when I was a baby plus those beliefs includes me among those who are saved, is my faith in Jesus or in my baptism for salvation?


    If I believe Jesus is Lord and God raised Him from the dead, and, as a member of the church which teaches the uncompromised truth and that church membership is important to be counted among the saved, is my faith in Jesus and my church membership?


    There are a lot of groups which teach the fundmentals plus add to them. Salvation is by grace thru faith in Jesus completed work. Some children were raised in homes of church going parents. Children claim to be the religion of the parents, and believe what they have been taught, but have not truly placed their faith in Jesus alone.   


    It is not the good news/gospel which saves. It is actually Jesus Who saves.


    the bible clearly teaches what the foundation of the faith is, and what is built on this foundation will be tested with fire, from this fire we see some escaping through the flames of their theology and errant beliefs, after being tested with fire much of their added doctrine and rhetoric will be destroyed yet their faith in belief that Jesus is the Son of God and died for their sins is clearly the saving gospel. and while suffering great loss they will still be saved! this truth can be found in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.


    some people like to add to the gospel that saves, and some of their added theology is of gold and precious stones, and from what we see in some of the churches that have added whole books of beliefs which will burn like straw on the day of the Lord 


    Ok, so you are assuming that a person who denies the Deity of Jesus is saved, as long as they believe He is the Son. And you are assuming that a person who believes that Jesus had brothers is saved, as long as He is regarded as the Son. And you are assuming that a person who believes that Jesus died for sin, and a person who believes has all of their sins up to that point forgiven, but must do something to get their sins forgiven after the moment of belief.


    There are all kinds of variations, many which are not considered valid by much of Christianity. Based on your view, Mormons and JW's are saved.  


    I still go back to the scripture which says.


    Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many [n]miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’


    These verses go on to say that some people have built their houses on sand, which will not hold up.


    I have met people who called themselves Christians, and when I asked when they became a Christian, they will say they have been a Christian since they were born. No one is born (physically) a Christian, even if they have been taught that Jesus is the Son of God Who died for sin and rose again. They might believe that to be true to some extent, but have never placed their faith in Jesus.


    Are there false messiahs? The sad answer is yes. Do some teach falsely about Jesus? Yes. Is a false Jesus really the Jesus Who saves? No. A false Jesus presents a false New Covenant. If a person accepts a false version of the New Covenant, there is no salvation offered by God in the false new covenant.




    I would try to really see what the context was for Jesus refusing those who said "Lord, Lord" He gives His reason at the end of the verse .......they practice lawlessness and they did not do the will of the Father, its also important to read the prior verses to see what this is actually addressing, the work of false prophets and their false teachings and what appears to be what is considered miracles and the casting out of demons and wonderful prophecies

    context would attribute the "Lord"" Lord" statement to be from these false prophets, as the whole passage is completely directed at them and their actions

  10. Trinity....

    while I believe in the trinity, I don't see it in scripture (anywhere) as a game changer, believing Jesus is the Son of God and that He died on the cross for the redemption of our sins is the good news (gospel), If this is the foundation its only what's added to it that will be tested with fire.





    I did not go to a Mormon service, but according to the Mormon website, Mormons believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died as an atonement for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.


    Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is the Son of God, Who died for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.  




    Neither Mormons or JW's believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.


    These two cults are not Christian.


    I would agree that they are not Christian, but based on the statement that belief the Jesus is the Son of God Who died for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus, both Mormons and JW's would agree with that statement. It is what is added which nullifies them as Christian.


    But that summarizes my point in the entirety. Many people and many religious groups would state that Jesus is the Son of God Who died for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus, but it is what is added which actually determines the persons state.



    1.  What other religions besides Christianity believe Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God?  Please name a couple or at least one (technically, Christians do not believe they are a religion but for sake of yr post)?


    2. Mormons:  Mormons believe that there are in fact four sources of divinely inspired words, not just one: 1) The Bible “as far as it is translated correctly.” Which verses are considered incorrectly translated is not always made clear. 2) The Book of Mormon, which was “translated” by Smith and published in 1830. Smith claimed it is the “most correct book” on earth and that a person can get closer to God by following its precepts “than by any other book.” 3) The Doctrine and Covenants, containing a collection of modern revelations regarding the “Church of Jesus Christ as it has been restored.” 4) The Pearl of the Great Price, which is considered by Mormons to “clarify” doctrines and teachings that were lost from the Bible and adds its own information about the earth's creation.

    Mormons believe the following about God: He has not always been the Supreme Being of the universe, but attained that status through righteous living and persistent effort. They believe God the Father has a “body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s.” Though abandoned by modern Mormon leaders, Brigham Young taught that Adam actually was God and the father of Jesus Christ.


    ouch.  not Christian  They also believe that Jesus is the brother of the devil.  really.

    Read more:http://www.gotquestions.org/Mormons.html#ixzz2hzoDhp6p  (this info can be found all over the net )  They present what most

    people think they believe, but once you get into their teaching, you find that it does not agree with the Bible


    2. JW:  The Jehovah's Witnesses were founded by Charles Taze Russell, a former haberdasher from Philadelphia, in early 1872 in Alleghany, Pa. Russell was born on Feb. 16, 1852 in Pittsburgh, and died on Oct. 31, 1916. He was baptized a Congregationalist, and was raised in a strict Protestant family. His later study of the Bible led him to deny the existence of hell and the doctrine of the Trinity, and to express Arian views concerning the nature of Jesus Christ, denying His divinity.


    According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, there is one God, and since 1931, they have insisted that He be called "Jehovah." This is a corruption in the pronunciation of the Hebrew <Yahweh>, which occurred about the third century B.C. and was carried into the King James Bible's translation of <Yahweh> in Exodus 6:3. The Jehovah's Witnesses say that Jesus is God's Son, but is inferior to God. They condemn the Trinity as pagan idolatry and accordingly deny Christ's divinity. Russell even claimed that the Trinity was the idea of Satan. Ironically, however, when they baptize, they use the formula, "...In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

    Nevertheless, the Jehovah's Witnesses consider Jesus as the greatest Witness of all, inferior to no one except Jehovah Himself. Before existing as a human being, Jesus was a spiritual creature called the Logos, or Word, or even Michael the Archangel. He died as a man and was raised as an immortal Spirit-Son. His passion and death were the price He paid to regain for mankind the right to live eternally on earth. Indeed, the great multitude of true Witnesses hope in an earthly Paradise (These teachings echo the heresies which the early Church condemned beginning at the council of Nicea in 325).


    more ouch.


    These views of Jesus and other views, are usually spoken of as 'another Jesus'...ie  NOT the Jesus of the Bible


    Its another Jesus? you mean there was another Jesus born of a virgin Mary, who had a husband named Joseph and both had the same genealogy as both of the Mary and Joseph we know from our bible going all the way back to the Fathers of the faith Abraham, Moses and all the others. 


    I believe they have the same Jesus, they simply have added a whole bunch of stuff that is completely false, they are who Paul writes about in the building on the foundation of Christ, all the straw will be burned up but the people who confess Jesus is the Lord and believe in their heart that He died on the cross for the salvation of their souls will be saved just as Paul clearly teaches they will be in 1 Cor 3:15

  12. The German and Brazilian governments have both just announced that they will be setting up systems of servers that operate only inside their borders in an attempt to stop the NSA spying on them. I don't know how this will work but apparently they seem to think it will, and the Germans are no slouch's when it comes to technology.

    I applaud both the Germans and Brazilian governments, government has so over stepped the boundaries of freedom, and its only matter of time when these same powers will be used against people, if they are not all ready 

  13. considering many children will be sacrificed that night as with other satanic holy days I choose not to participate as my spirit is grieved and it seems inappropriate to celebrate. you can u-tube a generational satanist  who was converted to Christianity and hear his personal testimony of what he took part in on Halloween as a child of a satan worshiping family 


    I know its hard for some Christians to actually believe real families actually sacrifice children in blood sacrifices and other horrific occult practices but its been going on since the beginning of time, from old testament days all the way up till now, Its in the bible, and Jesus Himself backs there is a synagogue (church) of satan that existed in his day 






    I'm not sure what the beef is about, you know full well that the rules the Amish say will send them to hell are false, what's the big deal if they keep rules that will not make a difference, they still will go to heaven! isn't that what the whole race to the finish line is all about, receiving the prize, so they jumped a bunch of extra hurdles, maybe ran up and down a few unnecessary hills, I would conclude going the extra mile to be a safer bet than what the liberal Christianity tries to sell, and will find themselves being called workers of iniquity on the day of judgment

    for they were taught not to overcome sin but to simply live in it as if it were not sin, or that living in sin is covered by the blood 

    The big deal is that they are teaching false things about the gospel.


    gal 1:8

    But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.


    Jesus, His apostles, did not preach a gospel which included shunning the technology of the civilization around them or suggest that failing to adhere to complex rules leading to excommunication is tied up in the salvation of people.


    they have the correct gospel, Jesus the Son of God, dying on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, repenting and believing in Jesus Christ everything else will be tested by fire



    So that I had a better understanding of Christianity, I had a mentor/teacher, tell me to go to various church services to compare them and note the apparent differing beliefs. I went to a Lutheran service, a Roman Catholic service, a Congregational service, a Unitarian Universalist service, and a few others.  


    Lutherans teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.

    Romans Catholics teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.

    Congregationalists teach that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.


    Unitarian Universalists do not teach the Jesus is the Son of God who dies on the cross as a sacrifice for sins, etc. So, this is the only religious group which is not Christian at least in form.


    I did not go to a Mormon service, but according to the Mormon website, Mormons believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died as an atonement for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.


    Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is the Son of God, Who died for sins, and one must repent and believe in Jesus.  


    yes that is the gospel the bible teaches Romans 10:9-10 "That if you confess with your mouth , Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.


    Is this not the gospel that is saving you?



    Yes, and no.


    If I confess with my mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in my heart that God raised Him from the dead, I will receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who leads us into truth.


    Now, if I then believe the Jesus is not God, and argue that Jesus is not God, do I really have the indwelling Holy Spirit?


    If I was baptized as a baby, and believe that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, and that my baptism when I was a baby plus those beliefs includes me among those who are saved, is my faith in Jesus or in my baptism for salvation?


    If I believe Jesus is Lord and God raised Him from the dead, and, as a member of the church which teaches the uncompromised truth and that church membership is important to be counted among the saved, is my faith in Jesus and my church membership?


    There are a lot of groups which teach the fundmentals plus add to them. Salvation is by grace thru faith in Jesus completed work. Some children were raised in homes of church going parents. Children claim to be the religion of the parents, and believe what they have been taught, but have not truly placed their faith in Jesus alone.   


    It is not the good news/gospel which saves. It is actually Jesus Who saves.


    the bible clearly teaches what the foundation of the faith is, and what is built on this foundation will be tested with fire, from this fire we see some escaping through the flames of their theology and errant beliefs, after being tested with fire much of their added doctrine and rhetoric will be destroyed yet their faith in belief that Jesus is the Son of God and died for their sins is clearly the saving gospel. and while suffering great loss they will still be saved! this truth can be found in 1 Corinthians 3:10-15.


    some people like to add to the gospel that saves, and some of their added theology is of gold and precious stones, and from what we see in some of the churches that have added whole books of beliefs which will burn like straw on the day of the Lord 





    and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed themand that Rock was Christ.








    Your point?



    I think brother Fez is suggesting all believers are sustained by Jesus. 


    Amen !


    Would also suggest that they, as Acts says, gathered together.


    Like Jesus is coming back for His bride, His church, and He wrote to seven of them to make His point.


    I find that He wrote to seven of them was to point out only a FEW from each of the six of them, would be found worthy "to wear the white robe" "given some hidden manna", "given a white stone with a new name" "give authority over the nations"

    I gather It was to point out that the majority of those in the pews were not going to be found as "Overcomers" and were in need of complete repentance.  So in six out of seven, the majority of the people and what they were teaching was/is in error, only one church in the seven holds the key of David.


    I have to say those are not the best odds 1 out of 7 your in an errant church.  

  16. I understand the teaching errors concerning both Daniel and Revelation, because I was taught them. To cover the topic takes the length of a book. I'll keep it short.


     Daniel and Revelation are of the style known as apocalyptic literature which were written between 200 BC and 200 AD.  There are other Jewish apocalypses, but deemed non-canonical (approved by a church body): the three books of Enoch, the Second Book of Esdras, the apocalypse of Baruch, and the Ascension of Isaiah. Found amongst the Dead Sea Scrolls were the Christian apocalypses of Peter, of Thomas, and the Shepherd of Hermas. 


    Apocalypses were political manifestos written during times of oppressive regimes. Apocalyptic literatures' intention is to inspire the believer to stand upright and not forsake his or her faith, even unto death. It says, that in the end, God will give his rewards to the believer and judge the individuals and nations that persecuted them.


    They were written in a time of religious persecution. The message to the church was, "to lose ones life was to save ones life." The believer is not to deny the LORD even unto death. Daniel was written in 164 BC. It was the first religious persecution in history. To be caught reading the Torah was to be killed, to circumcise their son was a death sentence. Antiochus IV is the little horn who ruled from 175-164 BC.  In Daniel 9, "After two weeks an anointed shall be cut down when he does not possess the city." Onias III, the high priest was in exile to Egypt, and "did not possess the city," and was assassinated by Menelaus, "cut down."  Many confuse this anointed one with Christ. Some bibles even change the translation of "an anointed" to Messiah," which is an interpretation and not a translation.

          Antiochus made agreements with the Jews ("many") that allied with him. Half the week was in 167 to 165 when Antiochus desecrated the temple with his abomination of desolation by placing an inscription above the temple, dedicating it to Zeus.


    Like the Book of Daniel, Revelation was composed during a period of persecution. Revelation reflects the persecution during Nero's reign (37-68 AD) and during Domitian's reign (81-96 AD). Using gematria  the symbolic number 666 is the number of Qsr Nrwn, the Hebrew for Nero. Nero attacked the Church in 64-65. He ordered Christians to be crucified, covered with tar, and then set on fire to illuminate the night. He did this in a sick artistic fashion--hence the term 'Roman Candle.' He put to death the "two witnesses" Paul and Peter. For John, Caesar Neron is evil, the definitive Antichrist.

         In Daniel, the beast is the Greeks persecuting God's people, for John it is the Roman Empire (Babylon, the Great Harlot).

         There are two separate writings of Revelation, merged to form the present book. The first apocalypse occurred in the time of Nero, and its writings cover chapters 4-11, preceded by the introduction. During the apocalypse of  Domitian (thirty years later) the rest of Revelation (chapters 12-22) were composed, tying it in with the previous version and at the same time introducing the seven letters to the churches.

          Revelation "depicts the cosmic struggle between God and Satan, as it plays out upon the state of human history."1 Rome is Satan's agent persecuting Christ's nation of priests. Roman law required citizens to worship the emperor and the state. Christians had to choose: the Lamb or the Emperor. It was the choice of accepting the mark of the beast or being sealed to Christ. John is warning Christians not to be tempted into syncretism or apostasy. They cannot serve two lords. Revelation warns the church not to turn its back on God, or it will meet a catastrophic end. The message is uncomplicated: in the end, nothing will escape God's judgment!  Revelation assures those that remain faithful, during this time of persecution, that they will participate in the glory of the "wedding feast" of the Lamb. 


    1Kim Riddlebargher, Sermons on Revelation, 2


    Source: editor, William R. Farmer, The International Bible Commentary, (The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota 1998) ISBN 0-8146-2454-5

    glad you kept it short

  17. mainly its a future event because the second coming of Jesus Christ is tied directly with the antichrist being destroyed 2 Thessalonians 2:8 (And then the lawless one (antichrist) will be revealed, Whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of His mouth and destroy by the splendor of His coming )


    there's no way to get around this plain biblical fact, the antichrist and the real Christ are two inseparable events, you can't have the antichrist without the following and direct coming of the real Christ The Lord Jesus who is king of kings and Lord of Lords 

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