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Posts posted by AnotherSinner

  1. After much thought and consideration of my own personal well being, it has been decided that my time here at worthy is done.

    No details being shared, I would like to thank those of you who have enlightened me and engaged in civil conversation with me.

    There has been a lot learned and hopefully there will be much more learned from past conversations and happy memories had

    with you here.

    At this time I would particularly like to thank these individuals;

    Morning Glory


    Lady C








    You all have been patient with me. Each of you has shared with me in some way, shape or form. If not, advised me in some way.

    Perhaps even given prayer. Each of you has been a special blessing to me. As have various others that I apologize for not naming.

    So many of you have been wonderful.

    At the time though, it seems I am being led elsewhere and am likely not to return to Worthy. I only pray that you continue to bless

    others as you have me and that God not only speaks to each of your hearts on a daily basis, but that he continues to use you to

    speak to others.

    If any should desire to keep in touch, this is my e-mail address: burresor@hotmail.com

    May God Bless You....



  2. Truthfully do not know where I am. Love God, believed Jesus died for me. However, am also of the opinion that America has and is cutting God out of it to the point where as a nation the consequences of such course of action are going to be very visible as well as felt.

    Do not always make it to church...or do bible study like I would and should. However, am pursuing biblical and religious knowledge so that I might better understand what it is I grew up believing as well as the beliefs of others. Such an extensive study has not shaken my faith...but do not feel I am deserving of His love at all. Feel especially in light of recent world events that I deserve and should be in Hell when the day comes. Not even certain of my salvation anymore.

  3. Not surprised that Israel would walk out.... without support...they might as well have fed themselves to the wolves had they stayed. Sad, I have so much respect for these people yet for some reason they always seem to be too quickly abandoned. Then America abandons their own....so to ask the U.S. for help does seem a bit.... of an act of desperation.

    I apologize if this seems I am not too proud to be an American, in truth...with all that is going on with this present upcoming election...I am not. I am very hurt by both candidates, and also disappointed in the American people who stand behind them. This country has truly lost its focus. So much of what the people stood fought, and died for is coming to pass away....

    Just pray that Israel remains strong in the Lord.

  4. Probably going to get insulted because of this....so call me stupid or clueless if you want...but...

    Why can a company not just do these things without having to be so vocal? This whole mess seeing as they did a complete flip flop seems to demonstrate they were in it for the publicity.

    As someone told me when I mentioned this to him, why not concern themselves with what they should be doing...serving food? Not that they should not have voices but there are right and wrong ways to go about it...

    No, no insults. However, I am wondering how you interpreted things this way.

    Cathy's letter was private. It was the Moreno guy that ran to the media with a mischaracterized announcement of the letter's content.

    Had read an article or two about Chick-fil-a no longer supporting companies or the like the support marriage between man and woman. So naturally....I figured....that was a flip flop. Either way...this is nothing short of a publicity stunt. With this much media....and this much controversy and this much uncertainty about a held position. It is hard to see it as anything less.

    Please do not request me to share links supporting my claim as when I make the same request, all I get is excuse after excuse as to why it cannot be done.

    With that, I bow out...

  5. Do not care who a man is....the U.S. was founded by the people for the people. The image of one man or the icon, insignia...etc of such is an insult to the country....yet...it is what we signed up for....the more evil we see, the more we roll over and watch it happen.

  6. Nearly all of the people who did not pay either type of tax were elderly – 10.3 percent of total tax filers - or had incomes less than $20,000 – 6.9 percent.

    But it's not just low-income people who get out of paying income taxes. About 1 percent of the top 1 percent of income earners, those making about $533,000 or more, did not pay income taxes. That's roughly 13,000 tax filers.

    And 4,000 millionaires are also escaping that burden, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis.

    The majority of people who pay zero income tax, though, are low-income families. Last year 99 percent of people earning less than $10,000 per year paid no income tax. Roughly 78 percent of the households that did not pay income tax were below the poverty line.

    Many of these low-income earners may not even realize they do not pay income tax. According to an April Gallup poll, 50 percent of people who earn less than $30,000 per year said the amount they pay in income taxes is too high. More than 80 percent of those people do not pay a dime of income tax.

    They are on the hook, though, for a host of other taxes such as sales taxes, property taxes, state income taxes and excise taxes on items like alcohol, gasoline and cigarettes.


    Nearly all of the people who did not pay either type of tax were elderly – 10.3 percent of total tax filers - or had incomes less than $20,000 – 6.9 percent.

    But it's not just low-income people who get out of paying income taxes. About 1 percent of the top 1 percent of income earners, those making about $533,000 or more, did not pay income taxes. That's roughly 13,000 tax filers.

    And 4,000 millionaires are also escaping that burden, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis.

    The majority of people who pay zero income tax, though, are low-income families. Last year 99 percent of people earning less than $10,000 per year paid no income tax. Roughly 78 percent of the households that did not pay income tax were below the poverty line.

    Many of these low-income earners may not even realize they do not pay income tax. According to an April Gallup poll, 50 percent of people who earn less than $30,000 per year said the amount they pay in income taxes is too high. More than 80 percent of those people do not pay a dime of income tax.

    They are on the hook, though, for a host of other taxes such as sales taxes, property taxes, state income taxes and excise taxes on items like alcohol, gasoline and cigarettes.


    Not exactly rich and my husband and I paid taxes to the i.r.s. in 2010... facts are so often not looked into in this day and age. It is appalling just how much America functions based off of negative stereotypes.

  7. That remark he made really offended me. Not voting for him or Obama as both do not like either the disabled or the poor. Not proud of being on government assistance, but am not lazy either. Doing 15 credit hours in school right now while my husband works. Then as I have told my friends an family, if these programs are to stop...might as well go back to the days in which only the rich could go to school. No more grants and student loans. Those hand outs should be too good for us 'lazy people' too....

    Sorry for the rant...this is a very sensitive subject for me....as those remarks in terms of my financial status affect me on a personal level.

  8. Probably going to get insulted because of this....so call me stupid or clueless if you want...but...

    Why can a company not just do these things without having to be so vocal? This whole mess seeing as they did a complete flip flop seems to demonstrate they were in it for the publicity.

    As someone told me when I mentioned this to him, why not concern themselves with what they should be doing...serving food? Not that they should not have voices but there are right and wrong ways to go about it...

  9. The only question I could ask here is: Are any of us really worthy to take part in communion if there is any sin in our lives? You can love God with all your heart and still struggle with a form of sin.

    This is probably going to sound like a ridiculous question, but I do not feel it is.

    What if there was a person who was known to openly struggle with anger or swearing in the congregation? What if he or she desired to take part in communion? Should it be allowed if that sin is one that is continuously fought with?

  10. Im in the process of changing my sig line. Along with bible verses, I would like to post two quotes from the following puritan authors. Which one or ones do you like?

    "No heart can conceive that treasury of mercies which lies in this one privilege, in having liberty and ability to approach unto God at all times, according to his mind and will." JOHN OWEN

    "O Christian, never be proud of things that are so transient, injurious, and uncertain as the riches of this evil world! But set your heart on the true and durable riches of grace in Christ Jesus." ISAAC AMBROSE

    "If God be our God, He will give us peace in trouble. When there is a storm without, He will make peace within. The world can create trouble in peace, but God can create peace in trouble." THOMAS WATSON

    "Works? Works? A man get to heaven by works? I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand!" GEORGE WHITEFIELD"

    Like them all...but the one by Thomas Watson spoke the most. Always a blessing to know that no matter what, God is always there bearing it all with you. Even if you cannot see Him...there are times, He sure can be felt. There is a peace about Him that no one and nothing else can bring.

    Just Another Sinner


  11. Maybe not so much needing an answer, but I think it valuable to discuss this topic.

    Satan's war against women

    Reducing women to sex objects. The loss of innocence. Men treating women as second-class or property. The fashion industry, Hollywood, pop-culture, etc. focusing on body image - it needst ohave "sex appeal" - in other words, your figure and how you dress needs to provoke lust (low cut, cleavage, exposed midriff, tight pants, Daisy dukes, as little covered as possible). Girls thinking they have to look and dress provocatively to find male-acceptance and attention, find their self-worth. "Reproductive rights" is the code phrase for promoting illicit sex and abortion (I hear these words advocated whenever they talk about their rights to sex and abortion).

    Satan's war against men

    Manhood is hated, discouraged, and belittled - the strong defender, the warrior, the risk-taker, the adventurer. Men need to be "sensitive" like women (note: this is different from leading with their hearts). They shouldn't be competitive. Men should be subservient.

    The devaluing of gender-identity

    With women supposed to be like men and men supposed to be like women, now it is praised for men to deny their masculinity and women to deny their femininity. Homosexuality and lesbianism is one aspect of this. But we have little boys be taught by mothers to enjoy "girly things". Another child is being raised androgynous so that the child can "choose" his/her gender.

    Thoughts? Additions? Etc.?

    In truth, I am not so certain it is a matter of hating Genders. As much as it is a matter of hating God's creation. Keeping in mind that Satan, formerly known as Lucifer and one of the most beautiful angels God created once was very much loved by God. His pride though got in the way. Imagine then knowing that God made mankind special. Important enough to be placed over all living and creeping things on the earth.... that can come across as a slap to the face to an angel if one is indeed prideful like Satan was.

    Then that is just my take on it.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  12. Think cau

    Firstly, there are Sharia courts in Texas, so they're not a particularly British phenomena.

    As to crucifixes people should be free to wear religious symbols if they wish, but do we need indeed should we wear these graven images?

    How is the cross considered a graven image? A graven image is something that one worships. I wear the crucifix as a reminder of Christ's love for me.

    No graven image is a carved or cast representation of something.

    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

    Why do you need a physical object to remind you?

    Think caution needs to be exercised in terms of interpretation of scripture. For can photographs of loved ones be seen the same way? As a graven image.... While they are not objects of worship, they are sometimes left around one's home to remember special times or lost loved ones. If the wearing of a cross makes a person an idolter, we can very well run the risk of about anything we do being taken into much of the same light.

    Do not personally wear any crosses anymore myself, or anything like that. My father always used to and still to this day takes offense at the sight of a crucifix as Jesus is no longer upon the cross...which I understand but see no point in casting judgement on someone who takes comfort in wearing one.

    Idoltery is all about placing something or someone above the Lord.

    Then...may not know much there....I guess. My apologies for any offense taken. None was meant.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  13. "Now therefore take for yourselves (speaking to Jobs friends) seven bulls and seven rams and go to My servant Job.............and my servant Job will pray for you. For I will except him so I will not do with you according to your folly, Because you have not spoken of me what is right, as My servant Job has." 42:8 "The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."

    .........and they ate bread with him in his house; and they consoled him and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought on him. 42:11

    But he(Job) said to her, "You speak as of one of the foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed except good from God and not except adversity?" In all this Job did not sin with his lips. 2:10

    If your theology can not handle God doing these things then maybe your theology needs rethinking. Your changing Job to fit your interpretations of other scripture and your handling of faith itself. You preach faith in faith. Word faith can't handle Jobs faith cause it don't fit word faiths teaching of faith and the box they've made for how God acts in the spiritual principles about faith in faith.

    Job had faith. Everything dear to him was taken, then his health was taken and he still held fast his faith. He believed. And don't you think that the Lord knew he would? Every believer will have their faith tried at some point in some way. But never beyond what we can handle. Trials will break us and make us, and will rid us of this world. Hating the garment even spotted. He wants us to love Him, not the things of this world. He who believes has eternal life. Job believed and hung strong, that's faith.

    As Paul said " But may it never be that I should boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Gal 6:14

    Many of the trials of Paul are well recorded, A statement like the one above comes from trials, which are true spiritual blessing by the way.

    The cross is central in Christian doctrine and should be central in our lives.

    Your handling of the word "cause" is twisted. Of coarse what God did had purpose, we have the book of Job for one thing, Job even prayed that others might read about his dellema. Thousands of years later we are reading Job and learning about true faith, well except word faith people. Job was a carnal man to you all.

    God was saying the devil incited Him against Job, there was nothing Job had done to cause this, there was no cause. He did this to Job without cause. Not "a" cause. He didn't say " to ruin him without "a" cause.

    But once again it is obvious Job had nothing to do with what fell on him and you will once again go on and on.

    You finding fault with Job is doing what Jobs friends did and they were wrong. It is so obvious, but go ahead and listen to Kenny who came up with this crazy teaching anyway. Or maybe took it from Hagan. Accusing anyone that disagrees with you of not knowing scripture is old hat.

    You're reading Job through the eyes of mans teaching and not reading Job for Job. Read it slowly and ask God for the truth.

    Job remained perfect then? I am afraid that is not biblically accurate for if that were so, why would Jesus be later needed in the picture at all?

    Job became prideful somewhere along the line. While he may not have cursed God and died, he did become prideful of his sin-less nature which

    in itself can be seen as a form of vanity.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  14. I know. Amazing how those that cry against "hate" act in the most hateful ways to combat it.

    That is something that is difficult to wrap around really. Always seems to feel like a one

    sided issue. Do not get me wrong. Know that there is ugliness from both sides. It is just

    as common a practice to see the label homophobic used as it is to see people parading

    around wearing shirts or bearing signs that reads: God hates gays.

    Either way...it should be possible to express one's views without having to outright

    insult another person. This fifteen year old young male did that, expressed his values

    without name calling, or criticizing. The school along with others who are treating him

    poorly because of an opinion should be the ones to issue an apology, not him.

    Sad the world we live in...it is more quick to promote hate, racism, sexism, and about

    any other negativity out there before the thought of common ground is found.

  15. Well, as u know, ma husband & I have been married for over a yr..

    We haven't been trying but we also aren't taking precaution, for having a baby.

    I've been praying & praying bc every time I do seem to get pregnant, I automatically have a miscarriage..

    We got married bc we love each other & new we belonged together.

    We're doing wonderful & juss enjoying our new life!

    I received a txt from ma brother, apparently he juss found out his wife is pregnant! (gonna be third child)

    I'm upset & crushed bc they both walked away from the Lord & don't plan on comin back.

    He juss lost a job & recently got a new 1, they're completely lost!

    They have hardcore krazy parties every wknd & they've both completely destroyed their marriage..


    It juss crushes me how there's SO many people who could careless bout kids!

    Have the poor innocent children & juss throw them around like rag dolls..

    Hoppin from 1 house to another, from 1 friend to another.. All bc some new guy has entered her life or vise versa!

    God, I don't blame u for nothing & I know everything happens for a reason..

    I've prayed & prayed for a child, & I wait patiently.. Am I doin something wrong?

    Wat am I doing wrong? :'(


    Patience as well as hope I can understand being hard in your situation. My husband and I had given up after four years of trying. While there were no miscarriages....

    jealousy was something known all too well as my younger sibling had already been blessed not once...but twice before we found ourselves expecting our first son.

    Remember these women of the Bible...if any of them sound unfamiliar to you, I encourage you to study them:





    Some of these women either knew hardship or struggled with the blessing of motherhood in some way, shape, or form.

    What can you get from them...?

    Believe it or not...strength, courage...and perhaps hope.

    Love comes in so many forms Denise. There are also so many children out there...if perhaps...all else fails...have you

    thought of adopting?

    Children are such blessings..and there are so many ways to show love unto future generations be it as a teacher,

    mentor, parent, aunt, babysitter, godparent, to simply being his or her friend. Please...do not get discouraged.

    Just trust God on this matter for all things happen in accordance to His time...and His time...is always right.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  16. So many believers though....many might not admit it....are lost. Some are filled up with so much false doctrine or teachings that they are assumed just not to be Christians because of them being misled. Think caution is something that is truly needed to be exercised....God alone knows man's heart, none of us truly can say we know full well what resides in another person's heart the way in which God can.

    Just my thoughts....sorry for any offense caused.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  17. Could be wrong...but believe that scripture tells us to judge sin within the church. More or less that we are to work to keep it out not so much by casting stones, but rather by dealing with the sin privately as well as directly. Only upon the brother's or sister's refusal to be rebuked to then be withdrawn from the church. Otherwise have not seen any scripture condoning any form of judgement...as there is not one of us without sin.

    Does this mean that I personally do not judge my neighbor...?

    No, it is something I struggle with. Especially when wronged by loved ones. It is something too that likely many of us struggle with and need to seek God's guidance as well as look to Jesus as the primary example of how to deal with judgement.

    Just my thoughts....

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


  18. Sorely disappointed with the look of things in the medical industry within the u.s. Michelle Obama holds or held a rather high position within hospital administration....seems to me that the bread crumbs leave a trail that lead right back to the presidential chair. Regardless of who is taxed and how high, seems really wrong to force any one thing on anyone. Medical insurance is not something everyone can afford, the idea of the possibility of penalizing someone who cannot afford the insurance as is, is basically like trying to squeeze blood from a turnip. Hard to get something out of something that is simply not there...

    My apologies for any offense caused. None was intended.

    Just Another Sinner Without A Clue


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