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Posts posted by JTC

  1. 11 hours ago, leah777 said:

    many thousands who didnt  come to church before are seeing the livestream services and ringing prayerlines, according to the media in Europe.

    This is great. If anything like that is happening here it's not being publicized. I'd feel better even if the person mentioned God once in awhile.

    I've heard several preacher's opinions on what Covid-19 is. I was reading Jeremiah 31 this morning and he mentioned how God will use an illness as a form of discipline. That's what I think God is doing with Covid-19, He is disciplining us. The sooner God sees some signs that we've got His message the sooner we will get a resolution to this. But all I'm hearing about is how we are going to live with the virus. It's called The New Normal. I think this means most people aren't even thinking about God. Maybe if we have to live with this virus 2 or 3 years, and if we see several million people dead from it, perhaps then the average joe will think about God.

  2. 8 hours ago, other one said:

    and every time I post the proof of that on FaceBook they take it off and last time they threatened me with FaceBook jail for a month..

    What is Facebook jail?

    FB just removed 2 posts I made yesterday, I don't even know why.

  3. 5 minutes ago, leah777 said:

    worse, much worse. I see people gathering close together and I shiver. I pray for the US, and the rest of the world too. I see what has happened in Europe and I pray harder for you all who have this to come.

    Did the people in Europe become impatient after 1 or 2 months and stop taking precautions? This is what I see happening here. Right on this board, the skeptics are getting louder and bolder. Many just don't believe this pandemic is real. They think we are being lied to for some kind of financial reason.

    We haven't heard Covid causes pneumonia very much. But we have heard that Covid-19 virus causes auto-immune symptoms which can be blood clots or even a brain infection. They just don't know. This results in people getting stupid and taking foolish chances.

       I hate to say that what you're worried about probably will happen here in the USA. I think the world's only real hope is God but I don't hear many people speak of God, even those who are supposed to be believers.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, leah777 said:

    US people are 4 weeks behind Europe. Give it another month and US answers will be different.

    Hi leah,     I'm not sure what you mean? Do you expect the USA to be worse in 4 weeks or better?

    Here in NY we have been doing staying home and wearing masks when we go out so the virus rates have slowed down. But the mood of most people is to stop being so careful and to start taking chances again. I'm not one of those people, but if they're the majority then I think in 4 weeks we'll see the numbers go up again. That will mean all the sacrifices we have done over the last month were done for nothing.

  5. 8 hours ago, Walter Goraj jr said:

    You either become immune to  something or sad to say you die from it 

    This may well be inevitable. And this is how things were always done in the past. You see, my generation didn't grow up believing life is safe nor did we expect a guarantee that we'd be alright. But now we have the "let's sue" generation and that's what everyone's afraid of. I've also noticed the finger-pointing has begun to start. We may get close to 1 million dead before this gets under control. I can live with that but I don't think the average person can.

  6. This Covid crisis is bringing out the worst in many people. I think we're seeing what too much TV, video & other fantasy games, plus being on social media constantly does to you. I don't believe this is a hoax nor do I believe the out-of-town nurse. We're all sick of this but you skeptics have eased off on the precautions. I went outside today and 70 to 90% of the people weren't wearing masks unless they went in a store. If they keep doing that, and I assume they will, we should know in 4 to 5 weeks how real this is. I hope you skeptics are right, but I doubt it.

  7. On 4/23/2020 at 6:54 PM, Michael37 said:

    but why is faith without works as dead as a body without a spirit?

    Well, if your body didn't have your spirit in it then what would your body be able to do? Nothing, your body wouldn't even be alive.

    Let's look at Abraham for an answer. We know Abraham was counted as righteous because he believed God, correct. But because he believed God what happened? Actually many things, but 2 are he left his home of Ur to go some place, he knew not where. He simply trusted God to lead to him. And the most famous example of Abraham's faith was when he almost killed his son to then burn the boy on the alter he built. God made Abraham put the knife to his son's throat before He stopped him.     But now, suppose Abraham believed God in his mind but he never left the land of Ur, is that kind of believing God any good. And suppose Abraham never took his son up the mountain, suppose Abraham just believed God in his head. That kind of faith is dead. It's useless to both us and God. At some point God is going to use every one of us. If we aren't willing to act on behalf of what we already know God wants from the Bible, then God knows we aren't going to act when He asks for the hard tasks. So faith without works is dead.

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  8. Michael37,   I just went to reread Philippians ch.3 to be sure of what I'm going to say. This is a chapter of great contentions and I'm sure someone will disagree with me.

       First of all, I'm little surprised you didn't ask what's the reward Paul is seeking. But I'm glad you didn't, the question you asked is the easier one to answer. We have to be clear on one thing, Paul wrote that to people who are saved already, so the pressing on can't mean accepting Jesus as Lord. They already did that. I hope we agree up to here.

    Paul is talking about living as righteously as possible, and you can tell from what he says, he knows it's no easy task. We all refer to Jesus as our Lord, correct? But if someone is our Lord that means we have to obey him, even when obeying him means doing things we don't want to do. To the people of 2000 yrs ago this was common knowledge. But today people only want to do what suits them, be that lying, stealing, cheating, cussing, getting angry, watching porn, having casual sex, you get the idea. We're not supposed to do any of that, but there's one thing even harder. Jesus said we have to love one another. Jesus also said we have to love and pray for our enemies. Maybe it's not too hard to act lovingly to a Christian brother but we have to be that way to the gay guy we don't like, but we are supposed to. We don't have to feel love for enemies but we have to behave in a loving way towards them. As I said, Paul knew it isn't easy.

    Besides the rewards we will get in Heaven there's at least one earthly reward for living a pious life. James 5:16 says the sincere prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. The implication is that by living as sin free as possible we will get more or better answers to prayer. I think of it as when we stay without sins we're doing something special for God, and when we do then God is more likely to do something special for us.

    I believe this is the answer to your question.

    • Well Said! 1
  9. I don't believe that a certain Walmart in S. Florida did away with all the Marvel superhero movies on DVD, that they normally carry. It seems incomprehensible to me that any Walmart store would continue to sell DVD movies but not any of the movies made by Marvel, especially Avengers:Endgame. Am I wrong? Could this have really happened?

    I am stuck in my home and not just because of Covid-19. I have a cousin who goes to Walmart at least once every week. I asked her to buy Avengers:Endgame for me and I would reimburse her. She knows I would have paid her, this is not about money. I really don't know why she's telling me this. But I still don't believe it. She's New Age and I'm Christian but this is the first time she's doing something nasty. She often gets angry at me and she lies to me when it's convenient for her. Well why not, that's how the world is. I know. I just thought she'd me a favor.

    If you read this, do you believe one Walmart store would stop selling Marvel DVD movies but continue to sell other DVD movies?

  10. 3 hours ago, Neighbor said:

    Time Machine, Logan's Run, Dr. Strangelove. Yep,it's  one of my top picks.

     Then there is quite a fall off down to Soylent Green, and WarGames.

    It's amazing that you mentioned Soylent Green. I went to see that with a favorite Aunt I had back when it was in the movies. But then I never saw it again, until last week when it was on TV. All these years I never knew why my Aunt had chosen that movie for us to go see. But when I saw it stared Charlton Heston it started to make sense. As the movie kept playing, I noticed Edward G. Robinson who was a favorite actor to my Aunt's generation. The odd thing is I don't recall Soylent Green ever being on broadcast TV before, maybe it was but I didn't know it. However, considering the Covid crisis we're in Soylent Green is almost appropriate. The year in Soylent Green is 2022, not far off. There had been some kind of disaster that left the world in shambles, their biggest problem was not enough food, but there were shortages of many other things. If Covid-19 turns out to be much more virulent than we now think, and if it mutates every 6 months to 1 yr I can see Covid causing a Soylent Green type of world. I pray it does not.

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  11. No one got it in my inner circle but I have a cousin who's wife had an Aunt who caught it. I said had because the Aunt died from it. Additionally, I have a good Internet friend who's daughter and her bf are both doctors, and the bf was sick but he recovered. I've also been told that 4 - 6 people in my town have died from the virus. As I've been saying, I don't fear this I just take precautions. 

    • Praying! 1
  12. 7 hours ago, Walter Goraj jr said:

    And it was correct to consider this a national emergency, but totally wrong  for certain states to make things mandatory like closing "non essential" businesses.

    I have heard this before. I really can't agree. A month ago, we had a situation developing in our hospitals where if someone new came in who needed a ventilator there wasn't going to be a ventilator available to put the person on. We had to slow down this virus before that happened.

    Now they're starting to open up again but I'm not so sure we should do this. IMO the virus will start to spread again, although masks & social distancing may make it spread slower. In addition to this, we now have more ventilators.

    One of my concerns is what is now being said about how this virus causes our own immune systems to attack us and make us sick. Assuming this is true, I wonder what will happen to people who already have an auto-immune illness, such as MS? Will they become more sick, less sick, or will it not matter at all. Until we have an answer to this question I think folks with an autoimmune disease should keep taking precautions.

  13. 6 hours ago, ForHisGlory37 said:

    I think of the topic of Eugenics when I think of that movie.  But I did enjoy watching that movie also brother!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. I don't connect eugenics with Logan's Run because they don't say children are engineered in any way. All they say is that babies who are meant to be policemen, called "sandmen", aren't born very often. You can imply eugenics from that. I didn't because I've seen other Sci-Fi shows where eugenics was a central theme in the movie. I also like the fact that while God is not endorsed, neither is He spoken against. That's very refreshing in a Sci-Fi flick.

    There is 1 short nude scene, it's not a nude love making scene. Logan & his champion get soaking wet escaping the city, they then quickly change their clothes. This is the only time you see them nude.

  14. 9 hours ago, shortangel said:

    I've never heard of it sounds like an interesting show

    When I bought this movie, in the 1980's, I didn't understand why it appealed to me so much. I figured it was simply because I was always a science fiction buff. But when I watched it yesterday I realized what I love about the movie. Quite truthfully, only 80 to 100 yrs ago almost no one in America would give birth to a baby outside of marriage. But today it's quite common. Also back then, a husband rarely left his wife, especially after having children with her. But again, this is all too common today. The issue is whether or not living like this is harmful in certain ways, harmful especially to the children but also to the family as a unit? I remember when men & women in my generation were saying, no it shouldn't be harmful. But I think now, we finally know it is. At the least, it's better for the parents and the children if the family unit stays together. Logan's Run is set in a future where the knowledge of a family has been lost. I mean it is totally gone. You don't even hear the word family, in this movie.  Children come from a man and woman but they aren't grown in the mother. The movie doesn't make a big deal out of this, they just mention it. In Logan's Run everyone lives inside of domed cities, no one has ever even seen outside. One very good scene is when Logan & his female companion see their first sunrise. They don't even know what that big red-yellow thing is. The movie is well done and the acting is no exception. It's on again May 6th on broadcast channels, I'm sure pay channels have it as well. The movie is worth watching.

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  15. I used to own this movie on VHS tape. It was just on broadcast TV and will be again Wed. 5/6/20 in the afternoon. I love this movie, and while it doesn't speak about God it does take a stance of endorsing 1 very important godly virtue. That virtue is marriage between a man and a woman and then that man & woman staying together their whole life to raise children. However, since it is a Sci-Fi movie it doesn't do this in a direct way, so you can easily get the wrong impression until the last hour. It's set in a post apocalyptic world where you can have anything, but you can't live past 30. The people believe you can be renewed at 30 but some choose to run away rather than die. Those who run go in search of a place called sanctuary, that no one has ever really seen. In spite of never have being seen, over 1000 people have gone there. A policeman named Logan is sent to find the fabled sanctuary. What he finds instead is an old man who tells him and a young woman with him about how the world once was. The young couple learn about marriage, family and all the things we are currently in danger of losing. I never thought I'd live to see a day when the message in this movie is so needed. Maybe that's why it's being broadcast twice in 1 week. 

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  16. Well, it is definitely good news that this doc hasn't lost even 1 covid patient. But when he reiterated that they didn't understand what was happening to the covid patients that's scary. But by 8 min into the video the doc offers more good news because he believes they are figuring out the course of the disease.  It then turns out that the doc reaches some disturbing conclusions about the covid virus, but the overall message here is encouraging. I guess I'll add that your best bet is to not get infected, which means keep taking precautions. But if you are infected and you know you're infected from symptoms, don't wait until you can't breathe to call a doctor. This doc can help the most when he catches the illness early on.

    Thank you for putting this video up.

  17. 11 hours ago, Paul James said:

    For me, I don't see any teaching in the New Testament about it, and the catalogue of dreams and interpretation can be found on many New Age websites

    This is a different question. The post I made with the dream interpretation methods I mentioned are neither Biblical nor New Age, if anything they would be academic. You don't know me, so I forgive you for thinking I would endorse anything that's New Age. I hate the New Age because I lost a brother to it's teachings. It destroyed my family.

       Dreams have always been an interest to people and always will be. I've heard the dreams of dozens of people over the yrs and very few were of a divine origin. I know everyone likes to believe God is speaking to them in their dreams but the fact is that's a rare occurrence. The majority of dreams are best understood as a wish or a fear being expressed by your own mind. Freud seemed to only see the wish fulfillment dreams but experience has taught me dreams are just as often expressing a fear. Especially in the case of a nightmare. Furthermore, most dreams usually have to do with an event that occurred in the last 3 days of the dreamer's life. You also can't understand dreams with a dream symbol interpretation book. At best, those books can give you what a common symbol often means but that doesn't mean it meant that in your dream. A dream symbol is always understandable only in relation to the person who dreamt it. This is why I'm not telling you what any symbol might mean. Another thing to look at in a dream is how the dreamer felt in the dream concerning a certain symbol or the dream as a whole.

       Dreams are really difficult to interpret and almost impossible without knowing the dreamer quite well. I studied dream interpretation for years and you can't easily learn how to do it online.

      As a Christian you shouldn't be going to New Age websites, they don't know one thing you need to know. Moreover, learning about the New Age can only mix you up and destroy your faith. Trust me on this, I spent 22 yrs refuting my brother's new age ideas until he finally died because he followed them.

      Check out videos by Steven Bancarz to learn just how bad the new age is.

  18. Hey Chem E.  I see this covid-19 virus really gets you hot under the collar. Not good dude. I guess you don't live any where near a covid hot spot but since I live in the midst of one I didn't bother to read your excessively long post trying to convince others you know what you're saying. If your area becomes a hot spot you'll change your tune quick enough. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Well Said! 1
  19. This is hardly a hoax although I know some people think so. I don't think anyone should be feeling fear but there's no harm in taking precautions. I don't believe we're in the Great Tribulation period so there's no reason to think Covid will kill off 1/4 or 1/3rd of the earth's population. However this virus did come upon the earth because of mankind's lack of godliness. God has always allowed such things as a warning to the people and as a call to bring them back to Him. Today is no different. 

  20. 1 hour ago, DustyRoad said:

    HIV is transmitted in ways that don't include immorality and fornication. Many people were infected with the virus in health care settings to include dental procedures. 

    That's what happens when you let a hungry lion run loose, it attacks everyone. HIV didn't start in a dentists office and the fact that it spread from there as well as in sinful ways just make it that much more dangerous. My point still stands, we either learn to obey God and not just pay Him lip service or else bad things will happen.

  21. 5 minutes ago, Flowersun said:

    Hello JTC...it's the "we have to" that I struggle with...what does that mean?.......

    It means we have to want to be the way God wants us to be. If I want to lie so I can take advantage of you God isn't going to force me to be honest. But if I want to be honest God will help me to tell the truth. God won't force us, we have to want His help in whatever ways you need to change.

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