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Everything posted by GojuBrian

  1. and a fire extinguisher. I wear a seatbelt....buildings have emergency exits...etc..
  2. When you read the passage, it specifically states, "When someone strikes you on the right cheek...." Why would Jesus specify which cheek? If you think about it, the only way to hit someone on the right cheek is with the left hand or the back of the right hand. In their time and culture, striking someone in that way was deemed an insult - worse than giving someone the finger in our culture. So Jesus wasn't speaking about a bully beating you up, or a robber trying to steal from you, or worse. He was speaking about being demeaned, insulted, put down, demoralized, etc. To turn the other cheek wasn't an invitation to be beat up, but a statement declaring - if you strike me, do so with respect! What do you make of Him cleansing the Temple with a scourge and overturned the money changers' tables? This is exactly how I see it. I own guns, I carry a gun. A gun is a tool just like other tools that is there if it is needed. You have to respect the tool and learn how to properly use the tool. I will use whatever tools necessary to defemd my family from enemies foreign and domestic. I will also use my tools to hunt some yummy meat to put in the fridge and to poke holes in paper for fun.
  3. I'm a man of christian faith. I attend a non-denominational church, but I grew up in Church of Christ. Just a little background info.. I have had a JH couple stopping by my house about once a month for a while now. They are an elderly couple and very nice. They have asked me questions and I have answered them the best I can. They have never pushed their religion on me nor I them. From the start I told them we will disagree on some major issues, that was fine with them, they just wanted to talk. But, they continually hand me their literature. Should I even accept it? I've been throwing it away. Should I offer to pray with them that they accept the totality of Jesus and His message? Should I just continue with the friendly visit without making waves? Thank you for your comments.
  4. I have no desire to see any part of it. I don't hate them anymore than I hate pedophiles.
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