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About th1bill

  • Birthday 01/25/1945

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  1. Dani, I love that song because it is so theologically sound. Theology is irrelevant. Jesus died for the sins of the world. If He had no care for the pigment of one's skin, gender one was, wealth one possessed....why on earth should we? God is love and sometimes....more often than not, that is too quickly forgotten. Dani, theology is never irrelevant and without trying to give you a, likewise, snappy reply, theology is what is being discussed. The theology taught in the Word of God is a many faceted subject and the point of the OP, mine, is just one facet to examine. I don't know why you snapped back at me, I was in your corner. Th1bill, You are right. Think that instead of focusing on the kingdom of God, my attention was fixated on something else. Under a lot of personal stress of various natures. Know it does not condone or excuse the poor choice of words made. Been under a lot of persecution...getting to the point where perhaps I need to really take it to God and stop preparing for battle at every corner. Thank you for your patience and gentle choice of words. My apologies. Just Another Sinner Without A Clue Dani We're cool. I was told that I would pass year before last, I understand stress
  2. Dani, I love that song because it is so theologically sound. Theology is irrelevant. Jesus died for the sins of the world. If He had no care for the pigment of one's skin, gender one was, wealth one possessed....why on earth should we? God is love and sometimes....more often than not, that is too quickly forgotten. speaking for myself i was raised as racist but I was not taught to hate a person for skin color it was more for the things they done or did not do. now the people i grew up around may have had their hatred rooted in skin color but I never heard anyone say that the blacks were hated for the color of their skin. through out history there have always been some really good black people and some really sorry low down no good white people. I do not use the color of skin I use the actions of people black or white to determine if they a part of my life. I have a blood brother i wont let in my house cause he is and always has been a thief he has stolen from all six of my brothers, all four of my sisters,all four aunts, all 7 uncles from my mom, my dad and my grandparents and many neighbors all of whom have let him stay in their house cause he never seem to be able to get a job but in the end he always got kicked out or steeling. I know some black people I would leave a house key with if i went on vacation for a week and know I could trust them. I would not trust my brother with my house key. so where does that put me, if people are good we love and help them. If people are bad we try to help them. sometimes you have to come out and be separate from certain people. It sounds like you grew up in my family. And I complet5ely agree, one of my best friends has complete run of my place, unattended, and he is, like myself, a former Blues singer but much darker pigment than I or my wife. My two brothers were and are not allowed in my house, ever.
  3. P1, I'm going to need to disagree with you here. You appear to have taken part of the passage from Matthew 15 and Mark 7 and have missed the entire point or principle taught therein. The mission of the Jew was to spread the Gospel to the Gentile and they had failed to do so. Now, Jesus told the woman that He had not come to minister to the Gentile but you see, fine line here, He came for all of us but it was not His direct ministry. He did relent in the end because of her immediate need and that alone makes the point, He came for or that all might be saved. And in the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18b-20, this point is firmly established. Can it be that you have just misstated your point?
  4. Dani, I love that song because it is so theologically sound. Theology is irrelevant. Jesus died for the sins of the world. If He had no care for the pigment of one's skin, gender one was, wealth one possessed....why on earth should we? God is love and sometimes....more often than not, that is too quickly forgotten. Dani, theology is never irrelevant and without trying to give you a, likewise, snappy reply, theology is what is being discussed. The theology taught in the Word of God is a many faceted subject and the point of the OP, mine, is just one facet to examine. I don't know why you snapped back at me, I was in your corner.
  5. Dani, I love that song because it is so theologically sound.
  6. I live my life, to the very best of my ability, by the Word of God. I was raised rough as a corn cob by a mother born to a very racial family with a German father and all my parents were drunks. So it is that all of my given history will be slanted by the Military and everything after that is of my LORD. now Im not going to question your faith but I would like to point out that you are saying your life history ( experiences ) come before the Lord or am I reading your post wrong No, I might have elaborated and looked like a self centered bore but that would be the short version of why, when I reference my past, it is so heavily military centered. What has occurred since 1/1/90 has all been of the LORD.
  7. I live my life, to the very best of my ability, by the Word of God. I was raised rough as a corn cob by a mother born to a very racial family with a German father and all my parents were drunks. So it is that all of my given history will be slanted by the Military and everything after that is of my LORD.
  8. That is a creed I live by and it is universal. So what has this to do with the OP?
  9. You have a much better grasp on my OP than most it seems.
  10. I look at the problems of our nation a little different, I agree color should not be a stumbling block but features, experiences and ethics do separate races and even people of same color. And even though I was raised in a racist enviroment I do not believe I am now. After reading the other post here Im sure I would be considered racist if I continue this post. 2nd Thess 3: 10 - 24 has a special meaning to me. Bill, in the above quote you say different regions adapted differently by that do you mean some turned white some turned black and some do get face and chest hair and some do not get face and chest hair some eyes are shaped different all because of the region they live in That is a reasonable assumption but because people are not stationary objects it is imperrative that we remember that these characteristics will spread with migration and therefore are not constrained to a specific region or area. Not f necessity to your first question and no to your second.
  11. Sir, You are truly blessed and I have just prayed for greater blessing on your behalf. I, having been to war, hope that you have not and do not crry that burden but either way you know what I'm trying to have others to see.
  12. I look at the problems of our nation a little different, I agree color should not be a stumbling block but features, experiences and ethics do separate races and even people of same color. And even though I was raised in a racist enviroment I do not believe I am now. After reading the other post here Im sure I would be considered racist if I continue this post. 2nd Thess 3: 10 - 24 has a special meaning to me. What you havesaid to this point would be termed by anyone but a racist as slanted. The very fact that ethics, actions and looks (individual looks) sepapate people into groups does not need the specification, races! Those of you that continue to push in that foolish direction have, completely ignored thde OP and the intent of this string... there is only one race! I love Wolves and they are difficult for 99.99% of the Human Race to understand them. Sugarbear, my white wolf lived with me and protected my wife for a bit over 16 years before we put her down. My wife encountered a man walking his black and silver wolf one evening and the gentelleman was astonished that she was not in fear but had dropped to her knees, bowed and extended her hands for the wolf to examine her. Over my life time I have encountered a she wolf twice in the woods and lying on my side, in the fetal position, both allowed me to touch and to pet them. All of these wolves were full blooded wolves and yet none of them looked alike! During my three tours in Vietnam I had my back protected by Vietnamese men, Japanese men, Black men, Mexican men and White men. Each and every one of them was a Human. None of them looked like me and I did not care, they saved my life and I protected theirs. Simply put, we are all God's creation! We all are descended from the same Beginning Stock, Adam and Eve!
  13. Typical to call me a racist. That word is so easily thrown around, especially from those who will not admit the truth about our nation. When was the last time you walked down an inner-city street? Did you feel safe? Have you ever been called a racial epitaph? Have YOU ever used the "N" word? Certainly you and I are responsible for correcting our own faults. That is the way that we think. But that is not normally the case in the inner-cities, where most of the minority live. By the way, I have a black son-in law and he works hard, provides for his family, respects human life, and follows Jesus Christ. There are many issues which hold the inner-city population in poverty. One big one is that 70% of babies born in the inner-city are out-of-wed lock. There are many statistics that bare this out, but I'll post just one link: http://www.discovert...ory.asp?id=1261. But, I'm not going to debate you or anyone else about this. And yet here you are pushung a racist agenda! Did you read the OP to understand what was written? I think not. Did you research what I said about where I grew up? Again, I think not because I grew up in the inner city and still have folks living there as well as friends there. Your statement could very easily come from any member of the American Neo-Nazi Party or from most of the members of the KKK. Cobalt1959: Because I called Black, black and white, white, I've insulted? Do you not understand truth? His statement was very Racist and completely uncalled for!
  14. Parker1, your reaction is tipically racist. The truth that there are probably the same percentages of racists in all groups of people is, perhaps and even probably , true but that is running down a rabbit trail and avoiding the core issue. As a white man, it is my duty to take care and to mennd my ways. I can choose to follow the world and blame everyone else or I can follow the Son of God and correct the faults of my own ways. As Christians, we are the local ambassadore for the Kingdom of Heaven. As such we present the image and actions of God to the lost man. What you have demonstrated here is not of God.
  15. When God created Adam and his wife, Eve, the human race was began. (Gen. 1-3) Then we see that the only survivors of the world wide flood were Noah, his wife, their sons and their wives, eight people out of all the human race. (Gen. 6-8) It is very clear that there is only one race in the world at this time, it is known as the Human Race and, by logical extension, every man woman and child on the face of the Earth are descendants of Adam and his wife and even closer in time, we are the descendants of Noah and his wife. Further applied logic finds that, because of this, there is only one race of people in all of the world, the Human Race. Because of the characteristics God gave His most favored creation, as we began to spread over the Earth, it appears that we began to adapt to the different prevailing conditions in the different regions of our home. This resulted in differing appearances that because of, in some cases, a lack of the study of God's Word and other cases because of the lack of the availability of the Word, we now have what we term, Racial Prejudice. This, Racial Prejudice has to be the dumbest ideology in all of the world. Some, today, will have us to believe that this is the cause for the slave trade of the past and of the present but that is not true. The nation of Sudan has become two countries, North Sudan and South Sudan and one of the resulting problems that led to this was Slavery. Negro men attacked and murdered negro men and sold their wives and children into slavery. In this case the difference is religion, the murders were Islamic and the murdered were Christians. And if we listen to the rhetoric, Islam is the religion of peace! In the US we run around with the idea that the Negro Slave problem was all ours, also not true. On the Documentary of the USS Constitution and the Africa Corps that ended it's mission with the advent of our Civil War, it is documented that less than one sixth of the slaves that were shipped across the Atlantic, were to this nation to be sold. What is clearly illustrated by study is the slavery that has been documented through-out the ages, is the ability of men to hate one another and to misuse others. The truth of the matter is that it matters not who the slave owner is, Slavery, in it's modern day form is wrong. We, the people of the world need to grow up and assume the responsibility God has imparted to us. We are loved by God, saved and lost men and it is our duty (Matt. 28:18b-20) to love all men in the same manor that God loves us. We can never accomplish this mission given us in the last verses of Matthew without discarding the stupid idea that colors and features separate us into different races and remember that God began this with one father, Adam, and one mother.
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