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Posts posted by nebula

  1. On 2/12/2019 at 11:08 AM, Tzephanyahu said:

    Shalom Nebula,

    I think the debate may stem from the English word 'perfect'.  

    Perfect (dictionary.com)

    conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type:
    excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement:
    to bring to completion; finish.
    to bring to perfection; make flawless or faultless:


    Whereas the Greek word used in Matthew 5:48 for example is "teleios" which has a slightly different connotation...

    Teleios (5046 @ biblehub.com)

    Definition: having reached its end, complete, perfect
    Usage: perfect, (a) complete in all its parts, (b) full grown, of full age, (c) specially of the completeness of Christian character.


    It seems to me that the Greek 'teleios' is far more achievable (with Yahweh's grace) than achieving the English 'perfection'. For, with 'teleios' there is an indication of completion, full maturity or a correct fulfilling of your  expected duties, whereas 'perfection' indicates you need to be utterly flawless in every aspect.  There's a slight difference but one seems a lot harder! 

    Love & Shalom

    Thank-you for pointing that out!

  2. Thoughts?

    "[Perfectionism] is deadly because those who pursue this way are convinced that it is possible, if only they try hard enough and find the right principles or techniques, to live without sin. Since it is not possible, they either deny that anything they are doing qualifies as sin, or else they acquire a veneer that gives a sinless appearance. It is deadly because it anaesthetizes any awareness of personal sin and therefore any awareness of Jesus in his primary and essential work of forgiveness on the cross… This is why perfectionists so often become workaholics; by ignoring the ubiquity of sin they persist in the illusion that if they accomplish just one more mission, master just one more act of devotion, successfully avoid contamination with just one more sloppily living Christian, get one more program up and running, they will emerge head and shoulders above all others. Some of them accomplish impressive projects and manage stunning achievements, but they also end up without friends, often without family, without forgiveness because they never need it, and without love. Perfectionism assumes tragic proportions when an entire community is infected."

    (Eugene Peterson, 'Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places' p. 320)

  3. I believe I have finally come to understand what a seared conscience looks like.
    Once again debating abortion, where I said, "Murder is murder." This was the response I got.

    "You can’t force someone to donate organs that may save someone’s life, you cannot force a woman to carry another life form against her will. 14th amendment guarantees body autonomy. You cannot force anyone to do anything with their body, regardless of who’s life they would save so unless you want to make it legal to strap people to a table and harvest organs to save children dying in hospitals...."


    And then people wonder how a "loving God" could send people to Hell. Unless they repent....

    • Thumbs Up 2
  4. Just for clarity, I have a hard time believing Jesus did not feel anger; however, I have learned that there are different kinds of anger. There's the unseen anger that burns inside of you. And there is the explosive anger that can be downright scary to observe or be the brunt end of. When I read the commentary, I read this as Jesus was not erupting in explosive anger. But I am sure there was unseen anger burning inside of him. Hurt and anger are often two sides of the same coin.

  5. Copied from a Facebook share:

    Al Mack

    Jesus cleaned out the temple twice, once at the beginning of his ministry, and once at the end.

    A lot of folks read the story about Jesus chasing the cattle and sheep out of the temple, of Jesus overturning the tables of the businesspeople there, and they infer that Jesus was angry, that he was displaying a holy wrath.

    But that’s not what the stories actually say. In fact, since the stories never say what Jesus was feeling. Anybody who declares what Jesus was feeling – whether he was angry or whatever – are using something *other* than Scripture for that statement. Mostly, they’re imposing their own imagination into the gap of where the Bible is silent.

    That is not Bible interpretation. That’s abusing the Bible to justify your own prejudices and misunderstandings of who God really is.

    So what does the Bible actually say?

    The first time, in John 2, it says that Jesus saw what was going on in the temple, and then stopped to weave a whip out of cords (literally, out of cords made from rushes, from plants like grass). Some observations:

    • It takes a fair bit of time to make a whip, and it takes even longer to make one out of *small* cords. This was not a rash action, not an act of rage or passion. This was carefully thought out.

    • The sort of whip you make from rushes or small cords is not a weapon. It’s a flimsy thing, only useful for driving livestock. This is not Indiana Jones’ favorite weapon; it’s more like a sisal rope. It will get the animal’s attention, but no more.

    • The record is very clear: Jesus used even that wimpy whip only on the cattle and sheep. He reacted to the people differently, and unpleasantly for them, but Jesus did not go after people with even a wimpy whip.

    The second event (Matthew 21, Mark 11, and Luke 19) is different. Jesus came into the temple during his “Triumphal Entry” on Palm Sunday. So he saw the shopping mall that they were setting up that day.

    But it was the *next* day that he came back and cleaned the place out [Mark 11:11-12].

    This was not a rash action either. He went back to his AirBNB outside town, and took no action whatsoever until the next day. He certainly had time to think through his choices. And knowing how Jesus did things, I’ll bet he talked it over with Father before he did anything. After all, this is the guy who said, he “can do only what he sees his Father doing” [John 5:19]. So apparently, cleaning out the temple was something he saw his Father doing.

    Conclusion: the actual facts of what the Bible says about these events, absolutely do not support the idea of Jesus flying off the handle, Jesus in a rage, Jesus having a temper tantrum. Jesus was not out of control.

    Yes, he did clean the place out. Yes, he did make a big old mess. Yes, he interrupted business in a very big way.

    But there is no record of him ever hurting anyone, either human or animal. This was not an emotional reaction of any sort: in both cases, the record is very clear that he took his time before responding.

    Summary: there are lot of folks who have a vested interest in the idea of an angry God. Some of them have leathery wings. But the New Testament doesn’t actually support that silly idea nearly as much as they shout and fuss.

    Don’t believe their shouting and fussing.

    • This is Worthy 1
    December 20, 2018 | By Everett Piper
    Lord, open the eyes of the American Church to the deceptions of evil hearts that are set upon destroying Your principles laid out so clearly in Your Word for us to follow. Have mercy on us all, Lord Jesus.

    For sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace. (Rom 6:14)

    This past week, the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), two of the nation’s foremost evangelical organizations, publicly announced they now support adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as officially protected minority classifications to the ranks of federal nondiscrimination law. ...


    • Praying! 1
  7. If there is anyone here who is good at researching this sort of thing, this might be a good one to look into. Because if it is true, it's very, very bad.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

    They lied: The UN Migration Pact IS legally binding and could be valid FOR ALL countries
     By LAURA CAT  15 December 2018

    For months proponents of the UN Migration Pact  told us that the pact was non-binding. The response to the many citizens of nation states worldwide having signed country specific petitions was that it was non-binding so there was nothing to worry about, it was going to be good.

    The immensely opposed and disastrous document declares unlimited migration to be treated as a human right, thereby deprecating the term ‘illegal migrants’, and criminalises any criticism of migration as hate speech.


    Now we know. In a frank exchange with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, Mr. Hebner of the AfD drew out an admission that it is, in fact, legally binding. As well, that it will be adopted as rule for all UN Member states once enacted.

    Mr. Hebner asks: “You can see for yourself clearly that during the conference, the spokesperson for Morocco emphasised that the agreement was legally binding. He said clearly, in a literal sense, that there is a corresponding legal bond for all nations taking part as well as an obligation of implementation. You and your delegation did not raise a single word of objection to that statement but idly accepted it. I would like to emphasise that the parliamentary motion was not presented at the conference. “

    Read full report here

  8. Clinton Whistleblowers: Thursday’s Public Hearing to Reveal “Explosive” Information
    By Sara Carter 
    December 12, 2018 | 3:31 PM EST
    Rep. Meadows believes info being delivered for Thursday's hearing to be 'explosive' in nature and may help connect the dots

    A trove of documents on the Clinton Foundation alleging possible pay for play and tax evasion have been turned over to the FBI and IRS by several investigative whistleblowers, who will be testifying in an open hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Thursday, according to the committee and lawmakers.


  9. Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing

    When a House subcommittee chairman bangs his gavel next week to convene an unprecedented investigative hearing into the Clinton Foundation, two questions will linger as preeminent: Is the Clinton family charity really the international do-gooder that earned a perfect four-star rating from Charity Navigator, or does it suffer from corruption and illegalities as conservatives allege? And if it is the latter, how much evidence of wrongdoing does the government possess?

    The answer to the first question is that the foundation and its projects reported collecting about $2.5 billion to help global crises, from AIDS to earthquakes, even as its own auditors, lawyers and employees privately warned of problems over the years.

    The answer to the second question may reside in 6,000 pages of evidence attached to a whistleblower submission filed secretly more than a year ago with the IRS and FBI. ...


  10. Jordon side of the Jordan River, just north of the Dead Sea.

    They believe "that a meteorite exploded in the air above what is now the Middle Ghor plain," which caused the rain of fire and brimstone that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Interesting tidbit - "The scientists theorize that the shock wave from the meteor blast spread a layer of salt from the nearby Dead Sea throughout the area, making the land agriculturally useless for centuries."

    Perhaps this is how/why Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt? She didn't just turn around, but actually went back and subsequently got hit with the blast of salt, covering and killing her?


    • Thumbs Up 2
  11. Jews that were dispersed into Europe developed fair skin like the Europeans. Jews that were dispersed into India developed darker tones like the Indians. Jews who were dispersed into Ethiopia developed dark skin and hair like the Ethiopians. 

    Skin tone changes are nothing more than genetic mixing, as the Jews intermarried with the local population over the centuries. 

    As for Edomites - why would they have white skin? You don't see white skin coming out of the Middle Eastern regions! 

  12. On 12/1/2018 at 12:14 AM, Steve_S said:

    Hi sister, nice to see you back around.

    Rather than attempting to answer this specifically, I would ask a question - how many Christians have read the entire book of Isaiah more than once and then how many of those have done diligent, in depth studies on all or parts of it?

    I would suggest an alternative means of going about this. I'd just ask folks in person about it, without mentioning the book of Isaiah at all. Those who remember a hearing about lion lying down with a lamb (which will probably be a huge percentage of people), I'd ask them what book (and if they know that, what chapters) those verses are in. My suspicion is that you will get your answer on why everyone remembers it that way.

    Edit: Also have a look at 19th century commentaries on those verses (I'll save you the suspense, they talk about the wolf and the lamb). I found a spurgeon sermon in literally about five seconds on the very topic.


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