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Everything posted by Bagsy84

  1. Hi, sorry for butting in, most of the stuff that matter have been mentioned already as I see it. I just wonder if anyone else kinda realized that arguing "homosexuality" is strange? I mean, that term wasn't really even invented yet in biblical times but in the A.D. like a few hundred years prior today. So the orientation defenition of homosexuality, if we objectively look at the Bible, was never adressed. What the Bible speaks against are simply sexual misconducts that apply to all orientations. In short, lustful thought and contact with anyone who is not your spouse. So the issue moves onto, what then should be allowed for marriage. Far as I can see it, same issue as the divorce verse where Jesus talks about it. In the end, I think most people get into these arguments and kinda not notice all the other issues that matter more, the poor and needy. Peace Ya.
  2. Hi, new here, first post. Stretching the data wouldn't be scientific. I don't think it is observable, demonstrable, testable. (Referring to anything that has happened historically)-perhaps some things but when it comes to evolution. Saying we came from common ancestor is not observable demonstrable nor testable. Thus I cannot accept it as science. it is an amusing theory though. just about anything anyone uses for common ancestor can be used as evidence for common design. and in the end, if a scientist creates life in the laboratory, it would only prove that it does take intelligence to create life. Catch 22. yup. So I think in the end, what we really need to do here is just go out and feed the poor and hungry and help them start a business. For both worldviews... That way, the nonbeliever can prove that their worldview is none of the assumed "ungodly, unethical,immoral, or not an excuse to get out of doing good for others and running from moral rules etc w/e" whilst the faithful can live out their beliefs and not just talk the talk.
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