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Posts posted by Barabbas

  1. This of course is not the first time America tried to subjugate Canadians.

    One of the first decisions that Washington and the Continental Congress made was that Quebec needed to be brought into the revolution as allies. It was felt that the French Canadians would be more then willing to break away from Britain and either join the other colonies or establish it's independence. On June 27, 1775 the decision was made to send an army of liberation to Quebec to force the British out.

    So the claims by Americans that it was primarily Impression Issues for the second invasion (1812) sound very hollow.

  2. RunningGator-

    Once again....What exactly is your "common sense" approach?

    as I stated in a different thread, I don't really have a good answer. I personally believe it falls between "don't touch my gun" side and the "all guns are evil" side.

    I do not think banning all guns are the answer nor do I think that more guns are the answer.

    As stated above, the problem is not the guns, it is the culture. How do we change the culture? Seems that Jesus is able to do that, perhaps the response to such things as this should include God as well as buying more guns...just a thought.

    So, the squishy undecided, middle it is. Carry on then. I'm done with this. I'll just stay armed, and a lot safer than the sheep who will be left defenseless from the liberal elites, and their armed guards.

  3. Again,

    The American congress declared war against England with the Impression Issue as the reason given.

    Another reason was their need to totally expel England from the remaining land still under English domain in North America. They wanted to totally erase the remaining bastion of their mother country and attach these lands as new states of America.

    The impression issue was an excuse, nothing more.

    It was Upper, and Lower Canada at the time.

    Are you putting forth the idea it was only because we were English as an excuse for attacking my country? Curious. :mgcheerful:

    Thoughts anyone on the thread?

    "Childish" comes to mind.

    Do we have to put up with these continuous troll tactics?

  4. Well, would you look at that...


    The ensuing debate has had a few noticeable side effects. Anecdotal evidence suggests that gun enthusiasts are moving quickly to purchase new weapons, spurred on by the prospect of tougher laws. Simultaneously, and for similar reasons, the shares of several gun manufacturers have plunged.......

    A spike in gun sales across the country started with President Barack Obama's reelection. Observers note that may be associated with the traditionally contentious relationship the Democratic Party has with the gun rights lobby. (Read more: Gun Sales Surge: An Obama Bounce?) Some Second Amendment advocates fear the Connecticut tragedy will provide more impetus to efforts to restrict gun ownership.

    What was that about democracy being two wolves, and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. Liberty being a well armed sheep contesting the vote.

  5. Yeah, like I said, I prefer a reading from a source not from the aggressor in this case.

    The American congress declared war against England with the Impression Issue as the reason given.

    Another reason was their need to totally expel England from the remaining land still under English domain in North America. They wanted to totally erase the remaining bastion of their mother country and attach these lands as new states of America.

    The impression issue was an excuse, nothing more.

  6. You really do hate us, don't you?

    I didn't realize the American psyche was that fragile that pointing out historical events would make you so upset. I'm sorry your people killed my people. We'll try not to let it happen again. :biggrin2:

    You have real enemies out there, not me, although judging from the guilt/paranoia (perceived of course) they're probably under your bed...RIGHT NOW :biggrinflip:

    No, your attitude is coming across like an 8-year old making mockery faces and saying, "Nany-nany boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo."

    If this is the way you choose to converse, then I have no more desire to speak with you.

    And if you respond to this with even more mockery and taunting, you will only confirm my opinion of your maturity.

    So go ahead and make yourself feel exalted by belittling me.

    I pray one day you will learn how to love.

    Why can't you respond to my questions without playing the victim card? First I'm too "aggressive", then I'm too "mocking". My descriptions of actual events troubles you to much, I try to lighten it up, and I get "nany-boo-boo"????? WhatThe.....????

    If you don't have an argument, fine. Just stop the drama queen play.

  7. http://www.gunpolicy...e_any_method/91

    Japanese are more suicidal than Americans, care to explain why?

    It is part of their culture. They have a much higher sense of honor and duty than we have in this country. Sadly many of them take this too far and instead of being what they view as a burden or a hardship on others they choose another route.

    what does this have to do with the topic? why are you trying to change the subject?

    So, gun violence is a cultural problem because we don't have a sense of duty and honor any more? Thanks for making my point. Guns aren't the problem, our culture is.


  8. Wrong, you cherry pick, and completely ignore what was said about Japan's culture. Fail.

    so, does gun control work in Japan or not?

    a simple yes or no will suffice

    No it does not, as there are so many other factors involved that you ignore, which we have already stated.

    People are still killed with guns in Japan aren't they?

    Once again....What exactly is your "common sense" approach?

  9. @RunningGator

    Nice cherry picking of the evidence.

    2 states, c'mon. Include the top ten for homicides, then lets talk.

    Im going to throw this out here, comparing us to japan, is a false argument. Japans low murder rate has nothing to do with the fact it doesnt allow guns-sure, they dont allow them, but if thats ALL you look at, you have a pretty narrow view. Japans low murder rate has more to do with its immigration laws then the amount of guns it has on the streets. So maybe, we should actually do something about immigration, and not guns.


    again, I was not comparing the two, I was giving an example of a gun control system that works, something that was said not to

    Wrong, you cherry pick, and completely ignore what was said about Japan's culture. Fail.

    What exactly is your "common sense" approach?

  10. @nebula

    What is the reason America declared war and against whom was it declared?

    The American congress declared war against England with the Impression Issue as the reason given.

    Another reason was their need to totally expel England from the remaining land still under English domain in North America. They wanted to totally erase the remaining bastion of their mother country and attach these lands as new states of America.

    Your American summery make work for you, but I prefer one not written by the aggressor in this war.

    Canada 1812.

    The newly minted United States (claiming manifest destiny and all that) proceeds to attack my country, the goal of taking our lands, and forcing American rule upon us.

    Just curious as those on this thread who claim God's hand directed America's forming how this violent expansionist policy of subjugation is reconciled. Considering you broke away from England due to perceived wrongs, turn around and immediately begin to force your will upon us.


    First of all, Barabbas, the War of 1812 is not relevant to the American Revolution, thus a red herring to this debate.

    Secondly, is that what you were taught about the war? Yikes.

    Thirdly, you say this as if you are holding a grudge against us. Why does it bother you so?

    First, it is very relevant to this discussion pertaining the American revolution for the very reasons I have ready stated.

    Explain, please, because I fail to grasp your train of thought.

    Read it again.

    those on this thread who claim God's hand directed America's forming how this violent expansionist policy of subjugation is reconciled. Considering you broke away from England due to perceived wrongs, turn around and immediately begin to force your will upon us.

    You really do hate us, don't you?

    I didn't realize the American psyche was that fragile that pointing out historical events would make you so upset. I'm sorry your people killed my people. We'll try not to let it happen again. :biggrin2:

    You have real enemies out there, not me, although judging from the guilt/paranoia (perceived of course) they're probably under your bed...RIGHT NOW :biggrinflip:

  11. @GoldenEagle

    I didn't do any of that. Nor did any American citizen alive today. That was over 200 years ago.

    If you don't sense the aggression in the words perhaps you should re-read what you've said. It could be percieved as such.

    At no time did I ever claim any living American did any of these things.

    I was merely pointing out historical facts from my countries perspective.

    If it seemed "aggressive" it was only to highlight the actions of American soldiers invading my country. I described the killing of our citizens, and the burning of our towns by American soldiers in an expansionist foreign policy.

    Sorry, if merely describing a historical event is so troubling to the Americans here. Think about that next time someone mentions "American exceptionalism".

    Keeping this in context, the Revolution thread contains various support for the killing of British soldiers acting on the lawful orders of the king. As one who is of British heritage, this could be perceived as "aggressive" considering it was my ancestors they were killing.

    Look, :biggrin2: I was smiling when I typed that.

  12. A specious argument. You ignore the fact that Japan is an Island, with a xenophobic population, and a very different culture than America's. There is no comparison to be made here.

    America has guns. you're not going to stop that.

    Answer me this- does prohibition work? Consider that for your position.

    This case is about metal illness, not guns.

    The evil, and the lunatics care not one whit for your laws, they will only serve to disarm innocent people who will be victims of those who will ignore your illogical approach to this problem, of evil, not guns.

    Why do all the states with severe gun control laws have such horrific gun violence?

    What do you propose is the solution then?

  13. Canada 1812.

    The newly minted United States (claiming manifest destiny and all that) proceeds to attack my country, the goal of taking our lands, and forcing American rule upon us.

    Just curious as those on this thread who claim God's hand directed America's forming how this violent expansionist policy of subjugation is reconciled. Considering you broke away from England due to perceived wrongs, turn around and immediately begin to force your will upon us.


    First of all, Barabbas, the War of 1812 is not relevant to the American Revolution, thus a red herring to this debate.

    Secondly, is that what you were taught about the war? Yikes.

    Thirdly, you say this as if you are holding a grudge against us. Why does it bother you so?

    First, it is very relevant to this discussion pertaining the American revolution for the very reasons I have ready stated.

    Second. What I was taught? You have a different take on the invasion of my country by America? You were here to "save" us from the evllllll King...right? Is that why you burned our towns?

    Thirdly, wass'ammata? Still mad cause ya lost? By lost I mean completely failing to achieve any of your military, and political objectives. Still stings does it?

    Just add us to your losing record, Canada, Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, and soon to be Afghanistan.

    Good 'day 'eh. :biggrin2:

  14. Whoa, I have already in this, and the other thread, as I've already stated.

    It is you who acts like my kid brother "why", "why", "why", without actually answering any point already given. You merely want to deflect, and waste people time.

    You have to count '08 as part of Obama's doing. As it was obvious to us gun owners that a hard line Marxist was going to win the election who had a track record of supporting taking away gun rights.

    Gun ownership goes up, murder rates are down.

    Gun control does not work you have no evidence to the contrary.

  15. @RunningGator

    I did not present the info on which you refer (Columbia).

    You refer info from a far left anti-gun group as evidence of gun ownership.

    No bias there.

    However, gun sales have gone through the roof since the Obama administration took power. We have had periods of time where we could not buy certain stocks of ammo, or certain models of firearms because of the incredible demand.

    So their "research" cannot be trusted at all.

    A Poll? Because people always tell pollsters the truth right? Polls are notoriously poor evidence for anything.

    I have presented tons of evidence in this, and the other thread on Sandy Hook. All of it ignored by the anti-gun folks.

  16. Still don't get it do you?

    Chicago, strict gun control, out of control gun violence.

    Get it? Yet?

    the problem with this is that Chicago is not an island, so them having strict gun control and the surrounding towns and states not having strict gun control makes Chicago's meaningless.

    This is not really a good argument against gun control.

    And because America is an island therefore gun control would work...oh wait....

    Gun control does not work. The anti-gun crowd have not one fact to back them up with. Just emotionalism.

  17. You will notice the anti-gun folks have only emotionalism to fall back on being being completely lacking of any facts to back up their claims.

    Gun laws don't work, the facts are a tidal wave they cannot, and will not address.

    The same day of Sandy Hook, ten blacks were shot in Chicago, a city with some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the US.

  18. The problem is that you have repeated demonsteed that you are not really open to the evidence if presented. This is evidenced by nonsensical comparisons as if believing in God is like believing in Thor or the Easter Bunny or whatever. Those types of comparisons, meant to belittle faith in God, demonstrate that you have already pre-judged any objective evidence that could be presented as something you have no desire to examine in an honest way.

    For all of your pontificating about "science" you have a very unscientific and rather subjective approach to your denial of the existence of God.

    Kapow, kA-Blam.

    Right, a perfect description of the evolutionists on this thread.

    With only evolution to use as the basis of "ya ig'nurt science hatin' Christians" narrative, and still a complete absence of any science that contradicts Christian positions, despite spurious claims to the contrary.

  19. Ooops....Narrative fail...


    A gunman retreated from a Casper nail salon last week after realizing one of its customers was packing heat.

    Police say about 5:30 p.m. on Dec. 3, a man walked into Modern Nails at 2645 E. Second St. and asked a female employee if she wanted to buy some diamonds. The man walked toward the front desk area and the woman replied that she had no money to buy diamonds.

    A witness said the man then reached into his coat pocket and began to take out a silver-colored pistol.

    At that moment, a woman who was getting her nails done reached into her purse and got her own firearm. Police say the man never fully raised the gun and left the building after seeing the customer had her weapon out.

    If only she was safely unarmed....

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