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  1. You are right. I will look into the birthday cake candle possibility. Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me hear His word. If candles are pagan then I am glad to stop that tradition too. To answer your question, Jesus is my lord and savior. I found your site randomly or if you will was led to find you. Seeking to walk as Jesus did is not trivial. That is my goal. Maybe this site and its participants are not interested in the same. Blessings to you and your members.
  2. Yes, this is a very old debate and we still put them into our homes. Yes, I would prefer to use a lunar calendar as Jesus did, but that is not very practical. Removing a tree is. Enjoying the moon is different than worshipping it. Trees glorify God, but not in our homes. Are we really looking for excuses to follow the commandments of men? Here is a more generic question. Do we and should we try our best to walk as Jesus walked? It is also an age old question. How did He walk? How did Paul and the Apostles try to walk?
  3. Folks. Thank you for your comments. I also celebrated Christmas and put up Christmas trees. Now I wonder if the practice glorifies God. Someone asked if the question is about legalism. Far from it. If we seek to walk in His ways, seek to be holy, and imitate Jesus just as Paul imitated Him, should we not do so out of faith? We cannot earn salvation, but we work toward being good and faithful servants. My question stands: does having a Christmas tree in our homes glorify God? I purposely avoided asking the question during Christmas so as not to offend those celebrating with their families. If not now, when? Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for creating commandments of men. Are we doing the same? Are we imitating Jesus as best as we can or are we adopting the traditions of man? Can pagan symbols become holy?
  4. Can someone tell me why Christians still worship around decorated fir trees? I did for many years but now I wonder what the difference is between golden calfskin and Christmas trees.
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