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Posts posted by Kali_Ko_Kat

  1. Knowing where you are going and seeing it are 2 different things. I certainly didn't see anything but I knew where I would go if Jan. 10, 2007 had been my last day on earth.


    When I came to and saw the ceiling of the trauma room my first thought was that heaven looked like a room in the hospital ER. When the pain that felt like my chest was on fire hit me, when people were telling me to be still, I knew I was alive.

  2. Update from his father this morning.
    Monday mornings doctors updates. came in about 6 o'clock and did his regular routine checking. The results are as they were. Carson is being sustained by life support only. The brain waves are so shallow there is no response to anything.the time has come to where it is our decision now. we are to be visited by a particular group of people to discuss moving from this room to another room that I und...erstand is like hospice. They will be removing the draining tubes but he will remain on a ventilator. My understanding when this is done he will be made to be as comfortable as possible. our goal and God's goal maybe on a different time scales. we were hoping he would be able to make it through Christmas before any decisions had to be made. I am really speechless at this moment. I am struggling and grieving greatly over this decision. The song "I'll be home for Christmas " has taken on a completely different meaning to me. Carson will be home for Christmas with granny, pop and Lala.
    Now I want to put a face with the name:
  3. From earlier today:

    The family saw the Neurologist this a.m. Carson's condition has held steady overnight but he has had some drops in his blood pressure. The brain stem in dying and nature will take its course. The time they have with Carson is precious. Please pray for their strength. Also, enjoy this time with your family. Carson loves Christmas and if he were at your house right now, he would be telling you all about Jesus and probably do his Jingle Bell Dance.

  4. Thank you for the prayers. They are much appreciated. While we pray for healing WHICH IS POSSBILE, I realize that might not be what GOD has in store for Carson. My prayer is for Carson to be healed but His will be done. It is hard to accept that His will may be to take Carson in His arms and take him to his eternal home.


    This is the latest, about an hour ago from his father:


    Never would I have dreamed when Carson went to work at 2 o'clock on Thursday that would we still be in a nightmare 36 hours later.


    As most of you know Carson suffered a.massive stroke thursday afternoon at work. Doctors have inserted 2 tubes in his brain to drain fluid Away.


    Had two CT scans and had an angeogram performance yesterday afternoon at UAB. none of these tests looked positive. Yesterday when the neurosurgeon came in to talk to us he told us right up front " what I've got to tell you is not good", Carson has severe damage to the brain right now we have him sedated in a medically induced coma.


    He told us the outlook was very grim. He has zero response.


    then I heard What no parent should ever have to hear "your child is on life support" and Could be on it for several months with no improvement. even if he did come out he would never be the Carson he was.


    as you know Carson is a fighter and has blessed many hearts throughout his life. Jesus is all he knows and talks about him all the time. he was real quick to let you know who he was and to let you know that Jesus loves you Carson's testimony speaks for itself. JESUS LOVES YOU! he would say all the time.


    The doctor told us by this morning if he has not responded chances are there will be no return. So we are left with the painful question, do we leave him on life support or not? No parent ever wants to make that decision. Right now we are holding strong faith that God will intervene. we are planning on going through Christmas just because of one of Carson's wishes.


    If God does not come on the scene and perform his miracle We will be surrendering him over To Jesus. If we've ever needed prayer Now is the time!!!

  5. A young man named Carson had a brain hemorrhage on Thursday afternoon, December 19. He was taken to DCH (our local trauma center) for immediate treatment and has been transferred to UAB ICU. (in Birmingham, Alabama approximately 1 hour away).


    Carson has a brain disorder called Moya Moya Syndrome. This has only been found in Asian people, and people with Downs Syndrome and causes abnormalities in the formation of the blood vessels on each side of the brain. There is no procedure to correct this disorder. Carson has Downs Syndrome. He has been placed on life support, and doctors are hoping for the best, that he will be awaken from his comatosed state by tomorrow morning.


    In addition a nephrologist (kidney doctor) has also been consulted and isn't very hopeful.


    Carson's mother is a very good friend of mine, we've known each other all our lives and I've been friends with his father since high school. Please pray for Carson and his family. They love the Lord and are trusting in Him for Carson's healing.


    There are many people praying for the family. Please mention them when you pray.


  6. Who are we to judge whether someone is a Christian or a phoney? If someone says he/she is a Christian we should believe them. Granted some Christians don't act like they are one, but it still not our place to make that determination. If they are phoney time will reveal them for what they really are. Only God is the judge and He knows the state of their heart.

  7. The Bible does not specifically say interracial marriage is wrong. To many people take what it does say out of context.


    What it does say is do not be yoked to unbelievers.


    One of the passages taken out of context is Deuteronomy 7:3-4 which says


    "3) You shall not intermarry with them, giving your daughters to their sons or taking their daughters for your sons, 4) for they would turn away your sons from following me, to serve other gods. Then the anger of the Lord would be kindled against you, and he would destroy you quickly."


    What they fail to do is recognize WHY that is commanded. It was not because of racial differences. It is purely religious. God was sending His children into a land occupied by non-believers. His was a warning that after they conquered the land they should not marry the unbelievers. This would lead them away from Him and into the worship of idols.


    The New Testament also addresses this in several places.


    2nd Corinthians 6:14


    “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”


    There is no place in the life of the Christian for favoritism based on partiality, in this case race.  (James 2:1-10).


    The Bible is very clear about selecting a mate. One should always find out first is the person they are interested in is born again by faith in Jesus.


     Faith in Christ is the biblical standard for choosing a spouse. With both interracial marriage and non-interacial marriage it is not a matter of right or wrong, but of wisdom, discernment, and prayer.


    I dare anyone to tell me that son and daughter-in-law's marriage is a "sin". He is a white boy from Alabama. She is Colombian, which makes her Hispanic.


    FWIW, my daughter's first husband is from Puerto Rico. That makes him Hispanic.


    All 4 of them are Christians, therefore they followed the biblical principle for marriage.


    Both my children have daughters. Again, I dare anyone to tell me those 2 precious gifts from God are the products of a "sinful" marriage.


    Having said all that, immorality is nothing new. It's been a part of this world since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Every generation has decried the lack of morality and how it is leading to the world's downfall.


    "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they allow disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children now are tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”


    Attributed to Socrates by Plato


    All you have to do is read the Bible to find out what immorality is mentioned in it.


    *edited to correct a spelling error*

  8. There are parents who do everything right but still have 'youths' who get into trouble. I think before people go casting around blame blindly that should be acknowledged. Some parents who are very strict have kids who act out, some who are more relaxed have kids who get into trouble, many in the middle have kids who.. get into trouble. It's easy to think 'that kid must have terrible parents' because I am sure that makes everyone else feel better and safe, as if you just follow all the rules everything will work out great. The downside of course is that the parents in question could be above average, have to deal with a problem kid, and the judgements of others.


    Thank you for saying that. If you had not, I would have.


    I know parents who did everything right. They brought their children up in a Christian home. The taught them morals and values. They did not over-indulge their children. They were not super-strict but did set limits.


    Somewhere along the way the kids went astray. The parents did everything they could to get the child back on the right path. Sometimes they suceeded, sometimes they did not. In all cases the parents blamed themselves, wondering what they did wrong, what they could have done differently to prevent it. The truth is they did nothing wrong and could not have prevented it.


    Some of the children got caught up in life of crime. Others turned to drugs and/or alcohol. Still others made a stupid decision to drink, even though they were not of legal age, and then drive and got caught.


    On the other hand, I know parents who did everything wrong yet their children turned out to be adults who are caring, kind, moral, fine upstanding citizens.


    Others may affected by a chemical imbalance in their brains, or may have suffered a head injury which causes their personality to change.


    Sure there are times when a parent is to blame for what a child does. There are parents who teach their kids how to steal or introduce them to drugs and alcohol. Just last night I watched a true crime story on tv about a dysfunctional family. The 2 kids wanted to kill their abusive father. When approached the mother was all for it. She helped plan how they would kill him.


    Should a parent be blamed? Not always.

  9. Since I haven't seen a post of yours, I will respond to your question. That's what I would want someone to do for me. I believe it is a problem for the unsaved because of "possibly giving a bad witness ". That they believe nothing is wrong with exposing there nude body.

    Thank you for clarifying what you meant.

    One breast exposed is not nude. NUDE is the whole body being unclothed, exposing the full body. In other words completely naked, in your birthday suit.

    You are of course free to define nude however you want.

  10. o



    I don't understand how you can't see or understand how this can be a problem for some people. Especially the unsaved.

    Why would it be a problem for "especially the unsaved"?

    I know plenty of unsaved men and women it would not be a problem for and it would not cause them to stumble. And I know many Christians who do find it to be a problem who may stumble. One would hope they would not but being human it is a possibility.

    Everyone, whether saved or not, is subject to whatever problems it may cause.

    Depending on the position of the baby sometimes not all the breast is exposed.

    I see more exposed from the low cut tops and dresses women wear-the kind where it looks like "the girls" will pop out of it. I'd much rather see a nursing mother than what I see on some women walking around the grocery store, mall, WalMart or sitting at the table next to me in a restaurant. Those are the tops which make you think "the girls" will pop out of the top. With these women you see both of them, not just a portion of one. THAT can be a big stumbling block, especially for men who focus only on that.

    Some people equate breastfeeding with something dirty or shameful when it is not either of those things.

  11. For public places I would take the kid into the public restroom, close a stall door, and nurse there.


    That's pretty cool that you had 3 babies and mommies all nursing at the same time. Children are a blessing from God. :thumbsup:

    I think I understand what you're saying Kali in bold. However, as to this in bold did you ever think how dirty those places were?


    God bless,


    The 3 of us still talk about that day when we were sitting on the bedroom floor, backs against the bed, with our babies.

    As to the public restrooms I was well aware of how dirty they can be. That's why I took paper towels, rubbing alcoholor vodka because both are disinfectants, an empty wipes container and made my own disinfecting wipes. I used them to wipe down the stall I was in. I would then use regular wipes to make sure the alcohol was washed off my hands. We don't know whose hands have been touching anything and where those hands have been.

    If I had to nurse today I could use Clorox clean up wipes which were not available way back then.

    BTW, even today after I wash my hands I use a paper towel to open the door when I leave the bathroom. No paper towels? No problem because I keep a small bag of wipes in my purse.

  12. If I had to nurse my child while away from home I always found a private place to do it. In some cases at night I would take him out to the car and do it there. No one would have known what was going on unless they peered directly in the window.


    If at anytime I was at someone else's home I would go into another room and close the door. When my son was less than a month old, we had Thanksgiving at my parents-in-law's house. There were 3 babies there: mine, a 10 week old and a 5 month old. We moms borrowed a bedroom and nursed in that room. All 3 of us at the same time. Since it was just us we did not cover.


    For public places I would take the kid into the public restroom, close a stall door, and nurse there.


    While it doesn't bother me to see uncovered, my personal preference would be covered if there was no private place to nurse.

  13. By the way, there is a Biblical basis for suing someone. And trust me, I have tried to settle my issue with the man. In fact, he promised me 2 times he would pay me.


    One time he told me that "in 2 weeks I will be paying you in full". Another time he told me "I will bring you part of the money after I get off work this evening".  Even though I did not believe him, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and was hopeful he meant what he said. That 2 weeks expired last October.


    Now for the Biblical basis.

    If the biblical pattern for reconciliation has been followed and the offending party is still in the wrong, in some instances a lawsuit might be justified.

    Matthew 18:15–17


    ]15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

    In my case, I have witnesses to his statements that he will repay me as soon as possible. One of them is his daddy. We didn't tell it to the church because he does not go to church. Even if he did, I would not do that because this does not pertain to a spiritual matter.

    Should Christians take each other to court over church matters? Absolutely not! Should Christians take each other to court over civil matters? If it can in any way be avoided, no. Should Christians take non-Christians to court over civil matters? Again, if it can be avoided, no. However, in some instances, such as the protection of our own rights it may be appropriate to pursue a legal solution.

    man, you missed the point. I do NOT covet his money or anything of his. I certainly don't covet his dog. I would not have his dog. ALL I WANT IS FOR HIM TO REPAY ME WHAT HE OWES ME. No more, no less. I hope you NEVER have to go through what my family did on Feb. 13, 2012. I hope YOU never have to watch a 4 year old child throw up because she is terrified. I hope YOU never have to hear that child ask are the doors locked (they were that night) so the bad man won't come in again and if the doors are locked when we leave so the bad man won't come in and kill the dogs. I hope YOU never have to see the terror that child still shows whenever someone knocks on the door. THESE are the things that mere money will not help with. The only recourse I have is to get MY money to replace perfectly good things. We had to put a new roof on hold because we had to replace those things. Today I am still waiting to get it back so I can get the roof.

    I can be grateful that he hasn't lied to me anymore with his promises to get it to me. The amount is less than $1000. For me, that might as well be a million dollars because I am not wealthy and as I stated my bank account took a big hit and has not recovered.

  14. The bible states we are not to covet what others have. Suing is an act of lawfully forcing someone to give you what they have.

    At this time, I am considering a situation where I might have to sue someone. Without going into details, that person owes me money for damages to items that I had to replace. I had to spend MY money to replace those items. I am the one whose bank account took a hit because of his stupid actions.

    I do not covet anything the guy has. He doesn't have anything for me to covet. And if I have to force him to give me what he has-money-then I will do so. Hopefully the case is settled soon and he abides by the court order to make restitution. If not, I will use any legal means to get him to repay me. If that means a lawsuit, so be it. If he can't fork over the money and his assets have to be seized and sold then fine with me, although I doubt this would ever happen because the fool has no assets. The only other thing left would be to garnish his work wages, and I have no qualms about doing that, even if it means his child support does not get paid. After all, he wasn't thinking about his child the night he took something from my family.

    Yes, some do covet what others have. And some of us just want what is rightfully ours.

  15. Of course the church would be haughty not the lady of the night; i was trying to cut down own typing and did not make it clear. just another fault i have. that is what i meant I understood her question very well i may not have answered it as clearly as you.

    Been there, done that. I hope you don't think I was haughty or picking on you. I wasn't.

  16. My thoughts on your Q is in most churches she would haughty .

    the first would be my choice.

    Most likely it would be the church people who be haughty, not the lady of the evening, if they knew what profession she engages in.

    Haughty is defined as disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant. Those church people will one day have to answer to God for their attitude if they turned up their noses at someone who may have been looking for a better way of life.

  17. Marriage is a BIG adjustment. For us women, we generally have to get used to a new last name. For 23 years I had a different last name. All of sudden I had a new one and that took some getting used to. I had told people what my last name was for years, then had to remember to give them my married name. When I signed papers and documents it took me a while before I stopped signing my maiden name.

    As for the little annoyances, those hit home when you move in together after the I Do's are said. I had no idea my new husband would leave the newspaper scattered on the table. He did not know I would want my books and some of my furniture or how I cook certain things. We did not live together before marriage so how would know about the quirks the others had?

    That was all part of the discovery process, learning more about each other, and working together to accept each other as we were-faults and all.

  18. John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

    John 6:40

    "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

    Mark 16:16

    "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."

    Romans 6:23

    "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

    Will the little things keep you out of heaven? NO, if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, which is the only way to have eternal life.

    The above verses (there are more than just those in the Bible) do not place any conditions on eternal life.

    John 3:16 and the others do not say you will have eternal life unless you shave your head, dye your hair, have green eyes, have red hair, use hairspray, drive a white car, etc.

    God knows His children will slip up. He still loves us when we do and will not take away our promise of eternal life because we do slip up. And he certainly won't take it away because I may not have long hair.

    Also, keep in mind that what some consider a sin, others may not. Example: that beer. A lot of Christians will say that any form of alcohol is forbidden and you sin when you drink it. Others will point out the Bible says only that one should not drink to excess.

    At this point I will say that I know there are many verses that one can use to justify his/her position on drinking. I am simply pointing out what people say about it. I do not wish to get into a debate about alcohol consumption.

    There are some who believe drinking coffee is a sin. I am not one of them.

  19. Malwarebytes is not an antivirus. It's strictly a malware scanner and a very good one.

    It should work very well with Bit Defender or whatever antivirus you use.

    If you are using the trial version of the paid Malwarebytes it should revert back to the free version if you do not purchase it after the trial ends.

  20. There is no reason to be surprised that Bit Defender did not find it. There is no program guaranteed to find everything. If you ever see one that says it will stay away from it.

    Malware comes in so many forms that multiple tools are needed to combat the things that invade computers.

    You said you removed the software. Was the deletion done by Malwarebytes or was it program uninstalled using Add Remove?

    If from Add Remove, it's possible that there are leftover entries left in the registry. If it was found by Malwarebytes and deleted it is most likely gone.

    As for how it got on your computer, no way to really know. It could have been installed as an add on when installing a program you want. I did find a reference that it could also have gotten on it if you installed a browswer extension that was developed using the crossrider framework.


     1 Corinthians 15:33

    33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”


    Proverbs 1:10-19

    My son, if sinners entice you,

    Do not consent.

    11 If they say, “Come with us,

    Let us lie in wait to shed blood;

    Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause;

    12 Let us swallow them alive like Sheol,[a]

    And whole, like those who go down to the Pit;

    13 We shall find all kinds of precious possessions,

    We shall fill our houses with spoil;

    14 Cast in your lot among us,

    Let us all have one purse”—

    15 My son, do not walk in the way with them,

    Keep your foot from their path;

    16 For their feet run to evil,

    And they make haste to shed blood.

    17 Surely, in vain the net is spread

    In the sight of any bird;

    18 But they lie in wait for their own blood,

    They lurk secretly for their own lives.

    19 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain;

    It takes away the life of its owners.


    Proverbs 4:14-19


    Do not enter the path of the wicked,

    And do not walk in the way of evil.

    15 Avoid it, do not travel on it;

    Turn away from it and pass on.

    16 For they do not sleep unless they have done evil;

    And their sleep is taken away unless they make someone fall.

    17 For they eat the bread of wickedness,

    And drink the wine of violence.

    Good guidelines to follow. However, it does not say to NOT associate with unbelievers. They do say to be careful when do associate with them.

    Keep in mind that not all unbelievers engage in anything those verses say to be wary of.

    I have good friends who are unbelievers. They lead explemplary lives. These are some of my inner circle. I can talk to them about anything and will receive good advice from them. They have been there for me when my "Christian" friends were not. We have been friends for a long time. I will not toss them aside because they are not Christians.

    In addition, there is someone in my family who is an atheist. This person was raised in a Christian home and grew up as a Christian. As he got older he strayed from that and for whatever reasons is now an atheist. That does not make me love him any less. It is not enough to make me not associate with him. It's not enough for me to never want to see him again. I talk to him often. I love him to pieces and would give my life to protect him and will not remove him from my inner circle.

    My point is that we can be around unbelievers and if our faith is strong and we are secure in our faith we can overcome any temptation to engage in non-Godly things if they are thrown at us. BTW, I would rather be around unbelievers who live a good life than a "Sunday morning Christian". You know the ones I mean, party hard through the week, do things that hurt their witness, and think showing up at church on Sunday with a show of faith is all they need to do.

  22. Personally, I don't like posts with a lot of quotes in it. I don't think it is neccessary for a bunch of posts to quote the original post in a topic. Having said that, I will quote part of a post if I want to make a point about that part.

    I've seen forums where a question is asked and every reply does quote the original post. I usually don't bother with reading the topic.

    As for long posts without a lot of quotes or even no quotes I don't mind reading them. I just don't want to wade through what has already been said.

  23. I would redo my kitchen which is in desparate need of it. I inherited my parents house and the original 1950's kitchen is almost non-functional. I would have my driveway paved. The old pine tree in the front yard would get cut down, I'd landscape the front yard to make it look better. There are some minor other things house-wise that I would fix. Nothing would be fancy, extravagrant or over-the-top. I prefer simplicity, which can look elegant if done right.

    One other thing I would do: take my grand-daughter to Puerto Rico so she can spend time with her grandmother and other family members who live there and who have not seen her since she was a year old.

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