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Everything posted by Gideon

  1. Brother, if you have read all my postings, perhaps you do not think so but I see grave in my words, trust me. But the time for hell-fire fearfulness is not yet. First, all must clearly see what God is offering that can change them into saints and warriors. I cannot make you see what God has shown me. And yes, there is a coming separation of light and darknness. But the division will not be all Christians on one side and all religions be on the other. The judgment of God will start with US! Most believers and here I am not talking tares, but actual wheat, are still walking in their old natures. Thus, they still battle sins big (generally hidden) and small. They are often lukewarm, worldly, and with little if any fruit. They have been healed, but only slightly. They talk about having peace, but the truth as, as of yet, they have none. All that is about to change. You say you know there will be no end time awakening. I say different. Why. Because we as His bride are still dressed in our filthy rags, and in no way ready to meet our future husband. The problem is, we cannot see it. We are about to and tears will fill our eyes. But praise God, He will wipe them away, show us our wedding garments and we WILL put them on. And what are they? Our new natures. Blessings, Gideon Blessings to you, Gids You say believers will be more and more refined. Do you not see, the refining process is what the enlightenment will begin. Even the elect today are living with one foot and three toes living in the world. It occupies most of our thoughts, and we do not walk with an eternal perspective. All that is about to change. Yes, seriousness is needed, but it is the goodness of God that will bring his children who have strayed back into the fold, not the threat of hell. Most believers, truly elect saints, are asleep. They believe Jesu died for their sins, and He did. But as of yet, they have never seen that as the master potter, He wants to change them into the image of the Son and make them fruitful. Why? To bring glory to God and to draw all who love the light to Him in the final harvest.
  2. I want to thank all for taking the time to participate in this thread today. I had no idea that this particular thread would generate such a firestorm of activity but God was glorified in it. I pray all understand my intent is simply to point to Jesus not just as the one who forgives us when we mess us, but the one who has promised to actually keep us from falling. It has certainly been an interesting day. I am pooped. If somehow I overlooked responding to your particular post, simply point it out to me again and I will try to answer it the best I can. I love you all. Blessings and good night, Gideon
  3. And you think we are in disagreement? LOL. I could have written that! Be blessed, dear brother, I suspect we are going to end up as friends when all is said and done. Gideon
  4. As to your question about God telling us He will cause us to obey, it is found in Ezekiel36 where the new covenant is promised. “And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.” Ezekiel 36:27 blessings, Gideon
  5. Lest we forget, Paul said it was far better to go and be with the Lord, but more needful for him to stay to help in the Lord’s work. The question is... are we in it for us.... or for Him? Blessings, Gideon
  6. Brother, perfection is not absence of the negative but the overflowing of the positive...Christ developed in us. Getting free from the grip of sin is not the goal we shoot for and see if we can get close to before we die. It is, in fact, to be the beginning of our transformation in the image of rhe Lord. To be kept by the power of God through faith is our birthright. If it is God who is the potter, and not us, and He tells us He will cause us to obey Him, then..... can He? Does He overpromise and under-deliver? Or do our eyes need to be opened to the exceeding greatness of His power to upward who believe? I say it is the latter, and thank God, He is good at opening eyes. May peace be between us, Gideon
  7. I responded to someone else along these same lines and want to make sure I clear this up. It is to the name of Jesus alone, our king, our sacrificial lamb, that every knee will bow and every tongue confess, Forgive me if I was not clear enough when I talked about us all coming to the light. Jesus IS the light. He alone is worthy and if not for Him, I would be lost forever. Thank you for taking the time to question me gracefully. Blessings, Gideon
  8. I have said it before but it bears repeating. I do not keep me from sinning. That is self effort humanism. HE keeps us as we trust Him to. If our shields of faith quench ALL the fiery arrows of the enemy, if we have been delivered from the power of darkness, if we pray deliver us from evil, if we have been assured we will never be tempted more than we can bear and will be provided a way of escape so that we may be able to bear it, if God causes us to will AND to do of His good pleasure, then why won’t we climb out of the boat and walk to Him? Jesus did not promise to save His people IN their sins but FROM them. Forgive AND cleanse. Lord, open up our eyes so that we might see your full salvation. Amen. Blessings, Gideon
  9. Brother, let’s be sure and quote it right. “He that is born of God sinneth not.” And one thing is for sure, when I cried out to God that night eleven years ago, I certainly felt like I was not born again. But God had mercy on me anyway, heard my cry of desperation and met me right where I was. And once I truly believed that Satan cannot touch me, praise God, I found it to be true. One thing I will say. I had a fight in me for 38 years. I was the poster boy for Romans 7. I hated my sin, but could not stop. I longed to be kind and loving but found my old nature too untameable. But when God showed me that by a simple act of faith, I could appropriate death to my unloving and unloveable self, and in its place put on a brand new nature, the doom and gloom that held me evaporated like summer snow. And in these last eleven years since that night, I do not cease to thank Him for His grace and for the victory He has let me partake in that I have no right to enjoy. Blessings to you, dear brother and even if we fail to agree, let us walk in peace. Gideon
  10. Brother, I respectfully disagree. Are you saying we are letting our lights shine just as those in the early church did? The ones who turned the entire world upside down? The ones where people said “Look how they love one another!” Really? Think what you are saying. The same God who changes not struck down Ananias and Saphira just for a small lie about land they sold. It was their land. All they did is look a little better by the lie. And it cost them their lives! Honestly, if that same standard were held up to today’s Christians, how many would show up for service with confidence this coming Sunday. Let’s be honest here. Without that, we can go no further. The divorce rate in the world is about 50%. And in the church? 50%. Look, if husbands and wives cannot remain together, what chance do we have in loving our neighbor? The world has infiltrated our thinking. We look at the same tv shows, we buy the same things trying to make our lives meaningful. Our prayer closets are for the most part empty and our commitment consists for most as a ninety minute service once a week. I remember a story about a condemned prisoner in England who was to be executed. As they walked to the gallows led by a tired Priest recitibf last rites, the prisoner stopped the man and asked him if he believed in heaven and hell. The man of God replied that indeed he did. The condemned man responded “ If I believed what you say you believe, though all of England were covered with shards of broken glass, I would crawl across it on my knees if necessary to save just one from such a fate.” That statement should suffice to prick the hardest of consciences. And if it is not, there is nothing more I can say to convince you that we are not even close to being ready and that we ought to be praying the following prayer: ”Lord, please, I beg you, do not come today! Members of my own family will be lost forever. My children, my friends, my co-workers! Oh Lord, restore that which the cankerworm has eaten in my walk with you. Give me again my sight and let me stand in the gap for the lost till all those called come to the saving knowledge of you! Set me free from my sin so that my light will shine so brightly that they will want what I have. Forgive my contentm ent without godliness and let me taste of the glorious liberty of the children of God that you have promised. O, Lord, not today! Not yet!” The question is... will we pray it? Blessing, Gideon
  11. Wayne, listen. I understand your angst. I do. In fact before my awakening, I could have easily responded just as you have. The real question is this. Was Jesus telling the truth when He told us that He can really keep us from falling? Was God lying when He said He would actually cause us to obey? Blessings, Gideon
  12. I understand totally, dear brother. I can see how it could be misconstrued. No harm, no foul. Blessings, Warrior. Gids
  13. Lol, really? Have you been reading Friends posts to me? They are gracious and kind, (thank you for that, brother)but they are asking serious questions about my agenda as he does not want to label me as false without sure cause. . And that is what any good brother guarding the flock would do. But, he has an open mind and at least is listening. For that, I commend him. If he and I are the same person, then truly, I need to go see a doctor about this other personality in my head. blessing, Wayne Gideon
  14. Brother, I so understand what you are saying. My words are meant to open eyes, not confuse people. I wish I knew how to condense things and if I could, I would. I had no idea it would be this particular topic that would start a firestorm, lol. To tell people that God is going to awaken us from our hum-drum go-to-meeting Christianity and make us victorious, and rescue us out of Romans 7 lives and cause us to be made overcomers should be shout-it-from-the-housetops news, filling His struggling children with hope but as everything else new, there will be a period of confusion. I get it. He has clearly promised us victory over the world the flesh and the devil. So.... are we walking in it? The bigger question. Does it bother us if we are not? Amd to those it does, this truth God has given me to share is the answer we all need to get. We are new creatures. Now. Today. This minute. But, because we have not believed it, we have allowed Satan to imprison us in old natures that will not let God cause us to walk obediently and fruitfully. That is the crux of the message and as we awaken to it, and start again believing His promises to us to keep us from falling, everything will change. And it will be glorious! blessings, Gids
  15. Of course His name will be mentioned! We will display it! Jesus Christ alone will get the glory. This is not some new age,kumbahyah let’s all love God whatever his name is. Jesus Christ is Lord of.ALL. I am so sorry if you misunderstood that point. I pray that clears it up. Blessings, Gids
  16. Several scriptural reasons. But none would have convinced me by themselves. The parable of the 10 virgins The parable of the call going forth that the bridegroom cometh with His children too busy with their lives so the Master send His workers into the highways and byways gathering the poor, the lame, the blind, because His house will be full. Ezekiel 36 Joel 2 The promise of the latter rain and the latter being greater than the former. But all these paled in comparison to knowing that the church could not be birthed in glory, in love, in power, turning the known world upside down, with men exclaiming “Look how they love one another!” only to be rescued as we hang on by our fingertips, overcome by the world, our flesh and the devil at the final trumpet. What glory would Jesus get in that? Is He the God who cannot lie? If so, then it is time we took Him to task about the promises He made us. He said ‘Sin shall not have dominion over you.’ He said He would set us free indeed. We are the light of the world but are offering no one light to see the truth. We are the salt of the earth and have lost our savor.God is coming back for a beautiful bride prepared to meet her husband, and we are anything but prepared. But most of all, because eleven years ago, at my lowest, with no hope of ever tasting victory, God appeared to me and shared with me my answer, and it is also the answer to why we are in the state we are now in. He has showed me the awakening and it will be mind boggling. We are about to awaken to who we really are inside.... new creatures, and when we do, we who have the oil will light our lamps by coming into agreement with our amazing God, and walk as children of light. And those in the world who really do love the light but who have avoided Christianity like the plague because of our shallowness, our lukewarmness, our religiousity and our hypocrisy, will marvel and join us when the Lord shall be sanctified IN US before their very eyes. After all, God has a very big house! i hope this helps explain my reasons... Blessings, Gideon
  17. There is no doubt about the persecution. But I think much of it will come from inside the church as we know it, not from the outside world. Remember where we are told that darkness will be so great that in the end men will turn family members in to be killed. And get this. As they do this, they will think they are doing God a spiritual service. Why will this happen? Because as the church awakens, they will, because of their new natures, testify to the others.... without words.... that their deeds are evil. Up till now, the wheat and tares are mixed in the church today and that certainly is not happening.... yet. But when one lights their lamp and opening testifies that it is no more He that lives and that he is crucified with Christ, am that it is now Christ who lives in him? Well, the tares will not like that one bit. And neither will satan. Friends, I understand the responses. What I share is new and yes, it is different than what we have accepted as ‘normal’ Christianity. All I ask is this. Get alone with God. Let Him see your own heart and where you stand in relations to sin in your life. Are you content without godliness or is there a gnawing hunger there. He will lead you to truth. And I would be remiss if I did not tell you to open up your Bible and pray with it open. God has promised to cause us to obey. If you have found in your walk that sin still rules the roost, that self is still very much alive, and that you identify with Paul’s hatred of his failures and his longing to be delivered into the free indeed Jesus promised, then I trust God will lead you all the way home to walk as an overcomer. What I share is amazingly wonderful to any who hate their old nature. It is just not that exciting for those content to live in Romans 7 but without Paul’s hunger for Free Indeed. Blessings, Gideon
  18. I will be glad to. Do we think God has arranged it so all the potential Christians live in the United States? Do we not think that all over the world, there are men and women who truly love the light, and want to see goodness reign? Do you remember when Jesus died, He spent three days in hell and preached to the spirits in prison? Why do you think that was? All the souls that lived before Christ never had a chance to choose Him, amen? Are we to believe that a fair and loving God would send these people to an eternal hell just for not having a chance to hear. Never. That is why Jesus went. Every man, every woman who have ever lived will have a chance to hear the good news. Those that love the light will come to it. WILL. His sheep will hear His voice. WILL. And so it will be today. Multitudes of the elect have been born in other counties, and raised in other religions. What they see or know of Christianity is what we have shown them. And it is not a pretty picture. Our lives have been the Bible’s they have been able to read. And I hang my head in shame for what I have displayed for the vast majority of my life. BUT...... that is about to change. As the awakening happens, the true elect, those virgins with the oil inside, will light their lamps. How? By believing that their old nature died when Jesus died and they are now, right now, new creatures! And when that happens, the latter rain will raise the church up in beauty and holiness to shine forth in an ever darkening world. And guess what. Those that love the light in every nation, every tongue and who now see the light displayed in us, WILL come to it. They will leave their religion behind, no matter what it is, and fall in love with the Lord Himself. This is what God has given me to share. Some will accept it. Some will ......er.... not. Nevertheless, it is true, and it will soon shake everything we know until only Jesus remains. I hope this helps. Blessings, Gideon
  19. Not once have I held back. I am not hiding or holding back anything. I am sharing about how we can walk in real victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil . Right now, that is not the case. Truthfully, we are taught the opposite. While the entirety of the New Testament is an encouragement to walk in holiness and righteousness, we are told it is impossible, no one is perfect, and so let’s not get sin conscious. what I have been given and what I share is simply multiple facets of the same truth. Nothing profits but a new creature. We think this is some spiritual term but it is exactly what it says it is, and each one of us has been given one. BUT, it must be put on by faith. And to do that.... here is the biggie.... we must hate our old one. That is the one that refuses to submit to God, that likes to sin just a little, that loves self more than others, that wants its way. If one is walking still in their flesh, they will have an internal battle, just like Paul in Romans 7. Romans 8 is only known theoretically. All that is about to change, for we .....every single person who loves the Lord and longs to be free of all darkness... will hear the HOW of true glorious holiness. It is not restrictive as Satan has whispered in our ears. It is glorious liberty. It is free indeed. And when we get to the point we cannot live without it, our faith is ready to sprout and we are about to experience the second half of the gospel, the part where God loves in us with us...the old us dead, and He actually causes us to walk in true obedience.... and love it! Blessings, Gideon
  20. The part where we actually love one another,and walk as He walked. That can be found in 1John where we are told that if we say we are followers of Jesus, we are to walk as He walked. And no, it is not being fulfilled... yet. Gids
  21. Sigh Brother, are you saying we are letting our light shine to a lost and dying world as the church exists today? We neither love God with our whole heart, nor do we love others as ourselves. And when we can finally admit it and break before God, and ask for natures that indeed can do that, it will change everything. The world sees our nakedness, and our shame, and our shallow hypocrisy, but we are blind to it. We are, whether or not we can see it, Laodecia and we need to hearten to the counsel God gave them. Tears need to be shed, and we need to clothe ourselves with new natures, natures that can shine forth into a very increasingly dark world. God loves us too much to come back right now, and our awakening has been foretold so we can light our lamps. We might be those like Thoma who will not believe until they see it with their own eyes, but God assures is that His sheep WILL hear His voice. When will the world be convinced that our God is THE God? When He shall be sanctified IN US before their very eyes. This is coming, and all who love the Lord will be a part of it. Rest assured, the church will not go out unprepared and dressed in worldly rags, lukewarm to their high calling. Amazing days are ahead. Blessings, dear brother, Gideon
  22. Brother, if we have to walk as Jesus did, without some sort of miracle, we are all in deep poop. The whole point of what I am sharing is that we can’t! We cannot love God with all of our hearts. We may want to, but self is still on the throne and our old man does not like to bow to anyone. God has that miracle for us, but far too many are content with things as they are. We have need of nothing. I have heard that once before. If we truly believed the return of a Christ was right aroun the corner, would we be living as we do? Really? Our treasure is here. How many of us are truly running their race as if there is but one prize? We have all accepted the fact we cannot really walk in manifested victory, so we are content with participation medals and told walking holy is really not necessary because no one is perfect. We need to tell Ananias and Saphira then, for God gave them a bum deal. I cannot convince any as to what I say. There has to be a spark lit inside that says “I want that. I need the free indeed this man speaks of.” What I share, God has shared with me. How can you know that? You can’t. But it does not matter whether or not you accept my visitation. What matters is..... what is your heart crying out for? Are we satisfied with a little sin as long as they are not big ones like those in the world? Or do we truly see ourselves as wretched men crying out for deliverance from our old natures? Are we more like the man in the synagogue saying “Thank God you have not made me like those sinners in the world” or are we like the man who was beating his breast, crying “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” God will examine the thoughts and intents of our hearts on that day, and it is those, not our sinners prayer we recited years ago, that will determine our eternity. Why do we think the great falling away will occur? Because there will be a great falling towards! I love you, dear brother, Gideon
  23. I appreciate you writing. I apologize for those 15+paragraphs in every post, but it is simply who I am.LOL You ought to hear voice mail messages I leave! As to that full surrender you said you did no ever see in scripture, I am truly confused, for two of the three scriptires you shared tell us exactly that. But let me expound a few more examples,.... just not as many paragraphs. The pearl of great price was given only after we gave up all our other ones. He who tries to save his life will lose it, but ho who loses it for my sake will find it unto eternal life, We are told that we must come to the point of HATING our life, our old nature. It is when we come to Him with NO strength, that we can mount up with wings of eagles. If you do not see it as I share it, I certainly invite you to read along if you can bear it. However, if not, I pray blessings on you and that God would lead both of us to the truth. I certainly am not purposely trying to upset any man, but with the message I have been asked to share, some of that will be unavoidable at first. We are called to peace, and if we disagree, then it is simply best to walk apart until we can come into agreement. You are loved, dear brother. May God lead us both deeper into His Son, Gideon
  24. Brother, thank you as well. I have been sharing why God showed me as faithfully as I could for eleven years bu it is only in these last three months that I have witnessed a dam breaking. Right now, there are a few drops of rain, but God has assured me it will turn into a deluge. We serve an amazing God! If there is anything I can be a help with, you have but to ask. Blessings, Gideon
  25. We all know John 17, the oneness chapter. And over the years, since the wolves that Paul spoke about came into the church after his death, the church has split from one church to over five hundred denominations today. We have seen great efforts put into seeing John 17 fulfilled. We have often tried to table our differences, be more “inclusive”, and there is an ecumenical movement afoot, and yet it is failing badly. Like the builders of the Tower of Babel, it almost seems like as Christians, we too have been given different languages. We cannot understand why those in those other denominations cannot see their glaring errors, but they are too busy doing the same thing to us. Despite the fact we are all naming Jesus as savior, we cannot get along. Heck, even in the same fellowship, there are divisions and schisms and disagreements, how money should be spent, why Joe is leading worship when Sheila has such a pretty voice, whether it is right to have an Easter egg hunt. Heaven help us! And the sum of the matter? We have no clue.... none.... as to how to walk in oneness with one another. And the reason? We have no clue how to become ONE with God.... yet. Let me explain. Picture the church as a wagon wheel and all along the rim of the wheel, we find all the truly born again believers, some from every denomination. Some are closer to our beliefs than others. Others? Whew! Are they ever misled! LOL. But we are all there. And each of us has a spoke leading to the center of the wheel, the hub. And there sits Jesus. Now, when we try to follow John 17, here is what happens. We urge others that we all need to be one, so we scoot over a little, pat the place next to us like nice friendly Christians, and motion them to join us. But the people on the other sides of the rim shake their heads side to side, smile politely, scoot over, and pat the place they have reserved for us next to them! Wow, we a a polite bunch! Do you see the problem? Those stupid people..... er..... I mean brothers and sisters in the Lord.... need to get a clue, right? But there is a bigger problem. None of us are sitting on the hub with Jesus. None of us are one with Christ. And until that happens, we are destined to build the Tower of Babel v.2. and oneness with each other is flat out impossible. Is oneness with God a pipe dream.... or just a goal? Is that what we are to aim at but never hit? We are told that if we abide... remain.... in Christ, we will NOT fulfill the lusts of the flesh, amen? Yet who does that? And if someone says they do, we chew them to pieces as pride filled liars. Is oneness wit Jesus something reserved for us in Heaven but no more than a nice concept here on earth? I do not know how it is in your walk, but in mine, if I have to make it on my own, it is crash and burn time, big time. I need to abide, not just visit the Lord on Sumdaycmornings, then back to MY life. No, oneness is possible, but something needs to happen first. We are told that two can only walk together when they are agreed. Well, that eliminates uniting on the rim of the wheel, doesn’t it? But how about our walking together in agreement with the Lord? You see, there is the crux of our problem. We and the Lord do not agree. You do not believe me? Let’s test it out. God says that we are no longer in the flesh and owe it nothing. God says that sin shall not have dominion over us. God says that He will cause us to will and to do of His good pleasure. I can list a dozen more but these few make the point. We are not agreeing with Him, and why? We are in unbelief. That, dear brothers and sisters, is the core root of our problem. Our God is even now beginning to arouse us from our deep sleep we have all fallen into. And when we do, we will be confronted by a truth that we have all pretty much choked on. Our old nature, our flesh, is dead. Listen. We are not told to kill it, ignore it, tie it up, choke it out, or get an accountability partner to oversee it. Neither are we told to try to improve it. We are told to reckon it as DEAD and then, by an act of faith, to put it off. Disavow it. Disown it. We are asked to come into agreement with God that our old nature died the minute we made Jesus savior and Lord. And then we are to put on our brand new natures God has given us. And we do all this by faith, simply because God said so. I pray you hear me. When we do this, something amazing happens. Christ is no longer with us. He is IN us. and praise God, to our amazement, we find ourselves sitting with Christ in the centerof the wheel. But here is where it gets truly mind blowing. You know that guy across from you that had those crazy ideas about Jesus and salvation? Guess what? He did the same thing, and I’ll be darned, but he too sits in the hub, right next to you. And to both of your amazements, you now see things exactly the same, you both are ONE with Jesus... together. Man, he is a great guy too! I”ll be darned! We are about to witness a true miracle. John 17 fulfilled. No more rim sitting. Ever. And those in the world will look on, incredulous. What they will see will not only match the church of the book of Acts, it will surpass it! And our feeble efforts at evangelizing the world will be turned on their heads. And just as God promised in Ezekiel 36, “The heathen shall know that I am the Lord when I shall be sanctified IN THEM before their very eyes.” Whether we want to admit it or not, we have disgraced the name of our God by how we have represented Him, both individually and corporately. This is not me saying so God said it. But all that is coming to a close. God has shown me that there are multitudes all over the earth who are the elect, but they have been waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God. And peoples from all religions, those who truly love the light but never have seen it in us, WILL see it and come to join us in the last great end gathering. God’s house WILL be full, and believe it or not, we are going to be a huge part of it! We serve an amazing God! Blessings, Gideon
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