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Posts posted by fire-heart

  1. I need not remind you that the most important thing for a Christian to have is love in their hearts but we sometimes need to be reminded.

    The most importantant thing for a christian to desire is love for God is love.

    If anyone seeks wisdom,if anyone seeks patience or if anyone desires more faith if you seek love first all of these will follow.


    Think of any quality a christian should have any Christ like thing you could have if You first obtain Love you will also gain everything else


    About six months ago I was being trained by God to trust him no matter the circumstance and I wanted to know exactly how much i would trust him and I saw this very encouraging vision.

    I was in a vast desert the sun was blazing I was sweating and was very hungry thirsty and tired I was literallycrawing in the sand.


    After crawling for a while the devil appeared and said you look hungry, Here i have brought you some bread eat and regain your strength. I replied no! Any food you have to offer me is unclean and will make me sick. I will put my trust in the Lord to feed me. He left and I Continued crawling


    After a while I was bone dry thirsty and satan again appeared and said you are very thirsty here I have brought you water drink and be refreshed. I replied no! That water is tainted and poisionous I will trust in God to give me water. he dissapeared and I kept crawling.


     after another while I was at my very limit I was going to die in the desert Satan appeared once more saying Fool you put your trust in God and yet he is letting you die If you wish to live worship me and call me your God.


     With the last of my strength I replied NEVER I trust and love My God and always will even if I am to die in this desert I want his will to be done above all not my own.Begon satan you have lost.

    He went away for good and angels came and nourished me

    Was this a vision or a dream?You have a lot of visions and dreams that you feel that God is giving you?


    This one was a vision. He shows me things sure but i cant boast about it or think Im special. He has his reasons for doing this and i admit it has helped my faith very much. I recieve these visions either when the holy spirit is literally burning inside me or when God and I are talking or having an intimate moment. The dreams happen less often


    You had an encounter with Jesus, Thats amazing:] I have always wanted to just sit at his feet while he teaches me things no man or person on earth could teach me. I have met him once and he is very sweet and kind and has a beautiful laugh and the fathers laugh is also amazing

    I just came across this post.  I find this very interesting.  How did you meet Jesus and the Father?  Was it in a dream or a vision?  How did it occur, and did Jesus have a conversation with you?


    I have met the father twice both times it was in a pure white place and Jesus i met in hell because he wanted to show me it so I would warn others of the horrors i saw. The problem is ppl disregarded it because it apparently did not fit scripture. Jesus did not speak much but i made him laugh. idk if he was big or i was just small but i fit in his lap like a small child.

  4. About six months ago I was being trained by God to trust him no matter the circumstance and I wanted to know exactly how much i would trust him and I saw this very encouraging vision.

    I was in a vast desert the sun was blazing I was sweating and was very hungry thirsty and tired I was literallycrawing in the sand.


    After crawling for a while the devil appeared and said you look hungry, Here i have brought you some bread eat and regain your strength. I replied no! Any food you have to offer me is unclean and will make me sick. I will put my trust in the Lord to feed me. He left and I Continued crawling


    After a while I was bone dry thirsty and satan again appeared and said you are very thirsty here I have brought you water drink and be refreshed. I replied no! That water is tainted and poisionous I will trust in God to give me water. he dissapeared and I kept crawling.


     after another while I was at my very limit I was going to die in the desert Satan appeared once more saying Fool you put your trust in God and yet he is letting you die If you wish to live worship me and call me your God.


     With the last of my strength I replied NEVER I trust and love My God and always will even if I am to die in this desert I want his will to be done above all not my own.Begon satan you have lost.

    He went away for good and angels came and nourished me

  5. I dont read about bible prophecy very much and i certainly dont like to think of the tribulation because of how bad it will be but I am willing for God to show me things good or bad. I dont see how coming back to earth to help serve and save ppl out of love is contrary scripture in fact it seems to fit scripture pretty well. The dream itself seems to be a little biblical, I think me trying to get to seven eleven represents my faith I saw seven eleven as my getting to the end and i was tired and thirst so just as in my faith i am very tired and very thirsty for God.

    I thought about going back and my house might represent something but Something said I have gone to far to turn back[Perhaps I have gone to far in my faith to turn back now?] And just like Lots and his family in sodom I was told not to look back.


    I admit some of these dreams are confusing seeing me serving the Lord in the tribulation you would think I am being shown a mid trib or post trib rapture but I have seen a pre trib rapture dream and vision as well. I only know to trust God and be grateful he shows me what he does


    fire-heart..... were you aware that you were not able to purchase anything at the 7/11 without the mark?  Maybe that is why you thought of Home.

    It was a dream.Dreams are not real...they are just...well....dreams.


    Again tell that to joseph the king of dreams



    That is a powerful dream.  Do you believe in a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture?  If your dream is a look into things to come, it would seem to indicate Christians must go through at least part of the great tribulation period.  What are your thoughts? 

    well i believe in a pre trib rapture however God has shown me the things i will do in those and honestly i couldnt be happier about it. i believe we masy see some thing before the rapture but when the rapture happens after being with the Lord for a time i want to come back to help serve and save ppl in the tribulation he has shown me doing this many times in visions.

    And it wont just be me God is creating a new race of Christians for this very purpose i know because i Have seen them. These ppl along with me will be deeply richly and powerfully filled with the holy spirit his love and all he is on a level this world has never seen.


    In my post in the last dream thread i made yesterday of the tribulation i explained it better


    God would not allow you to come back and help people on the earth.Once you are in heaven,you will stay there.


    I respectfully disagree or else he would not have shown me all these things

  8. Jesus speaks of a period of time called "the beginning of sorrows."  Do you think this could be what you are seeing?  Do you believe Christians that go in the rapture will have to endure a certain amount of persecution before it takes place, but before the actual 7 year tribulation period begins?  If Christians do go in the rapture, and are able to return to help others during the great tribulation period, do you believe they will return having their glorified body?

    it could be the beginning of sorrows I would have to look into more details on the beginning of sorrows. But ppl who are raptured do not have to return to earth at all but there are some ppl like me who will choose to go back out of deep love and concern for Gods children. But  God will give us more than enough of his love and power to not only serve and save others but be able to deal with severe pain as well. However severe the pain will be as we will may have to go through pain im not sure but however severe the pain is the love will be that much stronger.


    For all i know we will be completely protected by God from pain or any kind of suffering but i want to be willing to go through such severe pain for their sake because Jesus was willing to go that far and loved them that deeply so then so will I

  9. That is a powerful dream.  Do you believe in a pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture?  If your dream is a look into things to come, it would seem to indicate Christians must go through at least part of the great tribulation period.  What are your thoughts? 

    well i believe in a pre trib rapture however God has shown me the things i will do in those and honestly i couldnt be happier about it. i believe we masy see some thing before the rapture but when the rapture happens after being with the Lord for a time i want to come back to help serve and save ppl in the tribulation he has shown me doing this many times in visions.

    And it wont just be me God is creating a new race of Christians for this very purpose i know because i Have seen them. These ppl along with me will be deeply richly and powerfully filled with the holy spirit his love and all he is on a level this world has never seen.


    In my post in the last dream thread i made yesterday of the tribulation i explained it better

  10. So last night when when i posted the dream of the tribulation the holy spirit was very strong in me i felt his presence as i typed the dream i told everyone and something told me i was going to have another dream that night but i disregarded it because it wasnt likely.


    sure enough i did have a dream its short but here it goes. i saw a woman in a place i dont know and it sort of reminded me of how israel looks. she was stopped by some law enforcer not the police though just some type of law enforcer. she was not supposed to be out we all had a curfue and he asked her why she was and she replied because we[speaking of Christians] are not afraid to die for our faith. and he shoved her very hard to kill her as her head slammed on some stairs made of stone.


    Then it shifts to me i was in my nieghborhood and i was trying to walk to the seven eleven store past my neighbor hood but i was crawling because i was very tired and thirsty and somehow i knew i was in the tribulation. I thought about turning around to go to my house to get water but something told me i cant go back i have gone to far and to not look back.

    I then knew i desperately needed to go home my heavenly home and i  was waiting for the rapture to take place but i also was prepared to die and i knew they would cut off my head so i prayed to God that if that does have to happen that i would trust him and hand my life over to him so that if I lived or died as long as his will is done i wouldnt care

  11. Are you expecting to go through the tribulation fire-heart?

    to answer your question yes and no. when the rapture happens and after being with the Lord for a time i asked him if I may come back on earth to help and save his children. My very reason of being is to help and serve others and if i truly loved and cared for them as deeply as the Lord does how could I not come back on earth to save them?

  12. Wellts fine if one does not pay that much attention to dreams but if you saw what i saw you might change your mind. God speaks to us through dreams like joseph or the the pharohs in the old testament and they were not exactly clear or easy to understand but this one was quite clear to me

  13. it could very easily be my future yes because this is the path i chose. it wont just be me though God is creating a new race of Christian for this very scenerio. ppl so deeply and richly filled with his love and all he is on a level this world has never seen before. the kind of love and faith i seek is a kind where i would be more than willing to suffer in the fires hell for the salvation of just one person. i seek a dangerous level of love and faith because i just might have to suffer greatly for both his sake and theirs.


     But however severe the pain is the love will be that much stronger

  14. I hope this will give someone confirmation on something as it certainly did me but i had a dream of the tribulation a while back. first i saw demons which surprised me because i didnt expect to see actual demons. these demons slaughtered ppl every where the demons were enjoying themselves very much with the biggest grins and laughter. u could say they were giddy i even saw one rolling around in blood very happily.


    there was a terrible dark presence everywhere you went  and there was human body parts and puddles of blood everywhere and screaming and crying and it was always dark no sun no moon no stars and even though the street lamps worked there were some places in the streets where light could not exist and you could hear growling and occasional cackling from those places.


    but even as i saw this I myself was different i was filled so deeply and richly of Gods love that it created a blasting aura around me and it was so strong it seemed to pulse like some sort of powerful ray gun. there were other things different about me too because i saw a demon with a knife about to stab a crying woman and her daughter. something click in me and like lightning i went to save them. i  got in front of them and took the blade that would have killed them in my right hand.


    the blade went completely through my hand and blood spilled i saw myself and what i saw shocked me. i was so angry at the demon my eyes were literally blazing fire and i said to the demon in such an angry voice that i wont allow him to harm Gods ppl. even now when i think of it as i post this feel the rage inside and fiercness of protection i had for them


     then the next scene the ppl who had taken the mark were torturing me i was chained up going through all sorts of torture, pain no human could ever handle. the laughed and mocked me they had such a deep hatred for me and you couldnt see my face because my head was no doubt exhausted from the pain. I looked up and they expected to see my face weary or angry but as i looked up my eyes were so tnder full of love but at the same time a deep sadness because they could not be saved.


     i felt such deep sadness for what lies ahead of them and i was bawling wishing i could somehow save them. that is the end of the dream

  15. ......... this is very odd a friend told me Jesus quoted who the antichrist is in this scripture the words I saw satan fall like [Lightning] [From] [Heaven] in ancient hebrew as baraq o bamah. this has to be a misunderstanding right?

  16. i figured we should have a thread to brighten ppls day feel free to add to it.

    so who here likes sponge bob square pants? I LOVE sponge bob if nickelodeon ever dares to cancel it im  going to grab some torches and pitch forks and demand they continue it.

     Squidward is my favorite he has the worst luck and hates sponge bob but he is really funny.


    I also am obssessed with kitty cats i would have 20 of them if i could and dont get me started on kitten videos

  17. well i certainly meant no disrespect as i sometimes do not use my words right. my point was if God truly was fair we would pay the wages of our sins. what was unfair is that jesus had to die so we could be saved. i often tell him he shouldnt have to suffer for our sake. to me unfair has two sides the side where bad things happen to innocent ppl and the side where we recieve good things we are not deserving. my point in the op was we recieved what we didnt deserve and we reaped what we didnt sow

  18. on my walk today i was talking with God and i looked down and saw all the grass and dirt and bugs and suddenly imagined what it all looked liked as the size of a tiny ant. the grass would be a giant unending forest and the the dirt a giant desert and so many dangers like other bugs or tiny holes that from an ants point of view is a giant chasm of death and i said to myself oh my gosh its a world withing the world.


    I then related it to faith, imagine a simple prayer nothing special or deep just a simple honest prayer that to us is not really that great but imagine how much that one prayer means to God he wouldnt trade that prayer for anything because of how much it means to him.



    see? look through a different pair of eyes and everything changes. our perspective on things changes things drastically and can change our lives our faith and even or hearts

  19. Life is not fair and God is not fair. In life bad things happen to us, sometimes for no apparent reason and being undeserving bad things happen to good ppl. God also is not fair and praise God he isnt because if he was we would not recieve salvation or mercy and he would strike us where we stand, he would not hesitate to pour his unending and righteous wrath on us. sure its not like we chose to be born in to sin thanks to adam and eve but in all honesty if they hadnt eaten the fruit someone would have. i have a challenge for us all, the next time someone is unfair to you put your self in Gods shoes. in our sin and offensive behavior he offered grace and forgiveness so when someone does this to us what do you think we should do? If God is so forgiving when our offensive and sinful ways earned us a place in hell don't we at least owe him to act and treat others in the same manner? i once said to myself when things got bad this isn't fair! but neither is God silly Fire-heart

  20. Well lady kay what u speak of is unavoidable. no matter what forum u go to u will see this some a lot more than others. i used to go to Christian chat a very popular christian forum and ppl posted a lot more than here but it was not a loving envirement like here. the bible discussion forum was the most popular part of it but no one discussed the bible there that place was an all out warzone i mean it was just brutal there. was very little love even though we called ourselves Christians. I tried to show everyone what was going on but they loved arguing far too much to listen.

    This place however so far as i can tell is very easy going honestly the only thing i think could improve it is for ppl to post more often

  21. I dont know if i have posted this or not but i need to know what this dream means.

    A while back i had a strange dream i was being barraged by my family to give up my faith and i couldnt think straight because of how they were trying to get me to give it up. eventually i had enough and screamed my love for God is to great! and the sky opened up and a giant beam of Gods love came down and filled me up. at that point there was a large crowd including my family and a person named steve came at me and tried to attack me but a loud booming voice said KNEEL and he kneeled right in front of me.

    Thats the dream and i dont know what the meaning is but i will NOT have anyone kneel before me

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