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Posts posted by ravindran

  1. 1 hour ago, Sarah777 said:

    I'm 16, and I have betrayed myself and the lord. I don't know what I was thinking, I stopped praying for months, forgot about the Lord and forgot about myself. I was with so many men, all of which were much older than I, and it was all for this. This terrible mistake. 

    I am currently five months pregnant with a married man's baby. I need help from God and I need help from myself. 

    I need somebody to talk to and somebody to help me find my way back to my faith.

    Welcome and will be praying for you! The greatest encouragement is the promise from Lord Himself. He never leaves us or forsakes us. Wanted to post these verses as an encouragement.

    Romans 8:31-39New Living Translation (NLT)

    Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

    31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else?33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.

    35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”[a]) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.

    38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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  2. On 12/28/2017 at 9:18 AM, Mrssherin said:

    With tears in my eyes looking up unto god for miracle healing of cancel. I also call on you all Christian brothers and sisters. Please do email me your speical prayer point and bible verse to fight cancer as the doctors has confirm that I have just 6 months to live:  


    Praying for you

  3. 4 hours ago, Equippers said:

    i think most Christians who are paying attentions to current affairs knows open persecution is coming to the West sooner than expected.

    i am kind of surprised to see so many Christians still carry on as nothing is going to happen.

    i mean it is bad enough to go through persecution yourself, does one really want to watch their children or grandchildren go through it?

    anyway, i am not trying to say there is anything wrong with having kids, but right now seems to be worst possible timing.

    It is true persecution is increasing in the west. More than what people probably realize. However, it is true speculation to say it would so worse that it is better off not to have children. Bible does not even give a clue of not having kids when going gets difficult.

    When Hebrews were slaves in Egypt, they were having kids and growing like anything. Their population was going out of control! It was a blessing from Lord Himself.

    Psalm 127:3 - Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.

    If children are heritage from Lord, why people should refrain from having them?

  4. I think we should now stop giving advice to OP that numbers do not make sense or it is not possible to get the numbers. From all the replies, I guess OP does understand what is being conveyed. But seems like still wants to see some trends and so on. Which has been provided as well.

    Interestingly, this would come up only with Christianity! Because Christianity is the only way of life in which Salvation is not one's own doing. No one question a Hindu whether he is a true Hindu. Same goes with other religions. Because people simple ascribe to a particular religion. Only Christianity shows that it is Lord who saves people and not it is some membership kind of deal!

    • Loved it! 1
  5. Sorry everyone! Was off internet for a while. Everything went fine. Baby was born pretty soon! We went to hospital around 6 and baby was born at 12:30PM. Baby and mom are doing wonderful. It is another princess! Have 3 girls now :) Have named her Analise Noella.

    Truly appreciate all the prayers.

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  6. 1 minute ago, other one said:

    So you disagree with the translation to tempt.....

    Yes, a literal reading of Lord's prayer would make it sound contradicting with James. So I do agree with Pope that the translation is not best here. But I don't think the intent of the scripture is to even talk about temptation.

  7. And just to add on. I don't agree with Pope's translation though! The intent of the scripture is not to say please help us not to face temptation. The actual Greek word used for temptation is translated as 

    (a) trial, probation, testing, being tried, (b) temptation, (c) calamity, affliction.

    The prayer is asking Lord to lead us not into trials, calamity or affliction. But rather deliver us from evil.




  8. For once I have to agree with the Pope! And frankly, people are giving an incorrect headline to the news. He is not really changing Lord's prayer. He is asking to consider the real meaning and questioning whether the English translation is rendering the right interpretation. If someone would ask us to explain, we would say Oh Lord never tempts a person (and quote James). And we would say "what the Scripture really says here is...". Pope is saying why not just say what we actually intent to say!

  9. On 5/10/2017 at 11:08 AM, FollowerOfTheWay said:

    Why would Jesus start a new religion such as Christianity? Isn´t it enough that we just follow his footsteps all the way to heaven? Isn´t it enough that we just follow his example? I don´t think that Jesus is an exception that no one can follow. I believe that Jesus came to demonstrate an universal path back home, a path that we all can follow. Jesus said, "follow me."

    NOTE: I cannot reply on your posts as I don´t have that option yet.

    Jesus did not come to start a new religion. Jesus is the fulfillment of entire OT. That is why Bible has both OT and NT. Entire Scripture points towards Jesus.

    And in general, Jesus did not come to just show another way to heaven just like other religions. Jesus said "I am THE WAY". He made is very clear that He is the only way. There is no way a person can say I follow Jesus and still believe there are other ways to heaven. The person is not a true follower of Jesus in that case. Exclusivity is something unique in Bible. Most of the other religions are inclusive. Because they only explain sin. They do not explain a sufficient remedy (important - sufficient. They all give some remedy which is not sufficient and they do acknowledge that). Bible is the only Holy Book which explains sin nature of humans and provides sufficient remedy. Which is faith in Jesus Christ

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  10. 1 hour ago, zorgblar said:

    A atheist and me started talking and their main argument was God can't exist if he existed before time.How do i explain this?

    You can quote many verses to show that time is immaterial to God. Will that change his belief? I don't think so. Atheists like to engage in these debates with an intent to put believers down. To put us down that they are superior to us in knowledge. While they lack true knowledge of God.

    And how does he explain why God can't exist before time? What is the argument for that? There would be none.

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  11. I think the qualifications laid out for a deacon is a strong case against polygamy. Paul gives qualifications for a deacon and one of them is "husband of one wife". While this was a qualification laid specifically for leaders, it simply reflects the standard of holiness required to serve the Lord. In Christ, everyone is the same. And these standards are pretty much applicable for every believer. Everyone is a servant of the Lord. Considering this, polygamy is not a standard acceptable in the presence of Lord.

    There are certain things which need not be explicitly stated in the Bible to be considered immoral. Even non-believers, atheists, people of other faith all predominantly agree that polygamy is immoral.

  12. On 11/9/2017 at 8:10 PM, pogi said:

    Ever since I was 12 years old I wanted either to donate my body to medical science or be cremated. I understand Jesus rose from the dead in the body that he was crucified in, and that when he was crucified the SAINTS could be seen walking in the streets. 

    I do not think we will be resurrected in the bible we have now - I once was told by a deacon of a church that smoking is not a DEATH sin, but if we smoke on earth we will smell like smoke when we are resurrected. The bible is clear: the new body of a Christian will be a glorified body like the body of the exalted Christ, and it will never experience weakness, disease, suffering, or death.  

    Peace and Love to all




    This would be a personal choice. I do not understand why someone would insist only burying. It's not like their body is preserved forever! Worms would eventually eat them away and nothing would be left. Still Lord will resurrect "All believers".

  13. This is from the article. Sounds more like New Age doctrines.

    Her congregation was part of "New Thought Christianity," a philosophy that dates to the 1800s and emphasizes the teachings of Jesus, practical principles of a liberal form of Christianity and an openness to metaphysics and other philosophical thought, according to the Religion News Service.

    • This is Worthy 1
  14. On 11/17/2017 at 9:30 PM, Butterfly28 said:

    2 people on the same day asked me about microchips inserted  in their pets in case they get lost so they can track their location.

    seems like this is a prelude to the possible mark of the beast.

    how  do I prevent my own pet from getting chipped? she needs to get neutered by a vet.

    and why has the Lord brought this to my attention?

    Anyone experience anything similar- or have friends or family that have gone thru this?

    do pets that get chipped still go to heaven?


    When it comes to animals, there is really no need to microchip them. I know there are lot of animals that carry some sort of device with them to track their movements. May be the intent is to test on animals before introducing in humans. But the technology is already tested and available. Not sure why they would do that as well.

  15. 1 hour ago, LadyKay said:

    At my church. If a women request that she be prayed with. The pastor will ask for the women of the church to gather around her and pray for her. If a man ask for prayer. The pastor will ask that the men of the church gather around him and pray for him. I have been wondering why it is separate? Why not just ask anyone who is willing to come can pray with this man or this women? Instead of the women pray with the women and men pray with the men? I am not going to argue about what is right or what is wrong. I just want to know if other churches do this and if there is a reason for it. I just find it interesting that my church, which I would describe as being a bit modern. Follows this tradition.

    This is exactly what we do in our Church. We are a small Church and most of us know each other personally very well. So there are occasions when a male might feel it is better to lay hands on female for prayer and vice-versa. But let's say there is someone who is a bit new, it would not happen. Yowm makes a very good point. It also has to do with comfort feeling of the person. For example, I am very sure my wife would not be comfortable when men lay hands on her, whom she does not know very well.

  16. 10 hours ago, creativemechanic said:

    Something that interested me in a sermon i heard. Tell me what you think. Whose advice would you think is more appropriate

    jealous 2.JPG

    After marriage, there should be nothing that can come between husband and wife. They have become one flesh. Even friendship. Today many couple create separation in their marriages in the name of "needing own space". Without realizing, the space keeps increasing and separates them forever. Loving couples should always strive to close the space as much as possible and not try to create space between them.

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  17. I agree with above Gandalf. I wouldn't call them as cult. Again, cult is a loosely used term. Any unorthodox belief is often called as cult. I like the definition quoted by gotquestions for what a cult means. Going by that definition, I wouldn't call Amish people as cults. They have extreme views on certain things - using modern technology, mixing with people outside of their community, education, etc. 


    I visit Amish community often in Lancaster PA. Found many positive things as well. There are certainly many good things we can learn from them :)

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