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Everything posted by creativemechanic

  1. Its actually true to life. Often we condemn other Christians for things which are preferences or pretty minor while we gladly indulge in actual sins. Ive seen a backslidden Christian who barely does anything except attend on Sunday morning and had habits most Christians know not to do but blasted another Christian woman whos more active just because she wears tight jeans.
  2. Thank you.Pretty much hit the nail on the head. But often it can be Christians who have backslidden and haven't yet realised it. So they feel justified on blasting someone who doesn't follow their cultural standards while they themselves don't follow godly standards
  3. this reminds me of one o my first comics. I drew a picture of the men who were planning to stone the woman in adultery but stopped when Jesus told them - Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and then another with Jesus telling her to go an sin no more. The point being people always remember the 1st but not the second. I showed it to a person who i considered a friend but thankfully no longer do. He ignored everything in it and chose to comment on the fact that I need to draw rocks on the ground around the men. Why do when people do things ,we willfully ignore the point trying to be made and instead the tiny little often opinionated "imprefections"
  4. Her hands are a totally different colour from the shirt. There's a visible neck line in the blouse....
  5. If we're not careful,this can be us. (Please don't make this a should women wear pants debate)
  6. Similar sentiments can go to childless couples. I've heard of people being asked about when they're getting kids the day after their wedding
  7. Oh no. Not so much at my church. Moreso coming from various other christians from various places and countries. I think it's a cultural regional thing (Caribbean)
  8. Im more concerned about the massive about of work that get piled on these men. Its terrying
  9. nothing at all. but read the comments (all authentic ones i heard) they go beyond suggesting being proactive. If you gonna quote scripture about waiting on God for something, you cant then ask someone why havent they gotten something else and pressure them to get it. Wouldnt it be that its not in Gods time yet?
  10. Has anyone ever noticed that we can do this unconsciously. That is,choose when and where we apply certain biblical principles and when not to, even though they should apply across the board.
  11. The story is funny but it's something we can all do (in different)circumstances if we dont watch ourselves.
  12. I saw this in a book and found it hilarious. While true to lifr it reminds me of all the disciples who left Jesus upon hearing how hard the life serving him would be
  13. 1. sorry to hear about your family's issues. I didnt think anyone would be offended by it. The post was not meant to offend. It was a joke I saw in a book and found the real life application interesting 2. That wasnt at the mental issues but rather the evil women quote. I found that accusation a bit extreme. Ive posted all sorts of stuff but people seem to think I have some image of women as being somehow evil. Truth is since there are only 2 sexes , there will be pics with woman some o the time. its not like i have that much options.
  14. I love how people on this board take things off track 99% of the time and criminally miss the point. All i was trying to show was that sometimes we feel bad when we don't get things becuase sometimes we are actually being saved from something be in getting allegations of always showing women badly and using outdated references to mental asylums.
  15. rigggghhhhhttttttttt..... ya kinda missing the forest for the trees there pal
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