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Everything posted by creativemechanic

  1. The bible is full of pertinent messages and important accounts which we can model our lives after. However, its full of funny accounts and stories which have a bit of humour in them. Have you found anything in scripture which you find humourous? Pharisees vs Jesus 1 ; Matthew 12. Jesus removes a demon from a man who was deaf and mute. The Pharisees accuse him of doing it by Satans power. Jesus pretty much points out that -Why would Beelzebub give me power to cast out his own demons. A kingdom divided against itself cant stand. In Exodus 32 -When Moses confronted Aaron about the making of the golden calf- Aaron claims he put the gold in the furnace and the calf popped out. Yes... a fully formed calf pops right out of the melted gold. 2 Samuel 1 When Saul killed himself, one of his soldiers looted his body and brought the crown to David lying that he was an Amalekite who mercy killed him (possibly hoping for a reward). David instead got mad and had him killed for killing Gods annointed. Lesson :Dont tell lies
  2. Im not saying get out. But Ive noticed a trend in other forums where people who are opposed to the ideals of the group or page, join an d just disagree or make negative comments about the subject area. Eg A facebook page highlighitng African history or African pride will have causacians joining and making racist remark or downplay black achievements. If youre against it , why join? Do you want to learn or discuss or just make trouble?
  3. If youre not a Christian, why are you in a Christian forum?
  4. Not so much. Heres how it basically went. The mother was a former attendant who never got saved and left to live how she wanted after a while. She and I were friends actualy. Her father still regularly attended and on occasion, the child would come, once every couple of months with him. One day , the mother out of the blue messages me asking if I could put her daughter in the christmas programme, as I coordinated alot of it. I explained , just let her come regularly and theyll give her a part. The child in fact did not come regularly in the months leading up to the programme, if memory serves correct, not at all. As the programme drew close, I asked the mother if they were coming to see the programme and she told me- Im not. I told you to put my child in the programme and you didnt. It amazing how the bible often predicts many things long before theyd happen- 1 Timothhy 5:22 says: New King James Version Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure Churches often offer opportunities to people to shine and show off their talents- singing , playing instruments act etc. Sometimes people with no interest in church or serving God will come. Its easy to be dazzled by a persons talent or wanting to give people chances and give people who arent interested, opportunities. This can be disastrous if we arent careful to vex who we give opportunities because it can damage the church and christianity as a wholes ministry. Youll have people living any kind of was in open sin want to come up onstage and perform and disappear when they dont have to or even troublemakers join a ministry both of which can be disastrous
  5. it is a fake convo. Hence the cartoon child in it, but as I said it was based on an actual situation I was in
  6. This is a situation I literally went through when I used to coordinate and direct our church Christmas programme. The parent in question was a former youth group/ church attendant who'd send her daughter by with her grandfather every few months. Theres a valuable lesson here. Can you find it? P.S The last box should be grey not green
  7. I dont see him as being a busy body at all. If I saw a friend or brothers child doing something questionable,I thin its best to go to them directly as opposed to spreading it behind their back
  8. Its a fake convo based on an actual situation I know of. I chose the cartoon image cause it wouldnt be right to put a real humans pic
  9. yeah i noticed it right after posting but I didnt bother editing it. Thanks though
  10. There are some harsh things about this Christian life that we are better off learning earlier than later. Often many of them have actual biblical support but we may have not noticed them or how deep the verse is relating to it. What are some lessons youve learned about the christian life that you'd like to share, so we all can benefit? Here are mine- 1) It's easy to drop your guard among fellow church attendants that we would among people we meet elsewhere but DONT. The church doors are open to EVERYONE with no limit to who can enter. And they do, for a whole host of reasons- some are unsaved people seeking God but still living the unsaved life, some are unsaved people who go because of tradition or just feeling they need religion in life, some grow up there and never get saved, some are christians with their own struggles etc .As a result, you can find any and everyone in church with a whole host of issue. Some of which may require a degree of caution around them. the bible warns us about this 1 Timothy 5:22-24 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure. Spending my whole life in church and most of it in youth ministry , I can attest to this. Some of the advice, comments and encouragements from people youd meet in church,when the pastors or youth leaders arent there would make you wonder if they actually listened to anything being taught. 2)Satan is an excellent investor. When he offered Jesus the world if he would bow down to him, he wasnt necessarily lying. He has LOTS of resources and has no qualms about using them on a person if it will catch him in his net. Persons who've struggled with addictions like drugs, alcohol pornography etc can attest to this- anytime you make the effort to stop, randomly opportunities to carry out that sin will pop up. So always be on guard when you make a decision to remove something from your life. A man we once witnessed to told us, he got saved and threw away all of his porn. Right after he did it, a friend popped up with a fresh set of xxxx dvds that he had just burned for him. What are yours?
  11. thats a whooooooollllllle lot of supposing. Something id advise against in scripture
  12. Its their attitude to falling. When David was corrected about his sins, he quickly repented and God showed mercy. Saul and Cain often got angry, lashed out and remained in their sin.
  13. Yeah. Its hard but God wont answer our prayers in the time we think he should or he may be and we dont realise. We should still keep it up though
  14. huh? Shes dancing in a club and the parents say they witness to her? What eastern stuff?
  15. What would you say here. It's based on a statement I heard a christian man say.
  16. This is a funny story from a christian book im reading. What do you think.
  17. Based on an actual conversation I had with a christian couple. Their daughter who grew up in church with me had married an unsaved man and they had used the exact same arguement when I in passing mentioned about unequally yoked. I handt the the heart to tell them that she didnt live much like a christian when she was going to church and had married him when she stopped attending . Another similar situation happened when I was speaking about homosexuality to another professed Christian. They fiercely attacked and found excuses to debunk all of the verses speaking against it going so far as to claim the bible said it was an abomination, not a sin. To them - abomination meant unnatural, not necessarily wrong. It bewildered me until in passing they later mentioned their eldest child was a lesbian and had moved in with her girlfriend. A point made by a christian youtuber was this- When dealing with such issues, its important we as christians resolve to take a side regardless ie purpose to stand with God and his word regardless of what our loved ones are doing. Not doing so means we may slide over to a more permissive attitude
  18. I think Ive been misinterpreted. Some people will never marry because God doesnt have that for them in their lives and some people will be content and happy with their singleness. Nothing wrong with that. God knows whats best for them. What my issue is when people make it out that a relationship and God and an intimate relationship with another are exactly the same thing. Theyre not. What i once saw was in another Christian forum a woman saying she was wishing for a husband and someone told her you have a relationship with Jesus, isnt that enough. It was like he was trying to guilt her for wanting something totally human and natural. When God created man, he acknowledged the benefit of a spouse-"Its not good for man to be alone" and the bible in different places points out marriage as a positive thing. A relationship with God and one with a human being are two totally different types of relationships so we shouldnt try to act like one has the exact same dynamic and benefits as the other, the bible never does (as far as I know). Since we cant hear, touch or see God, the relationship dynamic with Him and a spouse that is visible, audible and tangible will be different. There are things we can do with one you cant do with the other.
  19. trust me. You really didnt. You accused me of judging ,when all i did was express disagreement with a statememt people made. You may want to reread and see if you werent the one doing the judging
  20. You may want to reread what you just said.
  21. No offense to you but I personally HATE to hear people try to equate these 2 together. A relationship with God and a human relationship are 2 different entities each with its own benefits. As far as I know, the Bible never makes them out to be the same.People need to stop trying to say 1 can replace the other. Some people can live alone and be completely fulfilled with their relatiopnship with God and theres nothing wrong with that. But people need to stop acting like you shouldnt want to be married because you have Jesus. God is invisible, inaudible and intangible, so there are plenty of things in a marriage that you wont get from your relationship with God- physical company, emotional support, sex etc and the bible in various verses speaks on the merits of these things. Saying things like that can be very insensitive to people who want to get married because it makes it seem like they shouldnt want something the Bible says is good.
  22. there are 2 sides to every story. People like to romaticizie things without pointing out the other ends How many of such matchups work like that. Often, marriagaes are arranged for financial convenience, sometimes little girls get bethrothed to men who are already adults when they are now born etc.People say muslims do arranged marriages and they work out, but they dont point out how fast muslims also divorce
  23. While i think his reaction is wrong. Shes wrong for hiding the kids. Let him see what hes getting up front so he can decide before he starts to connect. Not every man or woman is keen on being a step parent and they have every right to
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