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Posts posted by creativemechanic

  1. Something to remember. 

    Unless it's forbidden scriptutally or may become a stumbling block, many things aren't 'out of bounds' for our worship. Many times  we are just conditioned  by tradition to think that's how it's to be ( music styles,  KJV only)

    Many splits woukd be avoided if we acknowledged that things dont always have to be done our way. Things don't have to stay the same because that's what were comfortable  with them and everything doesn't always have to change because we want something new. 

    Also if we decide to leave or absent ourselves from something  because it's not how we like it,it may mean we have some spiritual issues to deal with.


  2. 12 hours ago, LadyKay said:

    I think we need to be careful when telling people "this is a cure". While eating well and taking care of yourself is important and can help keep you healthy. It is not a "cure" for Covid-19 or the flu.  People with compromised immune systems do not always heal. Some of them die. 

    Exactly. Tbh.when I saw Fox news on something I get skeptical. It's notoriously biased.  If anything it's probably downplaying how bad covid19 is to justify the reopening

    • Oy Vey! 1
  3. 7 hours ago, LadyKay said:

    Oh my gosh! My mother can not even pick a good Christmas gift for me. I don't even what to think about who she would pick to marry me!  :24::blink::o

    I actually  wanted to call her out on it and tell her she just wants  to marry off thr poor  woman asap but discretion is the better  part of valor .

    The daughter herself told me that she finds people who marry  eatly in life can't fathom that people will get married  later than they did

  4. I have a inspirational Christian book called Never go back.

    One point made in it is not living to please everyone including getting into things-fields of study,jobs even marriages  which they don't want or dislike because  of  what others want or expect of them .

    Not just because  of your wants  but because  the other persons desires for you  may  conflict with God's purpose that he revealed to you

    Also it shows especially to parents, as well intended as they may be its not your place to pressure your by now adult children where you think they have to go,while advice is good you still have to leave people to their decisions. There are miserable people who got pressured into lives by parents who thought they knew what's best.

    I literally heard a mother of a single woman in her 30s  (ine of those encourage singles to get married types) say she wonders of parents shouldn't be able to pick their children's spouses ,since they know them the best.  

    Inspired me to draw this 


  5. 20 hours ago, DDisconnect said:

    I can guess at a few?

    First, she is never shown to actually speak to him. The only interaction we can see is her frequenting his page and liking his posts. You can't expect someone to notice you if you don't talk to them. Then while I haven't used social media in years and I don't know all the little "signs and hints" people use, I assume her likes were meant to be taken as a subtle hint to notice her. A little "look at me". It's always better to just be direct rather than waste everyone's time being coy.

    Second, she is not liking the photo of him with the girl. I would first state that there is no actual context as to who this girl even is. She could be his girlfriend... Or his sister, or a cousin, or even just a friend. Maybe she's a coworker or a celebrity he took a selfie with. However, because she is interested in him, her immediate assumption is that the girl is his girlfriend. Her desire to not like the post may indicate a sort of petty selfishness. I assume she felt entitled to him even though, as I said, it's on her for never doing anything beyond liking his posts. Even then, if they had spoken, that's not a guarantee that he would return the interest. If you love someone, you want what will make them happy. That's not to say that I can't understand initial disappointment (I'm sure many of us have experienced likewise), but still.

    Heres what I gleaned.

    I falls in the line of -Make no provision for the flesh.

    Shes repeatedly looking at the profile pic of the man(note he clothes are changing) who is clearly unavailable and depressing herself doing it. So why not stop?

    If looking at his pics  makes you feel bad or even causes you to covet then stop looking at it. Remove him as a social media contact if that's what it takes.

    Often we complain about things that hurt, tempt or negatively affect us but yet put ourselves in situations where  the damage can happen.

    If you know hanging with a certain group results in you being influenced in behaving badly- dont hang with them. (i've had to do that)

    If you;re attracted to a married person and looking at their  pics online draws you... dont look at them

  6. 7 hours ago, anynmsfmly said:

    What if ketchup prefers the ice cream, tho,......... ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Ketchup is still crying, despite his "perfect" "match", Coming, along,................. :cry_smile:

    It hasn't seen the fries yet.  But here's my interpretation.

    Often times we try hard to make things work out for us-getting into a relationship, getting into a job or ministry etc and they don't work out. This can make us depressed ,sad , angry etc. Truth is , they aren't for us, we  just can't see it due to our limited human knowledge. God in His infinite knowledge and love knows this and  prevents it for our own good. (i.e  ketchup  trying with ice cream)

    Then what happens  is when God knows the time is right, He  sends along the  right opportunity  randomly when we often least expect it so we can see that it's Him, not our efforts that got it for us.

    (See how the fries  come over and talk to the ketchup while Ketchup  isn't looking)

    I've heard story after story of Christians  who got the opportunity or job that they really enjoyed or wanted randomly and unexpectedly  plopped into their laps (of course they were to grab it).

    I prayed for months to find an affordable car because my old one was garbage and buying a new one would empty my savings. One day my uncle visited from overseas and my mother  randomly told him I wanted  a car. He said ok and they saw a car on the road for sale. He paid the $10 000 for it. My mother  took that car and I drive her previous one which I love and still have today.

    Same applies  for spouses. When you're single too long, married people tend to harass you to get married. Some misquote  scripture ( seek and ye shall find)  or try to pressure  you to try with people that you're not interested in and accuse you of being too picky if u don't. 


    I've heard story after story  of how many Christian couples have met so randomly.  Either something odd happens that make them to meet (my pastors wife  actually sat  next to him on a plane) or God opens their eyes to someone who was already there (scores of people  who grew up in church together and didn't notice each other  for years randomly  noticed each other and got married.

    So basically. TRUST GOD

  7. 2 hours ago, Daniel Marsh said:

    It was my impression that there was one JW and two LDS Missionaries.     The JW built his watchtower and the LDS built their castle --- all under the power of man;   Not by the power of God. 

    Also, who had the saw?



  8. Very much so.

    An example i was told was a mother of a student helped with the laundry  for  the school sports teams outfits.  A male teacher  would go pick them up. Someone saw him at the house  and told her boyfriend insinuating they were having an affair. The  boyfriend got angry, punched the mother in her face packed up and left the house 

  9. I been reading  a Christian book on gossip.It's revealed some effects of carelessly speaking about others that we may not notice. Here a one that stuck with me.

    We all make mistakes or lives lives that we may not now be proud of. When we keep retelling them, we may keep  a stigma or reputation thats no longer applicable alive long after the person has out grown it 


  10. On 4/7/2020 at 10:53 AM, Melinda12 said:

    In fact a reality. 

    If in the UK any old person gets the coronavirus, they will not be given respirators? As i understand. This means our old will be left to die if they have pneumonia. 

    The chilling thing is, this seems to be already an accepted fact. The young will take precedence. 

    How on earth did we come to this? Most of us have beloved aging parents, family member, friends. How will we deal with it? 


    It's harsh but simple.  The young are more potentially productive  to a society than the ages. They have more potential  years of work and reproduction in them left. It's  a terrible choice to make really sad we have reached desperation to come to that  but it simply makes more sense.

  11. 3 hours ago, Melinda12 said:

    None in my heart for what China has done and the role of the WHO in it. Trump is right, i applaud him. Why should America continue to fund this? Look at the destruction and loss of life caused by China, they tell lies, cover up and serve their own selfish interests. They must be made to pay. Huge economic punishment should be exacted on them. They cannot be thriving and profiting any longer. WHO is flawed in it's decision making. This is the result. 

    What can the Christian standpoint possibly be here? Take it lying down? I cannot accept that. Not with my mother and father and all my loved ones and friends in such danger. 


    Be mindful of that attitude . It's mindsets like that which grown if unchecked and turn into prejudices  and  hatreds. the nazis blamed  jews for economic problems in the country and look what happened.

    Most of the people in these countries  had nothing  to do with the government's  decisions

    • Thumbs Up 1
    • Well Said! 1
  12. 2 hours ago, LadyKay said:

    Well you never know what God can do. We all started out as unbelievers and sinners.

    No arguement there at all. Just amazing how accurately the catroon depicts the situation. And others. Ya'll always take these things beyond the point of the O.P

  13. 1 hour ago, missmuffet said:

    Just because a person goes to Church does not make that person a Christian. Just like if a person sits in a garage it doesn't make them a car.

    Oh trust me . I know that. Have for decades. But  imagine the notion that he's not only a disbeliever and aggressively  opposed  one but still sits in church regularly for the same of his wife.  I guess love really conquers all

  14. It's kinda black comedy but I literally saw this. 

    We were on a tour for a coursr and people started to debate religion.  One man in the debate was aggressively opposed to the bible and biblical principles. When asked what he believed,he explained-He doesn't  believe any of the bible  but his wife's a Catholic so he attends church with her to show solidarity.

    So basically ,he's sitting in church for years people may even think he believes while thinking  it's all a bunch of garbage. Pretty much tares and wheat analogy there.



  15. 6 hours ago, missmuffet said:

    That is true. When I was young I used to have "fair weather friends" they only want to be friends with you for what you have. They want something from you and then they are out of your life. It took me a long time to catch onto that. 

    also be mindful of people who just want you to give and dont care if u may need what they want- be it money ,energy or time. People like that will try to guilt you for saying no when they could easily get themselves or get from other people.

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